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Irene J Nov 2019
This is the last words I write to you,
I say goodbye.

I'm sorry to be a bother in your thoughts.
I'm sorry for trying too hard for you.

Do I regret it?
I do. I regret falling in love with my best friend,
and broke the beautiful friendship we had before.

I miss you.
I miss the old us.

Can you come back?
I ******* ******* things up, I just wish I can go back in time and stay where I was before.
Irene J Nov 2019
Besides your beautiful smiles,
your foolish laugh,
your silly jokes,
and all those ways you
tried to comfort me
and understand me.

From all of that,
I fell in love with your flaws.
where nobody would,
I fell in love wanting to be that person
who can be right beside you and love you
for who you are.
Not because of your beauty,
but your flaws is more beautiful to me.
I try to reflect the reason why I suddenly fell in love with him when at the beginning I told myself not to. It was that moment where he opens up to me and told me "finally someone appreciates" him. And from that moment, I wish to give him the comfort and love he deserves. But yet, now he has left me out because... idk. I just dont get it why.
Irene J Nov 2019
I wish we never meet as friends,
So we can fall in love as strangers.
Maybe in another life.
Irene J Nov 2019
I miss you, not as a lover.
But as the guy who would ask me how I'm doing when nobody asks.
When we would talk random things for hours and argue all of a sudden.
Yet, the next day is just another day to laugh off about other things.
And I miss you that way.
Still, wonder why he avoids me, was it because of my feeling? Yet we still talk, only if suddenly an important topic needs to be discussed. Yet, suddenly everything feels strange. I'm just disappointed if he really distances himself from me. I really need to get the point straight about why I like him to him first, dont I?
Irene J Nov 2019
I wish I can go back in time,
and take back everything I've done that has damage us.

I wish I never fell in love with you,
I wish I had listened to myself in the beginning.

I focused too much on the idea of you and me together,
I forgot that expectations never met reality.

I just let everything flow itself,
and maybe someday faith can bring us together.
Only if someday ever exist.
so... I am really have given up on liking this guy. He grew distance to me all of a sudden, and I wish it never happen. This was I fear.
Irene J Nov 2019
you did nothing wrong,
it was me who loves the idea of loving you.

I keep avoiding the reality,
hoping that the idea of mine came true.
But the reality, it's far from happening.

I destroy my own soul.
Irene J Nov 2019
Do you love her to death?
She left you once, she wouldn't hesitate to leave you again.
If she loves you in the past, then why won't she accept the flaws you have?  

Do you love her to death?
Until you can't see me standing in front of you,
waiting for you to see my love.
Instead, you are looking at someone back,
who isn't looking at you.  

Do you love her to death?
Even if you know how sincere my heart is,
you still choose her who you love to death.

I may not understand your love story,
but I understand you enough to know everything.
I don't want you to live with an empty heart,
while there's me wanting to be inside of that heart of yours.
I wondered what makes him love her so much, and wondered what am I lacking. I don't know why I let my feeling too far for him. yet it makes me in a dilemma whether should I told him the truth or no.
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