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Jack D Serna Jan 2017
There will be
Every now!
And then, knock...knock
Knock! It likes to,
on thoracic

become filled with
emptiness, and
the brain knows this.
"Fill the empty!"
How it must feel
to know but keep
the heart's shadow.

Blood is boiling,
Blind is leading.
There are voices,
keep repeating
the eulogy,
and attendees
all deserted

For one last wake-
ing breathe, "Wake up!"
Muscles convulse.
Some dream before,
Soul floats above,
observing life
in control of
playback time.

Another reprise!
"Take this drug for
purposes, please".

"Why don't you wake?!"
A shrieking gasp,
Then heavy pants,
Ahh, Ah ha, Ahh
"'twas a close one",
The dark matter
shifted away,
the brain in cue.
What was it then,

It hasn't clues.
"I just want more",
said the voices
in the poet's,
"of life, that is".
Jack D Serna Sep 2016
Pizza--the only I want to poor my feelings onto
Because when I think of its filling capacity--
Its carb-heavy, fat drenched, and sugary-savory goodness--
I honor the people who continue the artisinal craft.

Pizza--it's the food for all hungers.
It fills you with energy when you're high,
Just after a win with a cheery, rowdy gang of five.
It's the traditional topping on the pie.

Pizza--All and everything, when the time calls.
When the emptiness cannot be filled,
Let it be filled with years of associations.
All in good company, Pizza, my best friend.

So I met a new person today--quiet and resourceful,
She was counting her inventory,
Solving a problem set or learning a new trick.
I barged in while she put aside her life for mine.

She said, "What may you have, sir?"
"A medium with pepperoni," I said, "and linguica, please".
That was all that's said  as she carried on her fees.
"That'll be $18.05," and a shot of guilt charged me.

Pizza, though poor my feelings how expensive the taste!
When, just then, she collected the money
The pizza was all too simply done and I was on my way.
I was the one left, saying, " Well, enjoy your weekend!"

But as I drove and the pizza aromatized,
Neither she nor I were free from capitalized.
A self-disciplined pizza artist, stripped of her dough,
Like the boy who made chocolate with a molinillo.
Jack D Serna Jul 2016
Feeling emotions are a privilege.
Nobody is apologizing, just move on.
Stop holding up the line, now, move.
You're searching for something gone.
We must get back to our packages
Of meat made of water and grain.
They are all that we can salvage
And it helps take away the pain.
Ring up some cheese in plastic,
It was slaughtered just this morning.
And two tubs of dead yogurt? Fantastic!
You can charge it on the brain.
Shuffle over, now, keep it moving.
You're on the clock as the livestock,
So be a good employee.
Now, who's a good boy?

Feeling emotions are a privilege.
To someone who suspects death
Wouldn't you see it coming?
So make it easier on yourself,
Take these pills--numb it away.
Or, would you rather have it stay?
Let it linger in the aftertaste
With a joint and a bottle of gin,
Inhale the tobacco and *******,
And a tab of Lucy or jab of heroine.
Wake up the next day--repeat again.
Who's got time for feeling today
When we pay to throw it away?
Feelings are unnecessary,
Overwhelming if unabated;
They reveal our fears as hatred.

Feeling emotions are a privilege.
They are fleeting moments still
Still as the water even as it ripples
Resonating within, without.
They are murky as the sediment
Searching within, without
A clear sense of being settled.
They are forgotten and ignored
In the advance of the explored.
But they carry the human form
From adapting to its current,
Curbing lives with improvisation
Irrespective of the former.
Feeling emotions are a privilege.
A person may introspect on life
Learning as the waves keep crashing.
Jack D Serna Apr 2016
"Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged,
Missing me one place search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you."

I find you deep within the cherished ruins
among a thousand or so neglected orphans
to adopt a much needed voice; sing to me!
I am digging where truth remains to my surprise; a time capsule, a seed, hidden in the seaves
crowded at a large party; everyone is talking at once!
My dear guest is travelling in and out, around and around nowhere to be found.
Slow down and tune in to that magnificent songbird, you are alluding my grasp once more for pleasant company always does best on its own.
May I take a step and follow tune? I hear a rainforest of life buzzing and cawing my attention.
All my senses--all my senses--before, I was senseless. I walk the leaves of grass feeling their blades as their very voice tickles my skin.
I breathe a deep concoction of several layers flora, several layers fauna.
Allow me this moment to flip the refined, manufactured lumber waste byproduct, stamped with ink, for a glimpse of the map to the Americas.
Show me; identify me their Latin and common names of the truth that remains.
I find you in an excavation site, as I am paid to do so, for any resemblance reasonably worth saving; so I find your seed locked in nature's safe locker of petrified amber, maintaining a pristine vitality.
May the scientists support the art or choke it out like a ****; or should one ask whether fruit is more tasteful, wholesome and bearing in the presence of a few weeds?
To find your essence of essentials extracted with full integrity so I may travel the Americas to see which climate bears most fruitful from seed;
But I am astonished that just as much North is welcomed as much South, and as far West of Hawaii or Alaska is as much resilient as far East of Maine.
It matters not where I go next but that I do go, and that there is a next stop in which I find myself waiting for you.
Jack D Serna Mar 2016
Breathing deeply; stretching, fencing, and the writing inkpen
Breathing outward; shoveling, climbing, and the driving wheel
Breathing inward; directing, leading, and the staffing meeting
Collapse the boundaries and calm, our young one
Few survivors feed the light to a maze of mirrors
Breathe deeply; shining, reflecting, and giving light
Breathe outward; being, becoming, and joining union
Breathe inward; en masse, en masse, en masse!
Jack D Serna Feb 2016
Death? Does it come in daily frustrations,
    folding inward upon the self and closing?
Does it come greeting company hereto,
    providing sympathy, but never gratifying?
Does it come with timely measures
    of production only Death sees procrastination?
Does it provoke consummatory transactions;
    one at the end of the stick, the other authoritarian?
Does it cause one to freeze in position,
    catatonic and reptilian?
Does it provide the invisible barriers;
    hard to hear the soft spoken?
Does it appear in disguise as happiness contented,
Or does it whisper to the ear the various "potion"?
There are many deaths than just the One.
Jack D Serna Jan 2016
When all the dust has blown
By all the rust be grown
Change the scene for once more;
Leaf in the wind, and spore.

An infinitesimal seed
So hapless and inconceivable,
That emptiness of heart
Germinates of a green new start.

A negligible bacterium
To the unforeseen eye
Effervesce, bloom and spume!
Company will soon greet you!

O embrace the sobering ground,
'Tis here just like you found.
All the resources will draw nigh,
'Twas in you all this time!

All need words of encouragement,
Some protein and enzyme.
Rest, reactants, in thy calm tent,
Get some shut eye to see rhyme.

But ever haunted of the past
Should the even'n empire return(1)
See a world in a grain of sand(2),
But never Heaven on this land.

Lo the booms and the busts!
Lo expansions and recessions!
Lo the mad and the sad!
Lo multitudes and solitudes!

O humanity I love you!(3)
How generations trapp'd
That live in cells within, imbued
To so idly stay rapt.

But to their good fortune, adapt!
You shall be absolved
Walking with peace as every stepp'd(4),
The diplomat endow'd

Alas! A new variety!
With such resilience
In ev'ry zone, ev'ry climate
Here to live, here to please!
1: "the evening empire" from Bob Dylan's Tambourine Man
2: "a world in a grain of sand" from William Blake's To See A World...
3: "humanity I love you" from E.E. Cummings Humanity I Love You
4: "walking with peace as every stepped" from Thich Nhat Hanh's Touching Peace, or any other works.

This was written under the influence of Walt Whitman, and is a collage of many ideas, original and rephrased.
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