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Jake Hodges Jun 2014
My mind is falling off the earth
But my body won’t move at all
All these voices are telling me to stay in the fire
But my heart is telling me to go

Well I don’t need to impress anybody
I’m not worried about my soul
I’ve spent all my years concerned about other people’s smiles
It’s time that I worry about my own

They say this isn’t the way it works
My pockets have to be filled up with gold
But I’d rather have my body with my mind
Until the day when I get too old

So while they laugh at me and doubt my smile
That they think they’ve always seen, but don’t know
I’ll be standing right outside the fire
Throwing away all my gold
Jake Hodges Jun 2014

Sound surrounds me.
Nothing else exists.

Jake Hodges Jun 2014
Oh, you are much too wonderful to need me
Yet here we peacefully lay together on this rampant sea,
And should the rush of the waves carry me in my sleep,
I’d hear you swim away; swim out to save me
Oh, you are much too wonderful to see the sea as I see
Jake Hodges Nov 2013
Born into this everlasting revolve with few unenthused slowing halts to greet us,
We float into the unknown, knowing only what welcomes itself
We try to dominate through and make our presence known
Only to be cut short by the revolve and the things which inhabit it
To serve as a reminder of just how small we truly are

But we repeat with the most subtle of changes
bUt we repeat with the most subtle of changes
buT we repeat with the most subtle of changes
but We repeat with the most subtle of changes
but wE repeat with the most subtle of changes
but we Repeat with the most subtle of changes
but we rEpeat with the most subtle of changes
but we rePeat with the most subtle of changes
but we repEat with the most subtle of changes
but we repeAt with the most subtle of changes
but we repeaT with the most subtle of changes, until anything at all makes sense

And so onward we chase up hills and into the sky
Until our whereabouts are known, at least in our own minds
"Whereabouts" is a short write that will soon be used as the basis of composition for an unaccompanied alto saxophone piece.
Jake Hodges Oct 2013
Stay calm, worried love
You are your own resolution

So beautifully human,
So wonderfully scared,
You shut your eyes to hide
Until hiding became vain

Then you said to me,

“I want to feel the breeze,
That chill against my cheek
I’ll leave this all behind me,
Because I’ve never felt so weak”
Keep your shoes off your feet,
Stay here for a while

Stay calm, worried love
Don’t you remember who you are?

So unknowingly strong,
So carefully loved,
You’re not alone in this room,
And you’ve been here before

So keep your shoes off your feet,
Stay here for a while
Jake Hodges Sep 2013
Do you remember the night we met?
How we talked for hours while you walked outside 250 miles away from me?
Do you remember the night after we met?
How I asked you what you were thinking about all the way over there,
And you told me you were thinking about me?
Do you remember when I asked you what it was about me that you were thinking,
And you told me you were thinking you were falling for me?
I wish you could remember how much I smiled, but you were 250 miles away.

Do you remember the night I told you I loved you?
How I pulled my car over in the middle of the night and called you from 250 miles away,
Because I couldn't go another second without telling you?
Do you remember the moment after I told you I loved you?
When you told me you loved me back?
Do you remember when we hung up?
How I said "I love you" and then you said "I love you too"?
I wish you could remember how much I smiled, but you were 250 miles away.

Do you remember the first time we were together?
How I got out of the car and saw you standing outside just smiling at me?
Do you remember how perfect that moment was?
How I couldn't stop staring at you because I had never wanted anything more,
And yet I knew there was still so much more to come?
Do you remember our first picture we took together?
How you said you hated it because you looked weird,
But I assured you how beautiful you were?
I remember how much you smiled, because for once we weren't 250 miles away.

Do you remember our first kiss?
How we sat on the balcony of the hotel looking at the ocean,
And you looked over at me right before our lips touched?
Do you remember that night in your car?
How we touched each other in ways I had never touched anyone else?
Do you remember the feeling we shared when we knew how close we had become?
And how we promised we would never trade that feeling for anything in the world?
I remember how much we smiled, because for once we weren't 250 miles away.

Do you remember how hard it was for me to let you leave?
How I cried hours before it was time, because I didn't want the week to end?
Do you remember sitting on the balcony for hours that day?
When all we did was sit with each other hand in hand,
And you kept kissing me because you knew it would make me feel better?
Do you remember our last kiss that night?
How I held you and tried so hard to not believe you had to get into your car,
And how you got into it and drove away?
I wish you could remember how much I cried, but it felt like you were 250 miles away already.

Do you remember a week ago when you broke my heart?
How you said being 250 miles away was too hard?
Do you remember how I didn't know what to say?
Because for the past 5 months you assured me that this was a forever thing,
And nothing would ever make you want to leave me?
Do you remember how you wanted me back the next day?
How you said you missed me and knew it was a mistake?
I wish you could remember how relieved I was, but you were 250 miles away.

Do you remember today when you've said no more than five words to me?
And how you've said no more than that every day since we got back together?
Do you remember how I asked you what was going on?
And how you said "I don't know", and then stopped talking to me?
Do you remember how you broke up with me a week ago?
And how I can't stop thinking that it's going to happen again?

I wish you could see how broken I am,
How lost I am,
How confused I am,
How angry I am,
How disappointed I am,
How sad I am, and
How much I love you no matter what.

You're 250 miles away,
But right now it feels like you're a million more.
Jake Hodges Feb 2013
I am seeking an answer in the empty night
But I only find questions in the sunlight

The earth’s beauty at night is clandestine
Yet the creatures are invisibly skittering

How do the creatures know where to flee?
Are they connected to the earth in ways unlike me?

The earth’s beauty should surely be mine
But in the light, it is simply bewildering

I am seeking an answer in the empty night
But I only find questions in the sunlight
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