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EmVidar Mar 2019
Shallow and content
With stolen glances through windows
In halls
Or simply not at all

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part of the unconventional love series. Written through the days of falling through love
EmVidar Mar 2019
How did Shakespeare get it so wrong?
Love was not in sonnets
But in smaller moments
Written for deaf ears.

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unconventional love series. a series to reflect the stages of growth and development
EmVidar Mar 2019
Because I am me
And you are you
And that
Seems to be enough

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part of unconventional love collection
EmVidar Mar 2019
I think you’ve cut your hair
Her fingers look different
As they run through

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part of unconventional love series
EmVidar Mar 2019
Madness does not cease
I swear you noticed me in class today
When I try so hard
To blend in

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EmVidar Mar 2019
My finger nail polish lasted longer
Than any relationship
One can claim
To have had

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part of the unconventional love series
EmVidar Mar 2019
Today you spoke first
Grimacing as you do
Knowing, nobody means anything to you
even me because how could I

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part of the unconventional love series
EmVidar Mar 2019
You only seem content
If I am poisoned

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part of the unconventional love series
EmVidar Mar 2019
You claimed
My freckles were like the constellations
However, All stars

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part of the unconventional love series
EmVidar Mar 2019
I was too tall yesterday
Too loud today
Too hollow tomorrow
Not enough the next

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EmVidar Mar 2019
Perfection of
The unknown

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EmVidar Aug 2019
I reside
in the valleys of my mind
because you exist on the ridge
ready to push me over the edge
I get too close

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EmVidar Apr 2019
It's funny
how I was waiting for the perfect moment
And all you had to do
was ask
for me
to tell you

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to the boy, who stopped seeing me as a person
EmVidar Apr 2019
I don't remember
when I needed your words
to feel whole.
I only know
now that I don't,
you've become

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EmVidar Apr 2019
As you rack up
the body count
did it occur to you
only you cared
about it

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EmVidar Apr 2019
I wonder when I became too anxious
to express my thoughts
the blatant way
that you do

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EmVidar Jun 2019
Do you know,
you only call me
when no one else
picks up

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or when you see me with someone who isn't you
EmVidar Jul 2019
She gives me
the appearance
of sanity
A lie
I wanted to

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EmVidar Apr 2019
When did
my dreams
drift so far
from yours

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EmVidar Feb 2022
Time to say goodbye
before I'm dragged under
on last time

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EmVidar Jan 2022
I still write to you
no longer for you
but it's a habit
I can't seem to quit

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EmVidar Mar 2019
I know you never liked poetry
that it wasn't worth your
precious time
but I have to thank you for that
because it gave me the freedom
to say how much I ******* hate you
and it helped me
with my escape
from you
and honestly
I'm ******* glad you hate poetry

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I hope the comfort in your shallow world was worth it
EmVidar Jan 2022
I wanted to write something for you
but all I can think about now
is how I wish I could have bottled your voice
so I could hear you again

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EmVidar Feb 2022
5 years
since I became someone
you don't recognize

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EmVidar Jun 2022
Made even
the sweet memories
have a bitter aftertaste

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EmVidar Jun 2019
she needed to hear
silly little words
that would have made

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EmVidar Jul 2019
I liked his unwavering
ability to have courage
and how he was more bitter
than me
for it

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EmVidar Feb 2022
Do I exist
at the edges
like you do

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for someone forgotten, but I see your shadow when reminded you were once in full colour
EmVidar Mar 2019
I wonder
when I switched
into the poisonous snake
you've claimed me to be
I wonder if
I was always that way
you just helped show me
or if you were the cause
Because He tells me
that there is only good
when you told me
their was only pain,
and suffering,
and heartache, but
that didn't matter
Because I did not feel and you
were what was good for me
despite all the flaws you would point out
you claim that your love was
and I  would find no one else
that would love the broken mess
that I had become
and when you shattered me more
in hopes of keeping me
in your little box
He stormed in
and let me out
and waited
until I was ready
to accept his
type of love
EmVidar Feb 2022
I convinced myself,
I loved you.
longer than I should have.

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EmVidar Aug 2019
We loved in a way
even I don't understand
and we left each other
you for another
and me
to save the pieces
he hadn't broken yet

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EmVidar Sep 2019
I'm trying
to understand
why I still care
when I know that
I had to leave
we'd have drowned

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EmVidar Aug 2019
It was always cruel
and twisted
It was the part of love
you should live without

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EmVidar Oct 2022
I must have loved you
at one point
These lingering emotions must have been created
to fill the void left
from the absence of love

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EmVidar Aug 2020
Each time I end up here
your words ring in my head
"only the insane, keep doing things the same"
you never said anything about what happens
if heart break comes
from different pains.

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EmVidar Sep 2019
I wonder
if you were looking
to be saved
the way
you always claimed
you were doing
for me
EmVidar Sep 2022
Is it alright
to wish you well
when I know the truth
you chose to ignore

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EmVidar Jan 2022
how well
we write heartbreak

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EmVidar Aug 2022
I've forgotten you
the only way I can
You no longer have a face
Your laugh no longer a sound I hear  
Songs are skipped
instead of played on repeat
I can't remember if your eyes were blue
maybe green? were they brown
Instead you are a name
replaced with neutral terms
A memory for stories
that exist only because you had
at one point

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EmVidar Sep 2019
It wasn't from
lack of love
or trying
just us pretending
for too long
to be
what the other

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EmVidar Mar 2019
She thanked me
for teaching her
to love herself again
when the only reason
I loved myself
was because of her

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to my friend, I hope you remember what you mean to me
EmVidar Jan 2022
Were you ever sorry?

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EmVidar Apr 2019
I let you take my voice again.
Even though
I had promised myself
I wouldn't.

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EmVidar Jul 2019
Tell me those lies
only I get to hear

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EmVidar Jul 2019
and then
we stop

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EmVidar Feb 2022
You've become
the voice in my head
telling me
it's never good enough

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EmVidar Feb 2022
Always some truth
in the words we say,
even in the lies
you've accused me
of saying

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EmVidar Mar 2019
To you,

We've just met today
for the first time
but I have to tell you
A year from now
I'll realize my feelings
for you and I hope
that you will hear
them then

Lovingly yours,

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EmVidar Mar 2022
For the times I cannot love myself
Love me quietly
For when the silences are too loud
Love me peacefully
For when sleeps avoids us
Love me calmly
For when we weather the storms
Love me greatly
So the oceans feel like lakes
Love me deeply
So when I drown,
it's only in you

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EmVidar Mar 2019
I think you act
the way you do
to attempt sincerity
only a broken heart could know

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