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 Jul 2017 DracoTalpus

Come sit and listen to my tale
I’ve written out in rhyme
About this very special girl
Well…Once upon a time

I watched her as she grabbed her sword
Through castle doors she strode
Her steed a mighty bloodline breed
Upon its back she rode

The villagers, a mass each side
Did cower deep of shame
To hide their faces, dark engulfed
Yet they were not to blame

The dragon, oh a wicked beast
Its flames their village feared
Roaring loud till mountains fell
This path of death it cleared

As she, so brave with golden shield
To not back down this day
Her hair a flow of springtime breeze
This dragon she would slay

While in their homes the people wept
Afraid to greet the sun
Curtains closed, bolted doors
As if their lives were done

This monster with its piercing eyes
Just laughed at their disgrace
Clawing mud and slinging guilt
A smile on its face

She raised her sword to touch the sky
So sharp this flying steel
To take this creature from its reign
Its fate her goal to seal

Through shutters, cracks of woven walls
The villagers did peer
To see this girl with maple eyes
Not show one ounce of fear

A fire like a raging wave
The dragon’s mouth did spew  
"You dare to face this charge of me
Your days I count are few"

With lightening speed she swung her blade
The likes of fables wrote
To slash this demon to its grave
So swift across its throat

The villagers came running out
To watch the flowing blood
And cheer when now their monstrous foe
Collapsed in one loud thud

She turned to face the growing crowd
Her beauty filled the air
Climbing down from on her horse
This moment she would share

"Our hero," shouted one and all
"A wondrous victory
You saved us, you are now our Queen
A place in history"

She blushed and offered this to them
"No hero, I’m no queen
This battle we have fought as one
You all have stood with me"

"This village it shall be our home
No matter what will fall
I am no different than you
No different at all"

"Together we shall face these tests
And battle ever true
For you are what makes this a home
In everything you do"

A celebration held that night
With lots of fun and laughter
For now they knew their world had found
Its happily ever after

So now you’ve heard my story long
Some truth, a little blur
You see this woman is my friend
I am so proud of her
A friend won a long fought battle today and in the process made things much easier for others around her as well.  I am so proud of her.
 Jul 2017 DracoTalpus
SG Holter
Odin, watch over my girl as she's sleeping.
Dry each tear that she fell asleep weeping.
Light candles in the windows of Valhalla's hall.
Hang paintings of her on its every wall.

Shield upon forearm, axe in my hand.
At the gates of Àsgarðr I finally stand.
Pour ale in my horn, say lad, you are late!
Fallen by foesword, arisen by faith.

Odin, as hard as the stone of your throne
Were Life and Love, even unalone.
Born as Lover, to worship and feel.
Grew into Warrior, wounds that won't heal

Now fester with thoughts of lovers and friends
That all remain stories; everything ends.
I look down at Miðgarðr, and long for it not.
Now life with the gods is all that I've got.

Odin, watch over my girl as she sleeps.
Be gentle when picking the memories she keeps.
The ones where my patience was tested, you burn.
But keep some regrets; we all need to learn.

Allow me inside, and let us begin.
Let's drink to the warmth of a woman's skin.
Let's drink to the soul of a Norseman saved.
I'm hanging with gods. Just dig me my grave.
All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken,

The crownless again shall be king.
The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet,

And whither then? I cannot say.
 Aug 2016 DracoTalpus
Anne Kho
Do you love me
       Or do you not?
You told me once,
        But I forgot.
 Jun 2016 DracoTalpus
When we began to love each other, in my mind, I saw a room. The bedroom of an old farm house; windows open, and soft, pale, green curtains moved lazily about the sills. Light of late afternoon slipped in, whilst a faint, blue summer sky waited outside. The door to the hallway is open; the rest of the house - still. A bed is the only piece furniture in a room with wood floors and white walls. There are only sheets on the bed, old cotton sheets, heavy, limp, and cool. This room was our togetherness. Since he died, I am not in the room, and light in it is cooler. It is evening and no one is home.

I am waiting at the door of the story with peaches in my hands. The door is shut, and the peaches are unripe. None of their warmth and sweetness can be smelled, their fuzz clings to them like tight new skin. When we wait patiently for things to open, we stay with them and be, and they ripen, and the door opens. I wait for the peaches and the door as they wait for me. A story through that door will show me and harm me, it is with peaches I may come through.

I was a small child when my mother told me a story of peaches. When I remember it, I remember the peach tree across from our old house. Short and squat, with shining, skinny leaves; the tree crouched in the rose garden. My mother told me about the peace and bliss of heaven, and that when we went there we became angels. She told me that angels longed for the earth sometimes, and have bodies, because angels cannot taste peaches.

When I taste and smell peaches now, I try to give myself over to them, to live and feel the taste of them, to not take them lightly, to not keep them foreign. The day that he died, I found a nectarine in the kitchen, and carried it with me, praying to it to keep me in the world of life, to remind me that moments of peaches are worth the pain of aliveness.

Every story starts with the breaking off an indefinite number of things that have come before. To try and tell the story of Lucien from the beginning, means I will omit the stories of before, the peripheral stories which came before and bled into his, like color on wet paper.

I suppose there are so many ways of telling a story. Not one will be perfect, but each is a prayer. Can you feel this? Can I make something? Are our lives commensurable? Do my words mean what your words mean? We shall see.

This story, too, is a prayer.

A prayer for a new house, a new tree, and a new beginning.
 Jun 2016 DracoTalpus
Dawn King
and how delicately
should I handle
that which has
been left to
rot away
 Jun 2016 DracoTalpus
Dawn King

I listen
I watch
I analyze
I compare
I find pattern
I detect the ways
I take note of the days
I make calculated determinations


Game changing speculations
Ascertain the ramifications


Behavioral articulations
This poem is an original work by Dawn King and my intellectual property. It must not be copied or used in any writings, publications, photos, or online platforms without my express permission.
 Jan 2016 DracoTalpus
Dawn King
When men are from mercury and not from mars
It means women are from unmentioned galaxy stars

When you give me your messages
In multitudes of melodies & Curious cacophony of cranial codes
Dare I decipher this disconcerted data
Massive mainframes of masked mental material
Hidden honeysuckle hints buried deep within
Lust covered lurking lexicons in libraries of linguistic whisper hints
Love innuendos in serpentine tongues
Like a brainwave barrage by day & Titanium telepathy attacks by night
You stop at nothing to remain in my sight

I never told you I was from unmentioned galaxy stars  
You’re a man from mercury and not from mars
This poem is an original work by Dawn King and my intellectual property. It must not be copied or used in any writings, publications, photos, or online platforms without my express permission.
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