you are not delicate.
when your flesh bruises, when your bones break, when your head aches, when your lover leaves, you will carry on.
there is a reason tears do not burn skin.
your muscles were made to lift your heavy heart and leaden legs.
you were made to carry on.
so when he says "i don't love you anymore," your bones will not allow you to collapse, your muscles will carry you forward. there is a reason your eyes are in the front of your head. don't look back.
you will not break.
you are not a cheap manufactured toy.
you are an exquisite human being hand-crafted by the likes of god,
heavy bones and bundled muscle
you are made of blood, sweat, and tears and you are resilient.
your heart strings are made of solid steel and though you may not have an iron grip, you learn to catch the curveballs. i promise
i know that your past sits on your shoulders, i promise that you were made to bear its weight.
so no, you will not break.
you are not delicate. you are strong, you are beautiful, you are unique.
you will not break.
you will endure