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When I asked you what I should do. you told me...
"Yeah, I guess it would make sense to end it now."
I could feel a crippling cold in my lungs mid summer
my heart is no stranger to a strangers lack of care.
It's just a summer ******.

At least when left alone, let alone the thought of being lonely, I never consider taking my own life before its meant to be taken from me.

At least when I talk to you, you remind me like your reliquary for lost tears, you tear through me unraveling my armor to all my inner most fears.

Giving myself a gift of agony inside of antagonizing images of my self.
Ambition and bravery give way to craven humility. disguising howls towards the moon as laughter laughed to soon. I dug my grave today just to give prayer to the future,

I piece myself back together with my words like a surgeon who's done this a thousand times.

He who is practiced in the way of emotion suture

His hands never getting steadier operating on the child inside him with his rhymes.

It never gets any easier
it only gets worse.
After all,
how can you do your job,
when you run out of thread
and there's a thundering in your head.

When you've got twenty-five to thirty for life to become death.
You kind of want to be in control of your last breath
Self reflection
I get the text
I flash back
When you told me to quit smoking.
That every puff you caught over the phone upset you.
I remember how you told me someone close to you died because of it.

I remember that night
Picking up a bottle when you texted me.
What was once an enjoyable activity
Now became a hole to dig myself into.
You called
I couldn't find the strength to pick up my phone
I'm sorry so I picked up my pack.
As I flipped it open I thought about what you would say.
Should I be angry?
Or should I be happy for you?

I lit the end.
If I was going to **** myself.
This is the way you'd want it
once again you text me.

You call me
What do I say?...
I hold my head high, my will strong, and my smile wicked.
I twirl and sing the songs that must be sung.
I dance for the company of beasts that I hold a single obligation towards.
I hold myself well in the presence of wolves and yet, I know I am but a piece of flesh for gnawing eyes.
So I dance with fire in my blood and ice in my eyes.
with amber in my hair and a clover in the back of my mind.
I dance to feed the wolves.
I dance to feed myself.
Tonight, we tipped the scales.
The ones hidden between our emotions.
the ones embossed in our actions.
Weighted more or less with each choice of word or sliding of our hands;
Sometimes we longed to push them to see how far they'd go without tipping.
Sometimes we expected nothing,
but often times we saw that the wager made, out weighed itself so that the price of humility was more than enough to pay for the price of romance.
A brush of your hand against my arm, my voice hanging on the rim of your ear.
the smile of your face as I rubbed my thumb against your tear.
With each new dare we gave ourselves, we found ourselves out numbered by the emotions we bare.
Love, desire, a sense of passion cooled by blankets that serves as feudal resistance to the inferno inside, because the war we waged could turn a nuclear winter into a spring day.
the only price to pay was for a somatic spell.
sparing no time, knowing our conscious is guilty of our crime
we said it
nothing sounded more decadent
Than the thought that tonight we decided.
Lets change this.
Little known is the thought we throw to the side.
inside insidiously we tried
to hide the being with the wish I hope to confide.

Let alone the disillusioned idea of property or love owned by the self.
let alone the thoughts we've left canned on the shelf.
Like a man with no remorse I open those cans with a thought in mind.

I hope I can find your love inside of at least one, with empathy of my task in kind
A fanatic devil in my bed
an acolyte to the color red

I cast my eyes upon the dirt you dragged in
I set my hands upon your horns

The tragedy shed in light is that you lived without sin
A face touched by god and a spirit that rivals hell
I take your crown off the bed post and wear your thorns

I promise to show you the mercy this world has denied you.
I promise the love that this world has showed so few
We debate and argue its meaning
Its ability absolute
Its hold without stain
It could have chosen differently
It could have given but today it took
Just give it up
Theres no point debating time and its meaning
Last night I sat
Wanting a cigarette
Work ******
Had to disown my father
I might be homeless in a few weeks
I couldn't help but cry
But then I realized
My friend might have cancer
I have no reason to cry
so I smiled
I might be bald in a few weeks too.
I wish to paint using the night sky...
every star as important as the last...
So that pictures fill my sight...
So that stories cloud my head...
I cast my finger across the horizon...
My mind will take me there...
Some day...
Bronze chains snap under heavy tension where the mind cant keep up.
Like atlas with too much on his mind
Let the world slip between your fingers
Wake up
Realize that your world is at terminal velocity
And as the moment it crashes into itself.
Let go
There are countless more
You told me if you'd buy me a flower, you'd rather grow me a rose bush and send it to every other man you can think of. but i'd be on the end of that list. at least i'd be on the end of that list. all i've ever been is at the end of a list. It hurt more than when we kissed. let alone when i felt your hands on my wrist.
My bones sing songs of distant memories
One's of my happiest days
Some of my worst
They retell stories of what I became
What was to become of me
My age
But it doesn't matter
I don't care what they sing
I don't care what their personification is
They will still find themselves in a dogs mouth
Some day
Don't stress it. try your hardest, or your very best.
Actually just do it, or don't.
Nothing makes the perfect human being.
Try to be kind, to others always pay mind
Never make a promise you cant keep
Don't look at others with vision so steep
Don't do a lot of things
Do a lot of things.
Just be the best person you can be
We ask what it looks like, But you have not seen it
We ask what it felt like, but you haven't felt it
You assure us it's there, You assure us someone did something
Someone turned off the light and You want us to find the switch
You beg and plead for the light to come back on.
But we can't as much as we want to help you
Because the light,
Never existed...
First girl I dated
Second Girl I loved
No need count the one before her
Brianna was so much more
and not much less
of what I expected
to fall in love
And there I saw it, the sky fell with burning cinders.
My mind almost speechless
"Oh ****"
If you are to put me in the ground you must **** me
If you are to **** me, you must do it in one hit.
Because if you fail...
Cigarettes stopped tasting the way they should
They stopped holding that zest that made me content
The nicotine buzz isn't worth the smell
The moment I stopped and looked
The ashes no longer sang to me
My lighter no longer kept me warm
The same day,
I got to know you
We'll Start off, making our way towards oblivion
The smell of cheap cologne and drinks
We'll ink the way our hearts bleed onto our arms
No reason to hide our motives when we cast a line
after all.
We both bit at the bait. And now you have me.
And I have you.
You're forehead pressed against mine
grins as wide as the man on the moon
Stealing kisses here and there, Its a shame
We wont remember the night
Poems should be simple like a brush
So that you get the Idea of its purpose
But as complex as a riddle
Because the beauty,
Is when you understand
How much work was put into it
Pragmatic is my virtue
Destitute is my patience.
God has much to beg for.
Much above the appeal of general man.
but most of all,
I hope it can forgive me
Because the way of Tao.
Is the way of life.
and i've acted against in self interest.
And for those out of instinct.
Some times I feel as if the beast inside is better than the man.
Because the beast destroys itself to create.
But the man preserves itself by destroying.
In order to be human
I must Obstain from what I love.
In Order to preserve what I love.
I've been blinded seven fold by a world that begs for compassion. I have tasted the waters filled with disease, I neglect them. I have heard the gun shots down the street, I haven't raised an ear. I have seen the impunity of brutality on streets I would call home. I've looked away. I do not feel shame. For this, I am sorry. But I can't worry about that right now, not with my own life on the line.
My twisted tongue speaks words less than wise
But it is enchanted with loves sound
An escape artists hands
The memory of forgotten love
It knows not how to speak the full truth
And it cant tell an entire lie
That the words I speak leave existence to die
That creation was a toy of the mind so we must play with it
Taking ostracized thoughts and bring them back home
Take no moment of deepest secret thought
Of the most sacred of intentions
Leave none unmade and let all be known
There's a reason that ink cannot be easily unwritten
It is the will of creation that what has been made
Not be unmade
I'm nineteen, You were supposed to keep this world together
My cigarettes  remind me of my last nights of freedom.
My friend and I caught on to what your selling.
We aren't buying.
We realized in the cold of night.
God can find you, and you can find God.
There's no difference to the situation.
It doesn't make a difference. You still see a *******.
You were supposed to keep the world in order.
Just a silly word of power and nothing more.
I break my bones against my will
I scratch the surface of my skin to find the man beneath
I burn holes in my character to find the source of my integrity
I find no man
nothing worth saving
just broken bones
A shattered will
I mere moment of your hands in mine
The taste of your words on my ears
It's all I want to hear.
I don't care how over used it is
I don't care what it means to others
I just want to hear you say those words
The one's that seem to escape
Your vocabulary
Pragmatic is the virtue of diligence. Always active in the common comedy, let alone the discipline desired to do what's destined to unfold before this paragon. His jaw is angled from clenching his teeth in anticipation, her breath steadily drawing in the heavy air around her. Eyes dilating in excitement. All because diligence reaps what is sows
"Once more," Richardson said grabbing his hat and throwing it into the air. the  ball cap slid up through the air slicing the light from the moon and stars. The sky clear on a french night. The soft smell of a bakery near by.  All that one could hope for was in a night like this. And as I came back from thought. I could see the corners of my room. holes, beaten and torn. Here I am, lying around. in this **** smelling rat den. Where some coke head chose to go round two with his *****.
There is happiness found within simplicity
Yet, we deny it so simply.
We need food,
So we get jobs, so we can pay bills, so we
pay to eat food under someone else's roof
because where your standing when you read this
is owned.
Makes perfect sense
Times again I wish I was a kid
When you read this do not do so till you know it by heart.
Do not take such rich words and condemn them to thoughtless actions.
Take each word with its bite in hand and eagerly call upon the beast.
That today was not granted to you but it was seized by you. The moment u decided to open your eyes today you signed a contract. You signed under the clause, "Today is mine, I will take it by the throat. If I am to live today then so be it, If I am to die then it shall be on my own accord. That the will demonstrated today will be the call to my self to resonate within the reflection of my own image. That I will stand up against all odds daring those who stand against me to not do so one by one time.
After all, What is the point of taking on the world, if you expect it to come at you one by one. Your faults will follow you as long as you ask for the handicap. That when you rise to the challenge others will be there to challenge. That the time to act is now. And now does not have a later. You stand at the top of a mountain others wish to own, It is not the competitive nature of life that makes this so but your undying will to carry your loved ones upon your shoulders. Be proud of yourself because sometimes no one will
If you can read this and speak it, Then do it no disrespect and roar!
don't say you'll always be there
don't say you'll always love me
Maybe i'm being crass but i'm sure
change is inevitable it's what is pure
You will sometime lack the means to save me
You will sometime change heart and flee me
I know the words you say are true and what you mean
There is nothing more lucid then when we change each scene
I know it to be true, inevitable even that at some point
we will part
Nothing would be better
Nothing could be more
That life of empty wine bottles
Rom comps on the tv
You nuzzled deep into my chest
arms around your waste
A filled living room couch
So drunk
Dreaming thoughts
of you, and you of me
So drunk
My mind spinning webs inside broken weaves.
My eyes full of black viscous blood.
I know no conscious, I know no filter.
That's alright.
I'm alone.
My head spins relentlessly on a dull point.
It's drunk poetry because it's satire of the personal self.
It's drunk poetry because tonight is the day I said no more.
the night I said,
relax... one more.
it draws me closer to a darkness I portray as the man  in the mirror.
The man that knows himself less than you think.
the boy that thinks himself less than you think
It draws me closer to being quartered by my own mind.
Relax... one more.
And that's all.
You light weight.
In space it"s nothing
A few shots this way
A few shots that way
The real difference between me and you?
is time
The world will always keep on turning
The sun will come up,
It will rise
It will fall
And so too will man,
We shall rise with the dawn
Burn through the sky by noon.
dig our graves at dusk
Softly sifting through the sands
Nothing of value grips to your hands
Zooming out the hourglass seems diminutive
Zooming farther the grand scheme is visible
The speck of dust thinks it's important
How cute
Angels flock to clouds so soft
keeping watch upon your soul
there they sit in the skies aloft
living life your only goal.
can you see what is in front of you?
Those eyes of yours so crystal blue.
an angel watches over you for endless time.
its music playing from a windless chime.
but as you know.
Even angels need to sleep.
So don’t worry.
so take that entrancing leap
eyes go blurry
now angel, you too can fall asleep.
I know no reason to stand still
No reason to sit down
excellence is never a matter of patience
Rather, initiative is the mother to excellence
Its father being practice
So I must practice each day
Never sit still
Never sit down
When life is your goal
Excellence is never a matter of patience
The tide inside my head empties into my heart
My heart empties into my stomach
The alcohol lurches ever so slightly
That's the price I pay tonight
My poems no longer rhyme
My heart no longer speaks
My head rules with the crashing sea
A typhoon that cannot be quelled
An earthquake that ruptures the world
A beautiful mistake
Named you
there you hide.
I see you between the stars..
between the blackness..
Past the void..
That's where I see you cower..
Between nothing and everything..
Fallen from grace, Angels search for you in spite.
All over one answer we needed, I needed..
Why weren't you there with her?
Between David, Jesus or Lazarus,
how was this...
too much to ask?...
the angels are hunting you for the lies
you told to us.
I guess when you'r dead we'll talk,
Until then, I have a cigarette to smoke.
Your demons are not mine. But I do not mind.
Your triumphs are not mine. I do not mind.
Even the caustic rope that hangs your tormented mind.
These I have no ownership over.
But I will not stand idly as demons burn and scar your skin
I will not let your name go under rubble
I refuse to let you live a hangman's life.
I don't mind.
Between a father and his son
I've learned so much
To be courageous
To be strong
A man that I and others are proud of
So i deem myself Lion Heart
I've been taught that no one knows what they're doing
So invent a script for myself
When the going gets tough
Get ready for the brawl that comes with it
Love isnt something that comes by everyday
So cherish the ones you have because they might be gone
Today might be your last, So give someone something
To remember you by.
Its a shame I had to learn this
Without you...
This final day I write you.
My tragedy only to be statistic.
My thoughts malicious and sadistic.
I crave its emptiness more and more.

When strife matches love, as anger matches passion.
I sleep through  my painful recollections
before I take on water as cold as the reflection in the mirror.
Conscious but still dreaming.
Analyzing my dreaming
Understanding but not telling
Only for the sick pleasure of knowing.

Its time to wake up
Time to live my dreams
In a sick twist of fate
I cast aside feeling
I am a tinder man on fire
Burned alive by my every will and desire.
At my center a cracked heart fills to the brim
It bursts
It pours into my open wounds
this wrecked body is my boon
Because when you stand on barbed wire over fire.
When you take yourself to the lowest of low
Dragging your charcoal husk out of the funeral pyre
Just to see if you can take the next blow.
You aren't doing it for anyone other than yourself
I'm lost in a sea of my own troubles.
My family's picture grows blurry.
I lost my sense of direction.
its gone so soon like ashes in a flurry. my troubles are quadratic the weight it doubles. This life's enigmatic, the pressure it bubbles. Lost at sea without a paddle. A good god, godless, ripped from the saddle. I don't know why i put so much stock in make believe. Gee maybe i don't know, hopefully it'll be a dream That'll be conceived. Possibly ill received, because greatness is disbelieved, rarely achieved, grandma's dreams cleaved, All the children are ******* grieving. Deceiving our selves, packing the shelves, we're leaving.
I have to find my bearing.
The waters are cool. The wind is blowing softly.
Right now, just hold her hand.
Listen to the wind.
There's a gambit in every step you take
A cuff that came off when you raised the stake
What you left undefined
Your emotions unrefined
A step in the opposite direction leaves you friendless, powerless, and afraid
But you know your responsibilities, your job, you know what you do
You know that the only thing to change is you
Rip me in two
Make me Gemini
Throw me to the stars
Watch my light shine down
Let me lift you up
You are my star
You guide my way tonight
or not, I could care less if this went on
just give me the liberty of whats next
before I go on
Tendons slip and rip to the design of the glass
Your hand bleeds onto ivory countertop
Your head begins into the tunnel
Catching a grip on the mirror
The moment it goes numb
The moment my heart goes numb
Perplexed with why?
Fades to black
As much as I want to give up
As much as I want to die
I can't
My goals are still unfinished
My dreams are still just fragments
The day they're finished
The moment they're complete
That's the moment I can die
That's the moment  I can rest
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