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fresh-outside Jun 2017
Banyak hari telah kita lewati bersama
Aku mengamatimu cukup dalam, entah dengan kamu
Dari mulai caramu membuka mata setelah bangun dari tidur,
Caramu memperhatikanku ketika sedang berbicara,
Caramu tertawa ketika aku mengatakan sesuatu konyol,
Dan hal-hal lain yang kuanggap obat dari segala masalahku.
Aku tahu, kita dekat bukan dalam hal lumrah dalam sepasang manusia yang saling memiliki rasa cinta.
Aku hanya mengagumi.
Menjadi pengagummu adalah pilihanku.
Mencintaimu dim-diam hanya sebatas itu kuasaku.
Tak meminta apa-apa darimu
Bahkan ketika rindu meminta temu.
Maaf jika aku menjadi pengagummu
yang mungkin membuatmu merasa bersalah akan hal itu,
Tapi tak apa.
Asalkan kau baik-baik saja, akupun begitu
Terimakasih pada waktu yang telah memberikan kenangan cukup indah tentan aku yang bersamamu kala itu.
fresh-outside Dec 2016
kadang, waktu yang panjang pun tak cukup untukku menceritakan kepadamu apa-apa yang terjadi padaku
waktu yang tak cukup atau kadang bibir yang terasa kelu?
entah apa alasannya, aku buuh waktu yang lebih panjang! dua, satu, empat, sembilan jam saja tak cukup untuk ku.
seberapa jahatnya engkau terhadapku, terhadap orang yang menyayangimu, aku selalu memiliki kata 'nyaman' sehingga aku selalu suka bercengkrama bersamamu.
fresh-outside Dec 2016
You are the reason why
Reason why I laughed too hard
I smiled too often
and I cried too much

You always make my mind is freeze
Freeze just like an ice cube
So I can't do anything
Except smile,
and except let the butterflies flies on my stomach

I don't want to be naive
I like you,
A lot

But, we are just like a very good friend
Yeah, friend

It's hard to say no, while it was yes in my heart
It's kinda fun, for you to say a sweet word to me
But please, don't say it too much

I just don't want to say that I love you while it was true
I know you, more than anyone

You did **** a lot to all of the girls
And here I am, to say that it's bad,
that the KARMA will **** you then.

but from the deepest of my heart, im sure
i want you
i love you
i need you
and i dont want someone to hurt you
and i believe in you
that you will never hurt me

please, stay with me
i love you
  Oct 2016 fresh-outside
I watch the chatter of long time friends
The jealousy's blooming
It will never end
The thing that's always been there that refuses to let go
This ***** named jealousy is the only friend I know.
fresh-outside Oct 2016
At first
We are not in the same way
We are not have a same habits

But, time flies
I tried to become an open minded one
I tried to looking for the same and we can together

And so on,
We are going to the same ways
We are disscus about a whole of things

I'm just trying to be a positive one
I'm just throw my negative mind,that could happen to us

And today is the day

Its about 3 pm and we are talking about something seriuos
I thought, its already change

I ask, 'Who?'
'Later, I cant tell you now.'
Again I asked to them, 'Why?'
'I cant say if we are here'

Okay, thats logic
Im on my mind
Trying to get an answer from myself

'I just cant tell you, im afraid that you will tell to the others'

And all of my sudden,

All of my mind about them was wrong
We are never be together
  Oct 2016 fresh-outside
Slur pee
Here I am
Slammed into that corner;
Where my lungs fill with dust,
And my heart fills with sorrow.
Forlorn loner, underneath storms
Of turmoil and thunder.
Torrential puddles form
And pull me under.
Vision blurred, body curled
This darkness-
An unearthly womb
Where death rises in plumes,
A grotesque stench that pollutes
All the beauty that may bloom.
Lullabies rushed to soothe
The bitter cries of an infant;
Innocence, born to rot and gloom.
Learning to hold light a curse
Rather than carry it a boon.

Cradle me in your bones too.

Let my dust cling to you.

Squeeze me like the walls
I'm wedged between,
Release me from all this heavy gravity.

fresh-outside Oct 2016
That day,
When we are truly being a classmate
You never talked to me before, and so do I
And time flies..
Youre just there, standing in the front of the class like an idiot
And I think im not even wants to be your friend
You just hangin' with the other boys and you are such a gay

Oh uhm no, im sorry

But thats the facts

After a several times that I keep my eyes on you
You are just a teenage boy who has a full of surprise
But its just my opinion

Our eyes met for a four or five times
Until you decided to call me and act just like my old friends
The first time you talked to me,you are sitting on your chair
Two chairs in front of me
Yelled to me same as my old friends did to me

My response is just "ehm,why?" And im surprised
And the next day, you are sitting next to me and start to share about your story to me.

Im still full of surprised
Im surprised
Im surprised
And im surprised

You told me about your family,your close friends,your girlfriend and many more

At first I dont think that you will put your trust on me
Because we are didnt know each other before
But, its my pleasure that you want to share about the whole things to me
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