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Her lips craved the taste of whiskey
and arms cuddle with razor blades
to counteract the years of beatings, death threats
and destructive love
Please O' Lord
Don't let this consume me
This burning urge to do injustices
To violate her sheets
To desecrate her temple
God Almighty
What a beautiful temple you've made
Carved to perfection, it entices me
How can I resist this temptation?
She is my every craving
Tell me Dear Lord
Is it wrong for me to admire your art?
To gaze upon the bareness of her walls
Feel the thickness in her stature
And if So...
forgive me Father
For I can no longer restrain my hands
My tongue can't stay in its cage
My body can not be with out hers
She must be consumed by me
By My lust
~Corona Harris~
 Jan 2016 Jessie Taylor H
i am a prisoner to your fingertips and i am recidivating and falling in love with a jail cell is not glamorous but i’m not sure how to stop
i have scraped my fingernails with barbed wire trying to get rid of you, why won’t you leave?
there are gaps between our teeth so the breath between you and i can keep us alive during the times we binge on kisses
is this what it feels like to be an addict?
i cannot rest until your lungs have swallowed my consciousness and for a heart to keep beating there must be a reason and this is why people die of heartbreak because ******* it, there is no reason without you
my heart hasn’t stopped beating; i think it is just as hopeful
teeth don’t always have to bite so why do you use them as weapons?
not only am i a prisoner to your fingertips but to your mind, to the gaps between your teeth even when you can’t bear to kiss me, to the idea that one day i’ll receive a get-out-jail-free card and you’ll be waiting at the iron gates for me
i don’t have a release date but i expect i’ll be serving a lifelong sentence
i am barricaded in and all i can hear is your voice all i can see is your face all i can do is clutch on to the voice i lost a long time ago but i would scream if i could and do you know how lonely it is being a prisoner in an abandoned jail?
i am a prisoner to your body and every time you demand my touch, i am there and every time you throw me away, locked up and silenced for days, i am not plotting my escape
i am famished and starved and famished and starved, i think it’s because you keep swallowing my consciousness and no amount of food will fill me; i have grown accustomed to being empty
i am a prisoner to your fingertips and i have fallen in love with this jail cell home
legal term for reoffending
 Jan 2016 Jessie Taylor H
I'd like to hear my heart sing
Songs of loves about me
But I guess I can only hope
Cause I for one am alone

I'd dread the day that I know
That I will end up alone
For my prince lost his way
And found another girl

I guess I'll just sing some love songs
Of what it could've been
As my heart tries to piece
Some broken melodies
Is it weird
That I cling
To the songs
I know he listens to
To feel his feelings
Pretending I have his heart?
She’s a walking beauty

I fell in love with her extravagance

Every moment is magnificent

Her innocence is my perfume

Just her presence alone lights up the whole room

So picture perfect

I’m zooming in for a better view

Cropping out the background

Centering my focus

Her mind is so open

Her thoughts are so outspoken

This girl is not me

This girl is who I want to be

— The End —