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 Jun 2014 De void
Jon York
Love is. . .an obsession, everybody wants it,
everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it
and those who do achieve it will cherish it,
be lost in it, and among all will
never forget it.

Love is. . . the most powerful emotion known,
and one the most important things in life is to
learn is how to give  love and let it come in as
love can heal any wound but equally love
can leave some very painful scars that last a
very long time.

Love is. . .the only satisfactory answer to the
problem of human existence because bad things
happen to us and how we respond to them defines
our character and the quality of our life and we can
choose to sit in sadness, immobilized with pain
from our loss or we can rise above the pain and
treasure the most precious gifts that we have, life
and love.

Love is. . .a puzzle posed by the emotions and
not likely to be solved by reason and it is hard to
get into but even harder to get out of and soon
we realize that there is only one happiness in life
- to love and to be loved and anytime not spent
on love is wasted.

Love is. . .loving without fear, trusting without
questioning, needing without demanding, wanting
without restrictions, accepting without change,
desiring without inhibitions and only time is capable
of understanding how valuable love is.    
                                                                ­            Jon York         2014
 May 2014 De void
I once knew serenity
where I lived for infinity
a place of my youth
where there was nothing but truth
no lies or deceit
where there was nothing I wouldn't try and defeat
an unbreakable young mind
who saw happiness in everything he could find
but innocence started to fade
things weren't just lime and lemonade
chemical changes taken place underneath
ulterior motives hidden behind a metal sheath
whilst lost the baby teeth
took pleasure in power
and not just the pretty flower
unable to grasp that time began to move too fast
yearn for the past
emotions appeared that no one wants to last
anger jealousy hurt and depression
all which taught a life long lesson
that nothing remains the same
and for that there's no one to blame
cause the world doesn't give a ****
I know that's pessimism but expect for the worst
as then at least your bubble of life wont burst.
 Oct 2013 De void
Standing in a room painted red, staring at a book on a table. There are no windows, there are no doors, a light swings from a rusty cable. Music plays through the walls, voices speak through the floor, a chill runs down my neck, I spun around, tripped, then landed on the floor.

The air was sweet, the sand was warm, the water splashed our feet. Walking on the beach the waves began to form, two became a beautiful three, then time brewed a terrible storm. Then she flinched with gritted teeth and in her eyes a look of scorn. Then she turned her back on me, her halo turned into horns. Then she vanished from the dream leaving the sky broken and torn.

The book slammed shut and the room began to shake, then a cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows, and walked over to where I lay. Then a door appeared on the red wall, and the cloaked figure stepped outside. He was holding a sword in his left hand, and a list of names in his right. The cloaked figure smiled at me then vanished out of sight.

Standing in a room painted red, staring at a book on a table. There are no windows, there are no doors.

I must be dead.
© JDMaraccini 2013
 May 2013 De void
Hi, it’s me again,
It’s depression,
I can ruin your life,
Make it terrible,
Mess up everything.
I can change you,
And take everything away.

Hey, it’s me again,
I’m bipolar
Take the medicine,
It will ruin everything,
You can’t laugh, or cry
Be sad, or even be happy.

Hello, it’s us,
We’ve joined together,
We’ve ruined you,
You’re now going insane,
You can’t stop us,
Your life’s over.
You live within me.
You dance through my veins.
You fill my lungs with sighs;
you give me pristine air to breathe.

You flirt with me,
you salute me
and hail me
by the fierce moonlight.
You call me a princess,
you laugh with me
and touch my hand
over yon old wooden bench.
You read me poems,
you smile at delight
and cry at every gloom.
With a craze so sweet
You wipe out my tears
and send blushes
all over my cheeks.
You know my story,
you are amazed
at the shapes I tell of
and the mean princes
I write of.
You are my morn
and night poetry,
you are the tale
that makes me forget
and the only song
that makes me forgive.

You shower me with love,
you soak my bones
and give my heart its beat.
You warm me up
behind the cold walls,
you hug my spirit
as the wicked storm falls.

You were born within me,
you grew and aged inside me.
You glorify and empower me,
you lift me up and cherish me.
You console me when I am sad,
you sing for me when all goes mad.
You feel guilty when I am wrong,
you feed my flesh and make it strong.

You please my soul,
you cure my pain with joy.
You are the charms,
that strangle and capture me.
You are the birth
of my every mirth!
You are the triumph
that I strive for,
You are the light
that shields my mind,
the nearby sun
that feeds my love.
 Apr 2013 De void
sweet leigh
Sometimes I think I love you.

When I've had a little too
too much wine
and I'm a little too
too lonely
and you're there
you're always
always there
and I don't care
I don't care if it's not really
I don't care if I'm only
only pretending
because you're moving
moving above me
against me
above me
against me
you keep moving
and you love me
love me truly
heart achingly
and I wish I could be
thought I might be
want so badly
to believe
that maybe I'd be...
 Apr 2013 De void
Carl Stevenson
And you could blame it on me
Y'know, if it was my fault
If I had anything to do with it at all
It’d make me happy,
Even if I lost you
To make you happy.

Bittersweetly, that isn’t the case
Because I’m not the instigator
All I can do is be here
To be here, for you.
 Apr 2013 De void
michael gagain
Morbid is you
Morbid is me
It lives in us all
It does not go unseen
Think about what i say
You'll know its the truth
There are not to many of us with to much couth..
I will prove my and see
None of you have to listen to me
When you pass by an accident you drive right through
or tap the brake and see whats new
I think the latter....its clear as a bell
You cant tell me .....its not gonna sell
You look  through your fingers at horrible guts
cause really want to see that stuff
It lives in us need to deny
The morbidity of life is always  close by....
 Apr 2013 De void
michael gagain
put pen to paper
push some ink without thinking
write down your feelings
 Apr 2013 De void
i am
 Apr 2013 De void
I am nobody,
I am nothing,
I hate me,
this is the truth.
I am the enemy,
my own worst enemy,
I am a victim;
I am a fool.
I am who I am,
a useless man,
I am weak,
I am fearful.
I am rejected,
I have accepted
that I am pathetic,
I am a tool.
Life is pointless,
so very pointless,
until the day I finally meet you.
Then I am able,
so very able
to open my heart and start anew.
I am humble,
I am willing,
I am ready,
to start rebuilding.
I am caring,
I am loving,
I am happy
to say 'I do'.
I am sharing,
my heart mending,
I love me because I love you.
Time passes,
we are fighting,
you get upset and say 'we're through'.
I am checking,
I am questioning,
I am worried,
I can take no more.
You lied to me,
you used me,
I am banging on the bedroom door.
You broke me,
you hurt me,
I break it down and enter with force.
You are screaming,
you are running,
I am about to settle the score.
I am pulling,
I am yanking
on the chainsaw starter cord.
You are crying,
you are begging,
then the engine begins to roar.
I look down and remind you
I am an artist to the very core.
I am sculpting,
I am painting
I am writing,
a metaphor.
© JDMaraccini 2013
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