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everyone i know is sad
we're all miserable ******* people
wanting things we just can't have
so we're convinced the world is evil

pointing the finger at everyone else
like the pain wasn't self inflicted
we sure love to hurt ourselves
and pretend we didn't
when there were songs to sing
and friends to keep
names to carve into trees
knees to scratch on concrete
and life was an obsession of silly things
when i knew what mattered to me
before i was wary in every condition
and stocked up on mental ammunition
questioning everyone's intentions
swallowed whole by my suspicions
can't be calm for more than a minute
so little time there's no way to spend it
version one, i wanna see where i can take that first stanza
thorn in my thumb
splinter in my palm
stake through my heart

starts off small
then magnifies
until i fall apart

trust me
i know you won
you got the guy

can't you
be miserable
on your own time

don't ***** me
to prove
you're happy

my pain won't
end yours
if you wanted me to say something
why didn't you say so
warned you if you closed that door
that it was gonna stay closed
don't have enough patience
or reasons to wait around and stay low
you're worried about what they would think
but i know that they know

and you know that they know
so what are you protecting
when you love like that
what are you expecting
nothing could stop me now
not even your begging
the enemy of my enemy
is a stranger
we are not bonding over
shared anger
maybe we both do really
hate her
but trusting you for that
opens me to danger
time keeps passing
i look back
and i'm like wow
i got this far
but in that moment
this moment
felt so far away
but now i am here
dreaming of the future
of the moment
that will turn
this moment
into that moment
and i can barely breathe

                                                       ­                                                          i'm
                                                                ­                                           almost
                                                                ­                                              there
literally how i sound in my mind
mutually assured destruction
we fail to listen or can't follow instructions
here we are just going through functions
do we hate our guts because we trust them
do we miss the jokes because we loved them
or are we just aching for somethin'
to laugh at instead of pretending it's nothin'
do we miss each other or do we miss the disruption
the silence is an impassable obstruction
saying something hoping to be interrupted
because when we fight at least its a discussion
otherwise we twist our thumbs and
wait for the other to draw assumptions
never wanna speak again
no one cares about what i say anyways
nobody will miss the input
my absence wouldn't fill a room
we are so used to making ourselves feel important
but some of us can't forget
how utterly insignificant we are
one in several billion
trauma does not make us stronger
you had me there
for a second
i cared
but now it's cold
where it used to be warm

catered to a part
of me and it almost
fooled my heart
but i let go
before you could do more

where do you come off
thinking you can be like this to me
loneliness can cause delusions
but i'm not that desperate

have had quite a few
realizations after
crossing paths with you
it's okay that i cared
it was just for a second

one moment of weakness
that's all you'll ever be
if i'm nothing that's alright
whatever you make of me
i'm everything you said
the insults don't pack that same punch
when i know you'll always believe
whatever keeps you emotionally numb
are all those selfish reasons you live for
gonna be worth it when
everyone's left and you're broken again
tell me who's gonna save you then
it's a privilege
to know me
and from what
you have shown me
you don't deserve it at all

it's not your right
to hold me
nor your place
to scold me
if it comes to me it's my call
i don't mean to disappoint you
i can only try my best
what use it for me to pour out my soul
when you focus on the flaws of my flesh
what can i say
what should i do
how do i impress
when will what i give be enough
when will i deserve a rest
i'm so tired
but i can't sleep
a toxic cocktail of anxiety and stress
trying to show all of these people i how much i care
but they don't care that i'm a mess
the pick me apart from the way i think
to how i'm forced to dress
i've studied all of their actions to get it right
but i still don't pass the test
sometimes it feels like
i'm the only sane person left
or maybe i'm the one that's crazy
maybe that's why i don't have friends
maybe the reason they are scared like me
is cause they don't hear the things the demon just said
no one else has to deal
with monsters
like the ones inside my head
just reminding me of all the the things
i messed up
and will mess up soon instead
criticizing myself for not being more like them
all of the voices of those who don't believe me merge
telling me how we'd all be better off if i was dead
just popping in
wanted to say hi
but i'm afraid
to speak my mind
terrified to fall apart
to cry
avoiding what could be the end
told myself today would be the day
my last breath or a miracle of god
i didn't have any answers
just know the pain needed to stop

never wrote it down
but i thought about it everyday for months
now i sit here waiting for a sign
unsure if i should take the jump

my mental calendar is cleared
but the stipulations are weighing me down
i never wanted to hurt anybody yet its the little things
like the idea of my mom finding out

well maybe not so little
maybe not so dire
but if i said that i'll be fine
i'll be just another liar

today was gonna be the day
but i just can't do it
i'm scared for a plethora of reasons
but i guess i'll get used to it
asked if i'm okay
i wish i knew
the answer to that question
i'm just swimming in ocean
of nothing
but raw and devouring emotion

drowning in thought
i push against the tide
but it draws me in
against my will
my lack of sense of self
the weight that secures the ****

no anchor to latch onto
or home to run towards
drifting further away
floating out to sea
might be that last time
someone ever sees me

so i'll let the current **** me in
no use in fighting
i'm too tired to make a point
it's easier to let go
and once again disappoint

they all want something from me
i'll never be someone anyone needs
you think you know what you want
you can really think you know someone
you really don't wanna be with me
i already know where this leads
i dont need anymore reasons to bleed
i'm fine with being lost at sea
you'll live without my company
you don't wanna be with me

i assure you
can't do more than
i already am
what about that
can you not understand
i'm pushing so hard
i'm afraid i'll just break
and if i get broken
i'll just get replaced
a beautiful flower
is meant to be picked
not picked on

a good story
is meant to be heard
not to be hidden

a beautiful girl
is meant to be loved
​not to be broken
i can be fine with being open to the possibility
but refused to be tortured by the probability
of whether you're gonna love me back or not

grown comfortable enough with my own fragility
practiced patience to form some sort of independent stability
built a wall around my thoughts
just thinking about you makes me a little crazy
being close to you is almost too much
i become a helpless mess
at the end of your touch
but love the way i melt
the way you smooth me out
one kiss on the tippy top of my forehead
to help calm me down
there's a little comfort
in knowing that i
never settled
for ****** guy
just because
he said some nice
things to me
and i can't lie
sometimes i'm lonely
but thats magnitudes
better than
being used
to be a quick fix
for someone's issues
i won't let my heart
be misused
and we've officially entered the sad zone folks
on the right side you have
experienced a traumatic event less then 6 hours ago
and on the left you have
wow another guy using me to make themselves feel better
who will take the cake?
the answer is both
and all of the above
bc everything wrong in my life
is gonna combine
to force me out of my
falsley perceived happiness and growth
april to june
gone so soon
into the a.m.
vanished like smoke
the last time we spoke
i realized that we
lost our chemistry
maybe it was about time
or you found a better mind
i shared so much
thought that was enough

but sometimes people just want more
i tried to hold it in
but tears just started falling out of my eyes
i swear i was fine

then i thought about one thing
and then another and another
till they began to smother

i just couldn't breathe
i was feeling true terror and it showed
but you'll never know

how it feels
when all you want to be is okay
but all you feel is pain

i feel so ugly
making a mountain out of a mole hill
against my own will
if my head is down completely in class, nine times out of ten i am having a panic attack. people don't really know that though. it kind of makes a sensory deprivation tank where i don't have to ee and the sounds of the room are muffled. most just think i am sleeping. i don't know why it happens but when it does it feels like the sound of styrofoam rubbing, if that makes sense. or nails on a chalkboard. like utter terror and no one around me understands how this feels so the keep telling me they hope i get but but its not like a sickness that goes away or something i can control. why don't people get that?
say i'm fine
thats a lie
but i will be
that just takes time
for now i guess
we'll just be friends
gotta embrace the end
and learn where your boundaries begin
never letting us be real
calloused hands on a fragile heart
just wanted to see how it would feel
now i lie in a pool of my own humanity
gasping on a lie
black holes staring to the sky
learning that this is the part where i die
because to love you meant to
love myself
you dont want me
and it ruins my mental health
putting it all down
all for naught
saying it's okay
when it's clearly not
just touch me and burn me
and take me with
if you're gonna leave me for dead
give me one last kiss
i'll never forgive myself
i could never blame you
just bleeding waiting dissociating
what you're just not willing to do
if only you cared if only i didn't
pining for a lonely death it seems
in the end i'll get what i asked for won't i
to love but not be loved is misery
don't be shy
i want it all
oh just lean over and bless me with a kiss

perfect i swear
i'm praying
that i'll be able to know those lips
satan was his favorite angel
and he still let him fall
don't wanna assume the worst for you
but something about this feels wrong
why wouldn't you hurt me is a question
i hate to ask but i hear in the back of my mind
everytime you linger just a bit longer
and try to stare into my eyes
so what if you want more
if you don't want it all
don't wanna invest the last of my trust
if you're gonna just drop the ball
this is a lot for me and a lot to me
sorting through emotions
definitions and technicalities
seem like such commotion
why can't we just try to give the other
what they ask without thinking too much
but expecting you to be as thoughtful as me
is asking too much

i just wanna make you feel good
what are you trying to do to me
bitten by
the same snake twice
even said please
a perfect crime
blood trickles slowly
venom spiked
down my sleeve
from my eyes
i know it won't help
but i apply the ice
i know i won't heal
but it's easier
to believe that lie
than admit i knew that
you were gonna bite
saw the chance
****** me dry
my suspicions
were always right
but i thought the rush
was worth my life
at least i did
at the time
now as i lie here
i know i underestimated you
played a ***** fight
at midnight she drew the knife
praying hard with it between her hands
squeezing for a drop of hope
that she could put trust in just this one man

and when she bled on the altar
leaving offerings, making sacrifices
she replaced the hood on her head
made her way back home before the night's end

at the time the spirits seemed pleased
yet she still kept falling to her knees
feeling all that there was to be felt
unsure of how to proceed


if what you wish for
is what you intend
what could you lose
while trying to win

and i do my best
and i make the bed
that i sleep in
knowing i'll never break even

she deserves to feel warmth of daylight
and the soft invitation of a shared blanket
true unconditional acceptance
the levity of having true love and not being afraid to break it

she shouldnt be collateral damage of a fool
who seeks to make a stepping stone
out of another human being
just to avoid talking about his feelings
how utterly underwhelming
being angry did nothing
but show you i still cared
hate is not the opposite of love
because the passion is still there
this isn't really livin'
spiraling out of existence
tryna hold on to whatever could be strong enough
to keep me still for a minute
tired of the tornado
of being tossed around and being unable
to do anything about it because my
life feels out of my control
i don't even notice my descent
till i'm forced upon their normal lives and friends
makes me realize that i've missed so much
and i'm not sure i'll trust anyone ever again
terrified of dying alone because i'm just too damaged
they don't even realize their advantage
if their world comes crashing down
some will be there to handle the wreckage
if i die in my storm i'm lost to this earth
buried in rubbage and choking on words
tears stinging as i accept my fate
once again my everything hurts
i am not a good person
but nobody ever really expected much from me

i have wasted everyone's time
and there is so much more i should have achieved

i'm a disappointment
to everyone who believes i'm not the best that i could be

i am not a good person
because none of this causes me to lose any sleep

i've accepted
i'm not cut out to make everyone happy

at this point
you should know
how this game works

the ghost of who you used to be
follows me everyday
it reminds of better times and
i don't know what to say
we no longer talk since
we both went our separate ways
it just ***** to see you've become
everything you used to hate
now that is something real
i can feel it between my teeth
biting into the forbidden fruit
is almost painfully sweet
the release is nice
having facts is priceless
thank you for the gift
i'll refocus my kindness
dropped like a fly
out of sight
out of mind
filled up spare time
in your amusement park of life
always something crazy
going down
high-speed chases
crash straight into the ground
hope the fast life treats you well
you perfect stranger
but if you don't mind me
i'll just stray away from the danger
the difference between guessing and knowing is that knowing hurts worse
to become the person i am meant to be
i need to come to terms
with all the open ended conversations
and dragged out fights
i need to settle all the debts
and accept that you're right
you never meant to hurt me
and while that doesnt change that you did
it makes it easier to be okay in the present
and not stuck in the past and haunted
you and me are gonna go places
and maybe not together
people grow apart
but deep down in my heart i will love you forever
you were my first love and heartbreak
i was not the first person you though of in the morning
i dreamt of you every single night
while you thought i was a little more than boring
it hurt to not have you then
but now we are both better off
you are the best lesson
i really did not want to be taught
there's a lot i never said
and a lot i never will
wanna reach out
but what if it's still
too early
or if it's too late
to say some of the things
i still want to say
there's a lot of time between us now
is it enough
or did the distance break us down
was it too much
i said

what if i kissed you right now
kinda missed seeing you around
with each wrist pinned down
there's no where to fall but to the ground
and man is the descent soft
you infiltrate my thoughts
so used to saying stop
weird to rather not
strange to not turn away
unfamiliar but a trusting face
with every shadow i touch and trace
i'm more deluded than yesterday
don't need to say what's been said
or shoot to **** something that's been dead
for awhile and we both know it

i took a shot and you made a bet
made me regret the little care i had left
spoiled my special moment

this was suppose to be my time to rise
finally have intent in my stride
but you saw opportunity in my pride
you ruined me in my prime

as the clock strikes the hour
dizzy on the power
you bid yourself adieu and take off

it's unfair but what can i do
too late to challenge you
just wait till you get caught

not afraid to meet my maker
was no saint but never wavered
as despicable as your behavior
evils just in your nature
are we in love? are you? am i?
as charles once said, "for whatever love means"
as sincere as you may think you are,
it just means something different to me.
that day
something died
you no longer cared
that you made me cry
the love that you had
became a loss of interest in life
wanting to be close
became needing to be right
i stare into the mirror
analyzing the view i have of myself
i'm not too bad so someone could love me
but there is nobody else
i'm tired of being lonely
i need a person to be mine
but they don't want me and as i stare
into the mirror i can see why
late nights
waiting for something that wasn't for me
stayed nice
for the sake of your company
it just ain't right
when you say goodbye and leave
you take flight
and slip away with my peace
pinky promise
swear to die
keep your word
and i'll keep mine

normally i'm the type
to just stick it through
but i'm beginning to doubt
if i can keep it up for you

i'd try a little harder
but that's just so much effort
just a little too reluctant
to put two and two together

i do what i can and
say that i don't mind
but you've forgotten me
for the very last time
opening old wounds
risks infection
let the dead die
stop with the dissection
i don't want an autopsy
don't want a resurrection
we were fine where we were
stop finding things to mess with

find your own peace
without disturbing me
i'm too tired to be
who you need
i wouldn't wanna be
only in your most
selfish dreams
i never wanted to fight
it never makes a difference
it never fixed my problems
i never bought into existence

but then we met
and for while there i thought i saw a reason
or felt purpose or sensed a future
yet never came to that season

and now you're fading
faster than i can delude myself
into fighting for what's left
or asking for your help

i never wanted to fight
and i don't think we can change what's coming
i love you and i wanted it to work
but sometimes all you've done is just for nothing

we lost
so deceptive aren't you
who told you it was cute
jealousy is not a quirk
you don't realize how many people you hurt
you have something wrong inside
insecurity drives you to lie
but you've lost that death grasp
now all you hold is remnant ash
stage makeup smudged
but you're still shining
a natural talent
with your subtle gaslighting
felt true comraderie
or so i thought
my show of emotion
threw you off

my sympathy
just made you laugh
all my effort
simply trash
in your play
but unaware of the script
felt so real
didn't question it

and now it's time for the big reveal

brutus et tu
yes even you
but what can i do
it was all just an act
all just for laughs
i'm the one walking away
with knives in my back

one misstep
and i fell through the floor
conspired for me
to spring the trap door
as i disappeared
they all clapped for you
frozen in realization
finally seeing the costume

the applause
left ringing in my ears
beneath the stage
was an ocean of tears
never knew i
was hated so much
party going upstairs
now that they think i'm dust

a celebration for the ages

soak myself up
and find my way out
ragged and dizzy
make my way into the crowd
the sound of joy crashes
into silence as they notice me
wineglasses shatter on marble floors
alas the undead king

this used to our kingdom
my beloved castle
overthrown by the ones
i rode beside in battle
a riff on one i've already posted but this is what it started from so ummm... here
felt this way for so long
i should know better than
to start letting it get to me now
but i'm stupid
i cry when i feel useless
which is all the time
offered help but refuse it
because who really wants to save me
they save their pride
they want to save face
not save my life
i'm tired of living
to fulfill others dreams
i just miss how simple
things used to be
but i'm already sunk now
not much to do about it
but remember what it was like
before i died
don’t hate me
i will try to do the same
but i can’t make any promises
i am in pain
i don’t want to hurt
but i want to see you cry as well
after all the tears i’ve wasted
and how much you’ve made me hate myself
please don’t hate me
i will never really mean this
without the thought of you to soothe me
my lonesome nights are dreamless
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