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I fell back to sleep
I let the gravity take me
And knock me off my feet

It happens to the best of us
The lower self prevails
Stumbles back upon one foot
Face to face with hell!

This time Divinity awoke me
And saved me from my pride
Now I’m not afraid too live
And I’m not afraid to die!
🧳  TT
 Jul 2021 John Prophet
 Jul 2021 John Prophet
Blue ocean, sleepless tides
Under the surface
An endless well
Ringing out wedding bells

Holy matrimony, red rose ribbon
Beware the trap
Low-class living
Madman skips the system

Broken road, remote
Is not alone
Endless river, always some place to go
When I is all I own
Floating on a stream of conscious only I can ever understand.
I can hear
Them playing,
The devil inside
from the carnival
down the street.
All the bleak
eyes wandering
through the
empty crowd,
looking for
love or dope;
something to change
their perception.
I'm drawn to you,
Like a wasp to a nest,
as words of love trickle
From your velvet lips like honey.
when i was younger
i used to toss paper planes
into the air
now when i toss myself into the air
i see myself as a paper plane
once caged,now free.
Of all the gifts on Scotland's hills
The primrose is most fair
It stops the hiker in their tracks
And keeps them there to stare

At its kind form and beauty soft
I love it I confide
As deep among the heather blooms
It almost seems to hide

Like a young maid who may not know
That beauty's come her way
While others see her prettiness
And long with her to stay

So if you see that yellow bloom
When summer comes around
You'll know it is a precious thing
On Scotland's hills you've found.
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