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  Apr 2018 Not Lauren
She Writes
I’d rather write than speak
My pen is always responsive
My ink doesn’t judge my mistakes
My paper doesn’t argue
My lines never cross me
My sentences never disappoint
And my words will never leave me
Not Lauren Mar 2018
Purple, for the strange bruises that litter my body

Green, for running rampant through the back woods

Red, for the blood-stained rocks beneath my knees

Grey, for the pale faces that remain unrecognizable

Black, for the sky's ability to cover my 3am thoughts

Blue, for the blood-filled veins that keep me alive

Yellow, for the delicate flowers off in the distance

Pink, for the rosy cheeks I wish to awake next to

Orange, for the memories of the sunsets we missed
Colors from the progression of my life. Working series 2014-present.
if the ocean would carry me
it'll collapse under the weight of my bones
made with cement and steel
and the burden each brick owns

witness the waves howler and scream
just like the heart caged in my chest
blood bubbling around the muscle
surging with every beat and protest

the bottom of the sea may be quiet
like my tongue folded neatly in my mouth
though feral beasts deep within
choke with pressure more than i can count

the ocean and i are seperate
both flowers from different gardens
one ephemeral, one wilting before your eyes
but both's head tilting up to the heavens

sorrowful eyes, swirling, storm awakening
chaos mingling betwixt water and blood
ravid souls in dire need of feeding
cursed and blessed by god

i wonder if i could carry the ocean
within just the corners of my palm
i and the ocean - we are one
a catastrophe after the calm
i love the ocean. it makes you feel a lot of things.
Not Lauren Mar 2018
I am unapologetic.

In the way I allow the universe to swallow me whole
In the way love's possession leaves me helpless
In the way my words are lost among yours
In the way I dream in poetics
In the way my raw emotions are truthfully expressed

I am apologetically unapologetic.
Not Lauren Mar 2018
Sleep called faintly, so
Whispers tucked me in tonight
Poems, I dreamt of them

But what is a poem
If a writer cannot write
Words that come to mind

Blankness overtook
So they reside in my mind
And not on paper
Not Lauren Mar 2018
Why do I have day dreams of blood running from the place in my chest where my bandaged heart remains?

The wounds are scars that no longer bleed so why


Am I still waiting for it to heal?
I need my answers but I need to leave him "left on read" before I turn red again.
Not Lauren Jan 2018
Winter has tortured me for years, with each year bringing a bigger blizzard to battle. The ice cold, barren feeling drifting within me felt all too much like home.

With a touch as gentle as the sun's first kiss, and patience more plentiful than the stars painted in the clear night sky, I found myself taking shelter from the storm I'd been putting myself through in the most unexpected place. The branching frost that once took root deep inside released its icy grip upon me and in return, a soul as warm as summer filled the gaps left behind.

A friend, a home, a declarer-of-love, a lover-of-the-seasons; he taught me I didn't need to shiver every time I peaked at myself in the mirror over tortoise-rimmed glasses... he sensed the warmth I was capable of. The lengthening of nights doesn't equal a shortening of hope.

I'm no longer gripped by the trembling fear of my own self. My skies have cleared. Winter is my Summer.
A note on seasonal affective disorder. Thank you Colin for showing me how to be warm again.
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