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Drifton A Way Apr 22
Can’t sleep as usual, mind full of racing thoughts
Scattered and unusable, but I must connect dots
Dreams are delusional, paralyzed stomach knots
Life is quite amusable, eternal electric Alan Watts

Searching for meaning in this forever fleeting
Deceiving the future and constantly competing
Passed last stop for gas running late for meeting
Presently stuck in a moment and it’s so defeating

So what do you do?

Well… I change my tone to match the question and try and avoid the slightest detection of my macro case of dereliction by trying to fit into this new unnatural selection.  How about you?

Oh me…. I’m an administrative associate’s assistant advisor to the senor executive director of advanced growth and analytics but….

In my free time I also dabble as a life coach consultant and a freelance enthusiast, who doubles as a self loathing soothsayer who’s also exultant towards psychic’s and any genie’s wish and I pose as a ******.. analyst just to credibly prognosticate the general gist of horror scopes…I know it all sounds pretty… prophetic, but I always act humble and keep it 100 % copacetic

So if you’re making a list, wondering where all your time went, or just one of my many haters

Go ahead and get ******… later, because I’m also the president of the meetup group for ……Procrastinators.
Whenever works for you, just let me know so we can reschedule.
Wake up
Grab a Cup

A Fiend for the Caffeine
Happy Serotonin Going
Nothing but a Lush

Afternoon to Evening
Got my Dopamine Flowing
Man, what a Rush

Humming to a Slumber
Got the Melatonin Slowing
Down to a Hushhh

Pineal Gland in Hand
Got the Hormones Growing
Just about to Gush

Slip to REM and it's Fluid
Finding Zen almost Lucid
Abruptly dreams Concluded

Return to Send
Wake up!
Now do it all Again
Chemical chasing dystopian slaves
Big city racing after utopian craves
Drifton A Way Aug 2023
Another sunset tries to survive, as it drifts beneath the earth and dies

The dreary dawn awaits for it's alter ego to stumble through the night
In theory gone, she baits the line, and casts our soul into another fight
A leery pawn, a game of fates, it's time to know, what feels just right
An eerie yawn, opens the gates, the perfect dream walks into the light

The sunrise comes with haunting cries, shining down on tearful eyes
Darkened skies remind last night's broken promises are Today's lies

Thieving Gray clouds shade the grounds as my head pounds and Throbs
Weaving Stray crowds of worried rats scurried about chaotically to Jobs
Leaving an unbearably noxious musk wafting throughout the surly Mobs
Deceiving another day until the dusk comes lofting like a thief and Robs

The morning's glory, came and went, and not a moment too soon
The mayhem and the havoc hellbent, clamoring to stay high noon
Tensed sheople just making life's rent, until the stars begin to croon
Incensed at the blanket time we spent, chasing the tranquil moon
It's too bright and hot out there, global cooling anyone? Biodome perhaps? Aliens please save us.
Drifton A Way Jun 2023
Ignorance is ****
In the wind
However, it changes direction
Again, and again

A wish, a whirl
A kiss, on the pearl

Polished perfectly for years
To ***, distracting all fears
Like a drum rumbling from the Woulds
**** the If’s, ****, leave the Coulds

Luck like a Lady, and the maybe Shoulds
Spike dope a meanly cost of doing Goods
Do they though?
Drifton A Way Feb 2023
As the lively daze begins to sway its way into those grimy dark nights
Shivers commence along thy spine, as the grey guide, gifts you lights
Just another phase, as you lay claims to new serene dreams and sights
The ghostly fence of fog, a faint veil fading away nocturnal red flights

The Streets lie empty healing from sapiens seeping into their cracks
The Beats pound the town, scarring until sun down, stabbing backs
The corner eye, shall always spy as to why, pondering absolute facts
The foreigner wanders around a strange land abound by what it lacks

Blind Willie Johnson etched in time hurtling eternity through space
Dark is the night, and all is silent as untold stories float with grace
Divine justice arrives supremely sublime ready to look into the face
Spark of yellow light, illuminates the drive to the final resting place

Just a passenger in other's lives, spectacularly haunting wet dreams
The perfect night and memory, a spectacle of championship teams
A bachelor of the universe, a specter meant to drift among the earth
Savor that last bite, tranquility's spectrum, the vastly unseen worth
Maybe it's never been Maybelline?
Drifton A Way Feb 2023
Fortune ate the last bite and did us all a favor
A portion meant, a last rite, take time to savor
A moment spent,fleeting bliss,epitome of flavor
A sin to repent, one more kiss, sign the waiver

For never more, a mind so poetically controlled
Forced to abhor, seek revenge, a heart so cold
Free Folklore, one kind soul, sadly bargain sold
Found lost ashore, wash, binge, have and hold

Yes life is tough, but we play cards we’re dealt
Free will to bluff, beware lessons leave a welt
Improv off the cuff, words can make ‘em melt
Don’t forget rough times, broken down to felt

Empathy is the key to unlock all of humanity
Where once you were blind, now you can see
Not only is it not you, but a projection of me
Reflection’s of thee eternally free collective WE
Drifton A Way Oct 2022
I’m a Dog let out the yard going full gung ***
Like HapPenis is hard, where you wanna go?
Chase your twin flame soul an do the research
Dinosauring through the hole,birdodg on perch

The Mountain top song has never been sang
So stand tall like Lurch,ask the universal rang
Let it rain like King Kong, ******* in the wind
Donating organs in Church, unorginally sinned

Akin to Cain or if your Able then begin again
Return to sendher to the stable, it ain’t broken
Thank god, for this bountiful table, hey men
She just lost her label, alert the next of kin

Biblically speaking I believe they all dig karma
Blasphemous seeking, pill popping big pharma
We just need the escape,heavy-binded by fear
It’s Superman’s cape! Heaven is blinding HERE

Close your eyes and just meditate
Absolve your lies it’s not too late
But once you do try to open your mind
You’ll ask not why, but be One and kind
Shake off that repugnant rust, and embrace the euphoric crystallized spacedust, it feels like love but looks like lust, fits like a glove and where we’re going,  it’s a must.
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