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Jordan Fischer Jul 2016
Towards the end of a mans life
A moment flickers into his mind
A reflection of happiness
A feeling of happiness floods his brain
Fuelled by his memories
This is the help he receives for his unfortunate journey
It makes it palpable
This is what happens when he is not in control

But if he is in control
Then the moment becomes his life
The flicker becomes a weight
The weight blocks the happiness
All thats left is the depressing weight
Of the memories he isn't receiving
Now his unfortunate journey feels needed
Because his happy memories
Are not being remembered

Control or not, it's what you leave behind
You will live on
Through everyone you made smile
Jordan Fischer Jul 2016
To win my heart you simply have to make it race
Physically or chemically.
A cheap thrill with a lack of grace
Temporary emotions, as my heart runs in place
Fatal exercise for both body and mind
But to me, the risk is worth the rub
Hoping but never finding, a lifelong thrill
Full of grace.
A grace so beautiful, that my heart required no winning.
It is there to take.
She simply has to decide to do so
But its that decision that terrifies me more than any chemical.
Jordan Fischer Jul 2016
It's amazing how much living you can miss out on with a simple polite refusal.
In an instant you must jump off the carousel
Landing among the infinite paths that intersect into oblivion
That instant you jump can feel like a lifetime, but do not weigh it as such
To dwell on a single leap is to miss the opportunity still ahead.

Just jump with confidence
Confidence instilled by knowing that wherever you may land,
happiness or not, you are always one chance, one jump away from that happiness.

The carousel is spinning to fast to jump back on.
So never regret the jump you made, for it is gone.
Spinning into oblivion with the jumps not taken.
And there is no way of getting it back,
But why would you want it.
Next jump, Happiness.
Jordan Fischer Jul 2016
There is nothing extraordinary here
A city built on the river, with it's outskirts burning.
Anger and salary mimic personality

Creativity seeks happiness and inspiration
Those imbued with creative wealth, leave and search.
Those without, settle and gripe.

West I will wander, In search of inspiration.
Basking in knowledge,
Will result in happiness.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2016
A beautiful butterfly beams by in the brisk bright morning hours.
The alliteration of the first line is enough to make you swoon.
Beauty comes in many forms as such as an amazing altogether auspicious line of aggressive, aggrandizing well written word play

But just think of the amount of well written expression that was possible with any of those starter lines.

Instead you are full of nagging narcolepsy that nags at your knees.
Falling below even the fewest standards
Jordan Fischer Jun 2016
Some say real poetry can only be written on paper.
Technological advances numb the emotional flow that surges through the pen and lays itself upon the paper.

However, it is with the notes on my phone that I have written almost everything.
Poems within notes.
Stories within docs.

The amount of times within a piece of writing that emotions or inspiration falters or flickers, can be infinite. Does something need to die just for me to etch my thoughts into its skin?

Thoughts and emotions written and shared with such ease.
Is one of the greatest advancements in recent times.
Being heard and being able to hear.
Write and edit forever.

Keep things alive, and think of all the more beauty there will be to write about.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2016
Who do you call when there is no one to call?
Your last friend that catches your sense of humour, dies without a sense of humour
The friend that generally made up all of your contacts

Calls beforehand of daily progress always went answered to a mother who no longer exists
They were followed by a friend who absorbed everything said
These absorptions poisoned the well of humour and goodwill that you befriended in the first place

Your contacts list might grow in the days ahead
But the optimism that that idea requires to believe in  and the failed rate of your previous confidants make you feel you should protect all
Keep everything within, never explode.
Hopefully implode.
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