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Helen McKean Aug 2011
a perfect, newly unveiled horizon line
ancient and promising
yet reborn as a newborn
to my industrialized eyes.

I haven’t heard sirens in days.

still, there is the hustle and bustle
of movement everywhere,
but not by people
nor Porsches and Escalades
and their infiltrating thick smog.
no inane chatter
and fake oohing and aahing
over Louis’ and who saw who.

here the possessions move
the so-called inorganic
the buildings, doors, and gates
yearning to be free
swaying, creaking
their tiny reins of confinement
too much to bear
for their free spirits.
taking their cue
from trees, plants, vines, leaves
which are overgrowing fences
and clambering over walls
a massive riotous uprising at a glacier-pace
to triumph over the bipeds
imagine the horror of the flora
at a sudden interment to La-La-Land
the hopelessness and oppression
at being trimmed twice a week
mutilated and then slaughtered.

they are the secret underground rulers
stubbornly proud but humble tyrants
mercifully loving their lowly subjects
feeling sorry for us
we who have been forced into
this unnatural industrial order
not their beautiful chaos.

and yet...
they lie in wait
patiently, silently
anticipating the day
when we throw up our arms in exasperation and relief
and acquiesce to their dominion
a return to times before times.
Helen McKean Apr 2010
legs forced wide awake
being *****
by the gaping black hole
of nothingness


oh **** it...
go ahead...
have at it.

incapable of even
grasping for air
or begging for leniency
as they shovel
handfuls of oily, greasy
of societal lard
and ****
down your throat.
you lie back
and recede
(but not even into yourself)
for they have stolen that as well.
March 2010
Helen McKean Apr 2010
as you pull back
for yet another swing
I see the blood of your knuckles
on my heart
my very being seeping out
flowing down the sidewalk
melting with the rain
forming deep crimson-black puddles
staining the already tainted cement.

you have torn out my aorta
bits of right ventricle go flying
the AV node plops to the ground
the complete annihilation
of an already damaged *****.

excuse me...
but where do they sell new hearts?
January 2010
Helen McKean Apr 2010
all else is hidden
letters, words, sentences
a mystery - kept secret
locked away behind towering fortresses
within overgrown labyrinths
the way in lost among a sea of keys
disintegrating at your touch
metallic ashes wafting through your grasp
drifting along the breeze of
"oh wells" and "too bads"
you watch the current
swirl away with your dreams
your perfect girl
white picket fence and dog
caught in the cookie cutter net
bobbing away
out of reach
that elusive H.
Helen McKean Apr 2010
running from the bulls
a stampede of innocent bystanders
enraged at that ruby color
sweetheart red
passion red
blood red
mixed together,
one and the same,
no distinction.

off the cliff like lemmings
scurrying subconsciously
fascinated by that edge
enchanted into oblivion.

the praying mantis
tracking her mate
plotting, planning his demise
a smile oozing with sweetness one moment,
then the heartless attack,
out to ****
smacking her lips,
knowing full well of his fate.

all I learned
I learned from you.
like mother like daughter
Mommy Dearest
you truly are
the cruelest teacher of them all.
Helen McKean Apr 2010
all hyped up
on a pedestal
(how do I get down?)
forget me baby...
         I'm no good.

everyone clamoring, crawling
desperate for my attention
         a whiff as I pass by
the breath before the kiss
slow releases of poison
permeating their being
i am essence of delusion
         acrimonious bedevilment
rolled over their temples
seeping into their veins
eating away at their cells
like a virus replicating and destroying
inducing mutations with a smirk
no containment
and to which there is no antidote
passing from one victim to the next
nonchalant and ruthless
on the prowl, half sleep
squashing beneath me
egos, hearts, lives.

as I said -
forget me -
there is no love.
Helen McKean Apr 2010
a coat of Naughty
a flick of Flirtatious
a dab of Daring
slick on Scandalous
with just a touch of Mischief

let's go out...
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