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H W Erellson May 2015
Lying there
lights off; her body
dark and abstract
no words no touch
cold cold cold

Lying there
I feel his eyes;
His fidgets and twitches
warmth unwanted
embrace me night embrace me

Goodnight everyone.
check out more stuff at
H W Erellson May 2015
** hum. Days work I suppose.
They come and go.
Riches they want.
Power they says.
Fame they wants.
Corrupting things these pale sweaty men yearn for poison.
Ah well, they pass bread over to my thin fingers, they can have it all.

But why doesn't anyone every wish for
the lasting sight of rolling hills cut under a deep and dark sunset?
Or to feel soft hands
worked and worn hands
child's hands
loving hands
****** and resting in their finite palms?
Why don't they wish for the pen to touch the paper,
so that when they read it back
they can't help but burst sealed lips whispering


for themselves but so that themselves can beam at everyone else...?
Gone are the days when simple people wished for truer things;
these are the days of calculated idiocy, of boring invincibility...

It may be spring, but tucked away in my tent on the side of the road,
undying, starving, bored,
I shiver a little as vehicles eternally roar by
following the road into a dull and predictable oblivion.
H W Erellson Mar 2015
The village is reaching the end of eternity.
The story has been told, written, read.

Out in the borderlands,
David still
fights Goliath.

The crowd have been around them for thousands of years,
chanting names,
fists in the air,
***** angry faces.

As the chanting of his name increases,
David grows in size,
unfolding like a redwood,
gleaming tanned bark.

The crowd becomes uneasy;
a giant among them? whose children will he eat?
which maidens will he devour?

and so they begin chanting Goliath's name;
David's strenght ebbs, they're feeding Goliath with their tongues now,
as he hulks and looms more and more over the shrinking David

alas, the crowd learn their mistake,
bite their tongues,
twisting them
until they are saying "David" once more.

This fight has been going on for thousands of years.
The crowd continue blindly shouting, 'David' and 'Goliath' being the only words they have uttered for aeons

unrealising they hold the power to release themselves
from this eternal fight.
H W Erellson Feb 2015
A ***** dull and grey
bored into cheap floorboards
the plastic around the bath
limescaled shower
trying to excrete
hungover hot ears and cheeks
heart loping away
among laboured breaths
God Jesus ****...
Robbed happiness
cheers in the pub;
Here's looking at you, kid.
for more of my writing, check out my blog:
H W Erellson Feb 2015
Out there with the shingled road
shimmering in the white sun
squinting into the periphery,
burnt ragged and raw retinas


out there in the slathering of sky
sleeps your soul
For much more of my writing, check out my blog:
H W Erellson Jan 2015
Shaking with all the coffee
wood tables, stairs, chairs-
this cafe is made with the slain,
with old spirits. It's too warm.

Out there walk by the day-mares; toothless and alone,
confused and wandering.
Family in prison, army, lost.

Others waltz with bulging
plastic bags,
adorned with beloved brand names,
kissed with reciepts,
blessed for ignorance

A tiny girl across teh street with a smudge on her face smiles.
I pull a thin curve, wave a little.
Unto a land that no longer cares.
No longer breathes.
looking out that long window at the street.
H W Erellson Dec 2014
the tree rises in the dark
fine needles, like fingers
forming in the love of the womb
like hay hooved back into the stable in the spring
spring. summer. No one can imagine the warmth;
a different warmth. sun warmth. animal warmth.

Curled up in winter, we nestle into a different warmth.
we huddle together like a litter of mammals for heat
in the nights of the storm
we feel Gods watching us
with fiery anger
and flowing loves
we see the streetlights like pathetic fires
sprawled out across the valleys
where the mist sets in the day and the sky consumes at dusk

the house is haunted
but we shake the old bones' hands,
we sing and dance and shout,
red in the face,
red in the blood, the heart,
we give the ghosts flesh so they may sit with us,
so we may love and cherish and laugh

so we may sleep safely wrapped around one anothers limbs
the great sprawl of humanity
awake again for the touch
of winter warmth.
Merry Christmas 2014 everybody.
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