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Ostef Nov 2020
Time has driven us our own ways
Leading us back to square one, making a full circle
Both back to being strangers
I held on to the precious memories we shared for as long as I could until I realized they no longer belonged to either of us
They belong to the past
I never thought I could let go but I did
at least I still have the poems I wrote you
just for a split second remind me how it felt loving you
Now I am okay with letting go of you
as I let you go I am also letting go a part of me that I let you have
I will never stop loving you but one day I will realize I love someone more
Ostef Nov 2020
we fell in love the fall weather
the weather was cold but your touch was warm
now gusts of winds come and go like memories of us
reminding me of the absence of your warmth
I want nothing more than the embrace of your arms
I want nothing more than you
But I know that just like the weather you were cold
You kept me warm on the outside but left me empty on the inside
But I still loved you
I became addicted to the feelings of comfort you brought me against the chills of the season.
I wanted nothing more than you by my side.
Ostef Oct 2020
First lie you told me:
1. "ill love u forever <3"
Ostef Oct 2020
You let the sunset without telling me you loved me.
You let me walk away without fighting
Ostef Oct 2020
My life has turned into an old scratched and torn up record
The routine repeats its self
the lessons play over and over again until learned
The people don't change
when the sun sets the moon rises
The moon fades, the sun comes up
Then I listen to the same old record play all over again.
Ostef Oct 2020
hours, days, weeks, months
I used to see you every day for hours
Those days soon turned to weeks
Now its been months without your presence in my life
The scent of you that used to linger on my clothes has faded
The taste of your lips no longer visits mine
The sound of your sweet voice no longer resonates in my head
You, the person that promised to never leave me has left.
You gave me back my heart in shattered pieces
As much as I'd like to blame you for what you did you are not to blame
I should have never given you my happiness for as it was never yours to have
I tried so hard to grasp onto the memories we shared but now I've learned to hand them over to the past
I am slowly starting to be grateful for the memories we shared rather than remembering them in pain and vain
I revisit our old spots in hopes that one day it no longer hurts me that you are not with me
I am so happy for my growth but it been hard
Whoever tells you its not hard to let go of someone you loved
Has never loved.
I am learning to love you again but from a distance
I am learning not to hate you
I am learning to move on without you
I am learning to not hurt because of you
I learned you are not the person I wrote those poems for I never really knew you.
The love you had for me was full of venom but I was too in love to see.
Ostef Sep 2020
What happened to the person I fell in love with where did he go?
I remember those late nights and promises that now seem so long ago
You gave me your world even when I told you I wasn't ready to give you mine
You told me "hold on" not to worry and that I'd be just fine.
Over the months you showed me highs that no drug could give me
Until one day you did not care for me.
I miss you but not you i left
I understand that life has now sentenced me
When will it stop
where does it end
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