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St Patrick’s day
St Patrick’s day
The best day in the world
Where the streets are coloured green my love
The best day in the world
Lepricorns and green pizza slices
Having so much fun
People in green top hats smoking green pipes yes that is so much fun
St Patrick was a true Catholic
Who lived life to the full
Great Irish Sea shanty’s
Playing right down the road
Giving gifts in bags
To everyone in the crowd
Children’s dance groups
Dancing to true Irish music
Kids in back of police cars
Having a ****** ball
Also in fire engines
Putting out an Irish fire
St Patrick st Patrick
A day of fun for all
Johnny brown is captured in the psych ward

You see with the cannula stuck in Johnny’s arm he started to hear voices from his crazy head and David and raeleen sent him to Ron so he can be able to help him and they weighed him and
Tried to give him medication and Johnny replied, I don’t want any of your fucken medication it is causing really bad side effects and Ron said Johnny, you need this because your mind hasn’t been better since we inserted the cannula into your arm and it made your arm swell up, I understand your frustration and you need to go on abilify to calm yourself down and Johnny said I am not sick well I am but not mentally it is physical and the doctors put the cannula in my arm my arms swell up and you guys are saying that I have a mental problem when it is your own fucken fault and you are going to give me a shot of a psychotic medication which will not cure me instead of a antibiotic to help relieve the swelling
So, Ron if you are a psychiatrist ******* and send me back to the fucken doctors because these aren’t a mental illness it is my fucken arm which you quacks caused by sticking a fucken cannula in my arm
And Ron said there is nothing I can do, the doctors said you need a mental health assessment and Johnny said if you give me psychotic medication I won’t take it
This is your way of saying your not negligent and you fucken are, Ron said ok I will give you a brain scan to see if there is anything there, because if there isn’t anything there, I don’t Know I just don’t like your ***** mouth, Johnny said I was meeting my son at the club for a beer to celebrate getting out and you guys are sticking me in here because of a bit of ***** mouth, Ron asked are you hearing voices and Johnny said my voices are saying get me the **** out of here and send me back to the fucken ward
I am not fucken crazy like I have no idea of killing a woman and putting her head in my fridge and Ron said, let’s talk about that then and Johnny said I am not going to do that, Ron said why say it if you are not mentally ill and I won’t stab a gay man in the chest ******* think I am crazy
You guys should see a psychiatrist for sticking a cannula in my arm and forcing
A bit of swelling
I will soo you ya ****
Ron put Johnny in isolation to calm him down and force fed psychotic medication into him, mind you this put Johnny right to sleep
I actually played a rocker of a game of rugby league

You see I was on my way
To play with the raiders
I wasn’t sure how I will play
But I was very unsure
I was listening to YouTube playlist
On my iPhone
The song was bad bad Leroy brown
Making me think of a song I wrote
Called big bad Brian Allan
I ran into the field
To the bad and mean green machine
Fearsome men from the ACT
Don’t try and stop
The men in green
Because we will hit ya hit ha hit ya
Till you see green
The kickoff happened
Brian was tough
At present there was no ball
But a storm was erupting
Then the opposition kicked the ball toward Brian
The lightning hit him forcing him to tackle the opposition player
But after that Brian couldn’t control his actions
Running into the fence
But still Brian was a try saving hero
But the storm was an electrical storm
And the match was postponed
But nobody could stop Brian’s
Try saving tackle
Saying that will give them the 2
Brian was walking around the ground
Trying for people to congratulate him
You MR was there saying why did the raiders win
Brian couldn’t control the lightning
Then the game report was being written
And Brian went to have a look
The coach said Brian don’t look at this
They are very hurtful
Just go home and train
You couldn’t help what happened tonight
You can’t control the storm
So JW and JP took Brian home
Offering if Brian wants to train
But Brian was worried and decided
He wanted to go straight home
So Brian got home at 8-00
And had a nice lesagne
And as he cooked Brian turned on the radio
And then he found out they wanted
Their listeners to know my view of the
Try saving tackle I did
But they didn’t know my number
So they looked for all my namesake
On the internet and went through everyone
But still not me
I cracked open a can of coke
And went to bed
Then they finally got through
And I woke up in the real world
Realising the whole thing was a dream
When I saw 10 shake
Of people ringing their girlfriends
There is a new drug
The newest drug around
Helping to get rid of inner bites
It helps me very much indeed
Like a dog with an unusual breed
This new drug
Is the wonder drug
The nurses called it oh yeah
Hopefully it will make me
Hooligan of the past
Lift up in the sky
I have only got it
Till it runs out
But it helps me yeah mate yeah
This drug will make me stretch out
And get rid of weeping and celluitis
You see this new drug
Will stop the poking in my leg
As well as the creepy Crawly inside
I like this drug it is a ****** good thing
You see this new drug will stop the
Voice of the past leaving me thanks
To this wonder drug
The drug which will make me better
I think it is my bread and butter
Athena’s help by sending this wonder drug
Straight to my body to heal
This new drug is  PLEGOBATIN
Really really helps
I hope please Athena
I’m tired I wanna go to bed
And cuddle my beautiful beautiful Ted
I take my meds
And Athena sends me up to outer space
So she can work on my legs
And help my toes
In bed for friends fighting the foes
I am tired I wanna go to bed
And cuddle my beautiful wonderful adorable Ted
I am very tired very very tired
I might have another yawn
Have another yawn
Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh
I meet my dad and Aunty Pam
They are sitting there eating strawberry jam
I see uncle Dennis and Aunty daphne
I also see uncle Stan  and granny and nanny
The medication is pushing me
To be nice to family
Which is fine but I have my own interests
I want to go to bed
And cuddle my Ted
And see my friends miles Blackburn
And Steven Papps and Nicholas roots
I want to talk about bowling back then
But I don’t do it anymore I am just too tired
I am tired I wanna go to bed
And cuddle my beautiful wonderful lovely ted
Make me feel comfy in my comfy comfy bed
I might have another yawn
I might have another yawn
Just for you my cool little dude
I fly around in outer space
Drinking smoothies as I go
One planer is as hot as hell
One planet is plainly just snow
I have spoken to Johnny cash
Who told me he is sonny French
And spoken with slim dusty
Who is Hayley Leblanc
I was jamming with them
Making me feel too tired for normality
On planet earth
But I am tired I wanna go to bed
Cuddling each teddy bear that I own
The bus
With the wheels going round and round
The bus
With people ringing the bell at every stop
The bus
People in cars not respecting them enough to sneak out in front
The bus
Elderly people stopping to talk to driver and take 15 minutes
The bus
Breaking down in a strange area forcing frustrated passengers to get out
The bus
Going to your favourite outside event
And it takes a while still everything is ok
The bus
You see people in all shapes and sizes
The bus people yelling at other people at the back of the bus making each passenger nervous
The bus
Judy going from A to B here to there without a care
The bus
Is there for everyone to share
The coopers family
The man with hikers feet

Today, 2 days after David and raeleens wedding a man named Johnny brown came in with suspected celluitis all over his legs as well as having lymphoedema
Which meant every week had to be fitted for compression stockings but him being lazy was very unsure about how he was going to do this and David said we must admit you into hospital to monitor your leg and find out what is going on here and John prendth who was the X-ray guy noticed his toe was bad and Johnny said
Yeah it ain’t getting fucken better so they took Johnny down for a chest X-ray and a CT scan to see why his foot is like that
And all through Johnny’s stay at the coopers family hospital the nurses and doctors have been studying his foot to find out what the hell is wrong
David knocked off from work taking the ct scan of the foot home with him to go online to get a better picture to see what is wrong here and when raeleen got home she finally took some bloods from Johnny and brought the results home to discuss them with David and David thought that Johnny needs to be tested for myositis, a disease they call hikers feet and if it was they have to put him on an antibiotics drip for him to carry with him for 6 months but you don’t have to give up on anything that he does in the community and the next day he discussed this with Johnny trying so much not to get his hopes up because this could be a collosal waste of time but it is always good to see if it isn’t and David took a photo of his two big toes and then to get ready to get them tested for myositis and if it is, he can go on plegobatin to get rid the itches he has on the inside of his body as well as the throbbing pain in the feet, John gave him a Panadol every 6 hours to ease the pain
Johnny called plegobatin and Panadol together for him is known as the wonder drug and Johnny, every day thought he was at deaths door and David and raeleen are the first doctors who cared enough to figure out what is wrong rather than put pins in his arm like a pin cushion and pump him full of the wrong antibiotics
But Johnny said everybody said my toes aren’t like any other toes he has seen but they didn’t care enough to actually say myositis and I know that sounds bad but this pain was bad and David said you can go home and I will set you up for a MRI appointment in a few weeks to see if it is myositis but mate, if it can be treated I know the way, David knows exactly how to do it, we will see how Johnny is going and if it is myositis
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