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Jarret M Spiler Dec 2014
The horror is real.
The weather never changes.
Infinity stopping.
Mystified in awe,
I cannot miss the suspense.
Jarret M Spiler Dec 2014
Frustration withers my mind.
I float around today like a piece of string.
Nothing seems to be going right,
So I rub my temples and ground myself.
Far from focusing on reality,
Any distraction tornados my focus.
All I want to do is follow my ambition,
But I cannot get the wind to blow in my direction.
Jarret M Spiler Nov 2014
Take your time and write away
Time will come close and follow your skill,
You will forget some and lose some
But, learning will hap and increase mastery,
Flow, you must; Conquer you will.
Again, doubt will ponder thy thoughts
For, greatness happens in increment,
Like language itself, differ through evolution
Your writing too will ensue through exploration.
A small attempt to thinking about writing, along with half a sonnet style (I'm learning)...
Jarret M Spiler Oct 2014
There is a time and a place
    a mind intolerable
Of a wistful case; chased.
Jarret M Spiler Oct 2014
A shield I hold in one,
A sword in another,
I follow the battle to the end.
Glowing, I leap into the air with rage.
I fear not.

A whack of cold wind passes.

The rage is lifted,
Something curious creeps in,
Death is emerging,
I fall to the ground,
I wait.

I feel the chimes of birds,
Flowing in the wind,
My eye's close shut.
Work in progress; Sometimes you lose.
Jarret M Spiler Sep 2014
The city rages with echos.
Cars flag down people,
People flag down dreams.

They never stop.
Flowing through traffic.
The city is climbing.

As I wait for the movement,
My legs stress.
As I board the metal I seek my dream.
On my way home on the bus.
Jarret M Spiler Aug 2014
He was denied a thought.
He sat abrupt.
He feared the worst.

Moving closer to madness,
rubbing his neck.
A wind shifted in his direction.
He turned cold.

Everything around him seemed to get grayer.
He shuts his bags,
wanting the thinking to stop.
How much more could he possibly muster?
He thought.
When we are left to realize the minuet moments of consciousness.
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