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CStream Apr 2018
I wash my knives with a brush because the washing machine don’t work on the stains of my flesh
I used to take pictures after the deed was done because when the voice would command me next time I hoped I wouldn’t say yes
Now it’s nothing but a collage of empty promises and a reminder of how crippled a mind can be
My heart tries its best to pump enough blood for my brains to desperately keep breathing but... what can you do when your blood is a neurotoxin
Today I learned that the definition of burning isn’t flames but infact just a reaction with oxygen
Seems to explain why my blood breathes through gills and also why I feel like I’m being scorched
  Feb 2016 CStream
Shreya Inks
Took my pills on time;
left my phone on though,
I've been doing fine;
no signs of you.
Sale season is on;
I picked up a sweater in blue,
late Saturday night;
no signs of you.
How old books lie last in a pile;
sure, they're lovely too,
been reading Arab authors;
no signs of you.
I scored good in a game;
that's something new,
I play, but it's boring;
no signs of you.
Late nineties rap;
yeah I listened to a few,
it's on loop now;
no signs of you.
Good people are still there;
but I don't see any clue,
they're all out of time;
no signs of you.
They draw hearts on paper;
but don't have one I knew,
late February;
no signs of you.
I don't borrow but;
looks like some debt is due,
don't remember any;
maybe signs of you.
"Some people are like air balloons, once you slip them out of your hands -they won't ever land on your ground. They will fly high and end up on someone else's roof. You might never know where they went, 'cause the time of getting them out of your sight is very less. Longer you set your sight on them, deeper it will ache."
  Jan 2016 CStream
Francie Lynch
Honey I'm drunk,
Don't come by,
But if you do
Bring Canadian Rye;
I've two feet planted
Six feet high,
And I ain't right ready
To lay down to die.
But the sun is sinking,
And my body's stinking,
Honey will you come,
Please bring that Rye.

Honey, I drink,
We both know why,
Let's not pretend,
Let's not lie.

Honey I'm dry,
I'm gonna die,
I've six feet planted
Two feet high.
I ain't quite steady,
I could use a high.
The sun's in the east,
My demon's a beast,
So Honey drop by,
Please bring that Rye.
Add some chords. Needs a bridge.
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