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Aidan Feb 2020
Not again!
Don’t let her near me again!
This happens every time.
I just want a break from her
What do I have to do to get a day off.

My friend is right next to me!
Why can’t you just go for her.
No! Please!
Have some mercy woman.

My friend is right next to me
Why don’t you go bug her huh!
I have to deal with this 24/7
And she’s sitting pretty.
No way!
Not gonna happen.

I ask for a week off
It’s a simple ask
Yet I’m still on the clock.

What do I have to do to get away from you?!
I didn’t ask for this
I didn’t want to to be with you

But I’m still here
Serving your needs hand and foot.
The servant to the master

The shoe to the foot...
Aidan Feb 2020
It’s coming!
Closer and closer
It’s coming for all of us.

The walls are closing in,
Oozing the jelly from its victims.
That’s how a loving in made now
Take the people,
Sell the remains.

Oh no.

It’s here,
Am I next or are you?
Not sure.
We’re standing side by side
Two peas in a pod
And now they have come for us.

The walls of October.
They aren’t as nice as they appear.
Aidan Feb 2020
Here I am
Writing to you
Writing to someone that will never respond
Talking to a brick wall
Yet here I am
Still making the attempt

What can I do?
Is there something I can do to change this dynamic,
It has been years.
Years since my heart last skipped.

What can I do to make it leap once more?
To feel again what it is like for you to look my way.
To feel again what it is like to be cared for.

So here I am,
Writing to you.
My lifeline being tossed out,
In hopes that you will come to rescue me.
First loveish themed poem
Aidan Feb 2020
Where am I?
Please can someone tell me
Where am I?
I’m lost and confused
Can someone please be my guide?

It’s dark and cold
I’ve already ran into something twice
I’ve lost my mind 5 years ago
I think I saw it here

Can someone help me?
Tell me where I am

Someone is here
They are coming
Can someone help me?

They are here for me
They are here to take what I only have
They are waiting
They are watching

Help me please!
I’m lost in the forest of my mind.
Aidan Jan 2020
They’re coming
Hear them roar
They’re coming
Hear their battle cry

Out for blood
Out for revenge

They’re coming
And there is nothing you can do

You invited them
You used them
You gave them all of this power

Now it’s time to bow down
Time to surrender
Time to put your life in their hands

They’re the pots and pans
And they dictate your future
Aidan Dec 2019
Can someone hear me?
Can someone hear me?

It’s so dark in here.
So many days, so many nights

Can someone hear me?

Set me free
Anyone! Someone!

I’ve been in here for a decade!
I hear growling,
I’m scared.

I’m in over my head,
The liquid!
It’s going over my head.

Help me please!
I’m stuck in the bottle
Aidan Jun 2019
I trusted you
I trusted you and I have been forgotten.
I have been forgotten and left to deal with the never ending abyss that is my mind.
What have I done to cause this?
What have I done to be left all alone in this world.

The reality checks that we get are unique to all of us but what really defines who we are is how we react to it.
It's how we use this wake up call to our advantage rather than let it be our downfall.

But you have let it get the best of you.
Reality has told you something that you did not wish to hear so you turned the other way.
Away from the truth.
You chose to ignore the pain rather than fight through it.
Rather than take it as a lesson and learn from it.

You chose the easy way out.
In most cases, I would agree with your decision but not now.
This was the wrong time to choose to escape.
This was the wrong time to choose to abandon hope of change.
Change comes around regardless and it is up to us to be there for when it arrives.
Change leads to many great things in life
Change can also lead to various horrific things

I trusted you and you left me to fend against the truth by myself
You left but I will still welcome you back with open arms.
I will still allow you the second chance to let me down
I will still allow you the chance to escape once more.

Maybe I need the lesson in who to trust
But it's you who needs the lesson in fighting.
This poem is about not having someone in your corner at the most detrimental time. About the fact that even though they left, you would still give them a chance to do it all over again.
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