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Lily Oct 2015
I'm quite a scholar in the field of isolating myself from human contact.
Lily Jun 2015
He likes pretty girls
And I don't quite fit

© Leigh Herondale  *June 2015
Lily Aug 2015
I thought I was finally fine
Thought everything's turning out alright
But I was wrong
Humans will be humans
And I hate them all

Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
Lily Aug 2015
This land is full of ****.
Fly away.

Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
Sometimes I just want to give up
Lily Aug 2015
no matter how ugly
are sign that you are alive

Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
Lily Jul 2015
My poems are silent screams
No one will ever hear

© Leigh Herondale  *July 2015
Here we go again
Lily Sep 2015
They tried to save me
But i'm too far gone
Lily Mar 2016
To be sad does not mean to have scars
Lily Sep 2015
It's the eve of my birthday
And i'm miserable

It's my birthday
And I want to **** myself
Lily Aug 2015
Being alone doesn't make you any less valuable.

Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
Lesson I learned today. I love solitude!
Lily Apr 2016
Let's just accept the fact
that I am not destined
to have the things they get
or live the lives they have
that their achievements
is not what I should aim for
that I should set my own realistic goal
that when the ripe age comes
I shall conquer the way I want
Also, I should remember that instagram
does not always show the full picture
that for even just a little,
there's a lie lurking there somewhere
Lily Nov 2015
Their eyes met, never their fates
This will be the start of my 6-word poem series
Lily Sep 2015
All I really want
To do right now
Is quit social media,
Put down my phone,
Perfect my french,
Raise a dog.
Lily Aug 2015
Cause i'm young and I hate the world but am too afraid to die.

Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
Lily Oct 2015
Friends can comfort you
Cheer for you all the way
But the truth is
At the end of the day,
You only have yourself
Lily Sep 2015
A lonely sailor
Brave the seas alone
One day came a ship
Asked to sail side by side
Together they faced each angry storm
And even slumber with the calm tide
Another storm his sail was torn
He said he'll shortly duck
She was shocked and forlorn
But he promised he'll be back
She waited every sunset
Till the very last she could witness
But he never came
Still she patiently waits
A lonely sailor again

© Leigh
Editing this when I have time
Lily Jul 2018
While you watch the moon tonight,
I hope your own eyes keep their glow.
Cry, scream, curse,
But never stop dreaming.
Cause I believe
Somewhere down the bend,
There is a train in which
the stops never end.
It will come
And you’ll be home.

July 9, 2018
I’m quite back
Lily Aug 2015
What comes after giving up?
Lily Oct 2015
I've had enough people to last a lifetime
Lily Sep 2015
Piece of advice;
When a person is sad
Don't ask why
Just be there for them
And you'd be a thousand
times more appreciated.
Cliche but true.
Lily Sep 2015
There was this girl who likes to write dark, lonely poems
Until this unnamed guy came along.

Leigh Herondale  *September 2015
Just when I thought i'd never see him again, I saw him :) :) :)
Lily Oct 2015
I'm not a singer so I can't sing you a song

I'm not a painter so I can't paint your beautiful face

I'm not the queen so I can't give anything you want

I'm just a girl with a pen in her hand and words in her heart

*So            i'll         write          you                  a      poem
Lily Sep 2015
They all like her, not me.
But it's okay,
Cause I may not be a saint
But at least I play it real.

© Leigh
Lily Jul 2015
I want to write and inspire the world,
My words carved in their mind
As they soar their wings and fly.
I want to be an instrument
Softly playing all the goodness of the Earth
And a reminder
That broken wings can be mended and fly again
Lily Oct 2015
If you're too scared to spread your wings
How will you be able to fly?
Lily Jun 2015
I want to tell her it's okay
That her body is hers and hers alone
And having excess fat is okay.

I want to tell her that
She can't look like those girls in the magazine
because those girls don't look like that for real.
And it's okay.

I want to tell her that maybe
he still hasn't notice her
because God chose someone better.
And it's okay.

I want to tell her that falling in love
and getting hurt in the process
is a part of life.
And even if you cry it's okay.

Finally I want to tell her that
saying no to drugs,
turning down alcohol,
and respecting elders
is not old school.

That friends can laugh at your face
for being 'boring' for refusing things,
but you know it's what's right
And it's okay.

© **Leigh Herondale
  *June 2015
100 impromptu. Like I just thought about something right before sleep and formed it in words so pardon any errors :)

Ps. In my country it's already 23:11 so good night :)
Lily Aug 2015
They all know me as the "class clown",
They never bothered to look behind that mask.
Lily Nov 2015
I know you're tired and you want to put it to rest
But this can't be the end of it
Remember all those things you'd always dreamed you'd have?
All these famous guys you made yourself believe you're destined to marry,
Those places you'd excitedly mapped out in your head,
That plan you had, that once you're free you'd roam the world
I know it's hard
And the future seems more vague than ever
But please try to endure
Please, even just a little more
Lily Oct 2015
The dead must have pity us
Laugh right in front of our crying faces
Because they know a secret we don't
That's it's better to be dead than alive
Lily Oct 2015
No matter how hard she tries
Donning gorgeous masks
She's still just a blank canvas

© Leigh Herondale  *October 2015
Lily Nov 2015
I smile for the camera,
For my friends,
For the people who matter,
And sometimes
Even those who don't.

I act like i'm alright
That I live a blissful life
Even when inside i'm dying
And unhappy as hell

This constant battle
That's eating me up alive
Is a fight for freedom
That can never be won
A mind inside my mind
With a war of it's own

I will always be alone
I know,
I will always be alone
And one day I will be forgotten
But the pain will never end
Lily Dec 2015
So this is the part that we'll see each other last
The time we'd try to bring up, think about the past
Wishing we hadn't gone
Hoping we could come back
Cause childhood means comfort
And we made the mistake of growing up
Lily Nov 2015
Whenever you feel like giving up
Always remember that for once in your life,
You were the fastest *****.
Cheer up!
Tryin to cheer myself up
Lily Aug 2015
I met the love of my life today
I didn't say hi and he didn't say hi
I don't know his name
He does not know mine either
Our eyes just locked up and there
Instantly I fell
Tho love seems so sweet and giving,
Our line is that kind of a tangent.
But in that moment that
I got to hold his eyes with mine,
I swear we were infinite.
As life goes on, this site has become my diary. Bear with me.
Lily Oct 2015
Minsan pinangarap ko
Araw-araw pinapangarap ko
Na sana tingnan mo rin ako
Tulad ng tinging ipinupukol mo sa kanya
Pero itong tangang to hanggang pangarap lang talaga
Bakit? Kasi di mo naman ako kilala
Lily Oct 2015
Stop trying to cheer me up
Nor reminding me of people who care
Cause you know what?
I'm sick of deceits
And false pretense
Of hearing the same ***** over and over again
Every day I see myself in the mirror
Seeing the same old person
But entirely different
As I was before
Because I know it's not fine
Everything’s not going to be alright
And let me tell you friend,
That the best way to comfort a sad soul
Is through sadness itself
That no matter how many tries to fix us
We'll always be permanently damaged
Lily Aug 2015
I hate authority
Lily Aug 2015
I believe in mermaids
That fairies are born through a child's laughter
And you can have a dress from your fairy godmother
I believe it all comes true when you wish upon a star
And one day your prince will save you, even from afar
Santa comes every Christmas time
checking wether you've been naughty or nice
And Neverland can be found just first star to the right

Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
Fixing this tomorrow. Gn x
Lily Jul 2015
Dear future husband,
I wanna meet you soon.
I'm gonna love you back
Way, way up to the moon.
Everyday i'll cook you food,
Even though i'm not sure how to.
And on our wedding night,
I'm gonna show this poem to you.

© **Leigh Herondale
Lily Dec 2015
I talk about death when i'm sad
Lily Sep 2015
She wanted so hard to be different
Then gets mad when nobody would understand her
Lily Nov 2017
Do not compare me to a flower
Flowers are only sought after
For as long as they are fresh and pretty
They are remembered for only as long as the smell lingers
Then when the drought comes
They are disposed of as easily as the wind
As if they matter not even once
As if to the hand that crushed them,
They had never offered fragrance
I shall not let myself be likened
To such creatures with tragic fates
So do not compare me to a flower.
Lily Oct 2015
A flower is only sought after for as long as it is fresh and pretty
Don't be like a flower
Don't believe what they declare
We are not just a simple DNA
We are the universe summed up into one
Observe the rules but don't be submissive
Follow your heart but never lose your mind
Pick your own battles and fight it well
And everyday
Don't fail to recall
That you are a fighter
Strong, courageous, wise
Yet still so sweet and soft
Fair, Confident, Honest,
A woman of virtue and respect
You are stunning on your own
You don't need any guy to prove your worth

©Leigh Herondale  *October 2015
Lily Oct 2015
People are like ducks
Even when their brains are small they quack
Lily Oct 2015
If eclipses happen everyday
Would the world even stop to look?
This is a poem made by my little sister last April and don't worry I asked for her permission to post lol
Lily Dec 2015
I wonder
If under different circumstances
Am I gonna feel
A little different too
Or am I really just destined to constantly feel this way?
Eternally sad and isolated?
Lily Oct 2015
Everybody thinks she's full of life
When she's struggling to keep herself sane deep inside
Lily Sep 2015
I'm sick of everyone
I just wanna cry in a corner
And die
Lily Jul 2015
I thought we could have it all
That we'd soar high and never fall
Thought we'd have the world on our hands
And free to do the things we want
Actually believed the end won't come
That we would stay forever young
Then it dawned on me
Every color fades
Every new things age
Peter Pan is not real.

© Leigh Herondale  *July 2015
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