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Colm Sep 2022
I love the feeling of these words
The dark of night dying to day
The distant hum of summer birds
And the lightning bugs in gloriful sway

Just wishing, hoping, praying that they
The birds, these words, this glow
Will stay

Though they never do
I turn

And they've all gone away
The set about creations . 2
Colm Dec 2020
Even when I'm nothing
This something
Drives me
Colm Jul 2021
Such love stretches out above mountains and trees
Into distant nights and ocean valleys deep
Into stars and seas
Where only the masked and glowing beings beam
And words go without sound nomore unseen
Such is love stretching out into this universe of being
Until they're shared by you and dissipating from me
Colm Mar 2018
My favorites are named like Midnight Rain, with Marshmallow toffee in the Skye.

Beneath Weeping Willow dreams a dream, of Elizabeth and her Squires.

Midst the Rose's Kelly is always found, neath the Sun and Princess shine.

Untill the Star's BG in the background be, glow these favoring words of mine
@weepingwillow @midnightrain @marshmallowskye @kellyrose @elizabethsquires @sunprincess @starbg
Colm Sep 2018
When the vacuum snaps
And Ahab is pulled beneath the calm waters of the world
The only surface tension that remains is dispelled by the ripple of intensity
And the underlying opportunity
That the tension of escape and the capture beneath provides
When the vacuum snaps almost instantly
Fishing Still Waters
Colm Jun 2020
In an ocean of adulthood
My head doesn't swim
It bobs and crashes in a flooded dream
Where I am not myself
Nor what I wish I could be

At sea
Adulting this hard hurts my head
Colm Jan 2022
Cold sunshine, seeps down
On a day without hope and
Brings forward anew
Like a sound without new sound
On us, cold sunshine beats down
Newry Set . 5
Colm Apr 2020
Saying you will
Is not doing at all

Just as doing without
Is not reason in the least

Man and woman need meaning
More than the other
More than anything
Colm Jun 2021
Learning how to say no
Doesn't make it any less easy
Or anymore fun to be without
That whatever-it-is
Which you think you need
And in your moment of doubt
Never did
Colm Jun 2021
I'm dying at this opportunity
trying not to think, as I
my old self would
with anxiousness and wonderous worry
at these days to hurry
so that this history might
rewrite itself
and this time, this time
might not pass us by
Hopefully neither of us are still running.
Colm Feb 2021
you can leave (and away) any ordinary day
but you can’t always come back and walk
down this particular way
Colm Nov 2018
To love is to appreciate the other.

The complexities of mind and heart.

The fraying string stretched inbetween.

And the newness of each breath to start.
I'm with you. Always around you. Only love, only love.
Colm Apr 2020
Long strides
His flashing coattails on the countryside
Winding like a sight but for a desperate moment
No less in his footprints often found

But as a pumping heart with a walking pulse  
And a wondering mind no more contrived
He knows not yet instead
He decides
When he's comin down the hills - Did I post this already?

Can't recall...
Colm Jun 2018
To hold her for hours
And hours on end

The desire of he
Who contends with discomfort
And fights for her future
Be it not his own

These are the paths which only he knows
Lonely though they may ever be
He walks
Steadily into the good night

A light

Thank God
My sin is my own
You'll know that a man knows how to love, when he thinks of a future that could go beyond him.
Colm Nov 2022
These humans have stoked my fires of old
With their chest beating brows
With their self praising pride

And so with my own and this hand of mine
I will move swifter than wind
And do my best to be better

And so they will find soon enough
In the waiting, wanting
In the destructive test
Colm Oct 2019
Torn is not unmendable
Youth is not invincible
Just as age is not infoulable
Too old too fast
Too wise too late
But aware at least until the very last
Age Revealed
Colm Jun 2018
A little vial of the light that's behind my eyes, next to the wrinkles. Would you keep it on a chain around your bed post? And pull it out from beneath your pillow, occasionally, when you cannot sleep, to illuminate the night?
My soul for yours
Colm Aug 2019
Gentle dawn
Tilts her head to a simple side
Just like a lover

Her embrace and longing kiss
Opening wider than a day is long
And a night is alive

With ease and gentleness alike
Her hand comes to rest
On my resting knee

As I gently reach for a single moment
Turned memory
Which can be savored for eternity
A Girl Named Sunrise, daughter of mother nature. Dawn for short.
Colm Jan 2021
Look at me in turn
And see only this second
Passing eyes meet
Colm Mar 2017
I say this with a glass of humility
That I've built worlds up and down these streets
And surrounded myself with all manner of things
Which I've pulled from inside of myself and out
And spread around
Like butter on my creative roll
With only this glass to wash it down
I am hungry for the here and not
The creation which keeps me wide awake
When all others have fallen asleep in my town
Even this very expression was kept on a shelf
Hence why...
I generally keep such things to myself
For a glass of humility is better than milk
At settling my mind and stomach down
I generally keep such things to myself
Colm Dec 2019
(Of Me)

I have my eyes
My tested heart
And know not where else to find what flies
Beneath such Carnelian skies as these

An Easterling I’ve been all my life
Lost within memory until such days arrived

So I asked my God the other day
What should keep me here
Ought to make me say?

And I prayed he’d open up my eyes, be seen
My ears intent on what could be
No more than the simple rustling leaves

And then like an opal
There nestled within the rolling green  
Your words spoke in whispers like the hemlock trees

(To You)

And now, say not a word at present, please
My distant friend
If you are joyful and in sated bliss without me

Full of heart and with brimming mind
Contented with this newfound sky

But again, if you ever you find yourself free
Ever at ease
Devoid of attachment, soul, or being
Your essence adrift like the sun each morning
Before your first cold step into the dawn anew, then please

Don’t wait for the newborn leaves to color
Don’t search for the old lines in rearrangement to be  
Don’t wait for a second without such a thought
Since the one still waiting, is me

Be it regardless in passing
I wish you more than just well
More than a sunset sound to be quelled

Would you please be as well
And I will also

Take care, OK?
Colm Mar 2021
Opinions are like grains of sand
they're going to exist
regardless of if you're at the beach or not
Colm May 2020
It's been forever now
Since my evergreen heart grew wild and free
With budding oaks, and leaves, and lilac strong
With edelweiss glimmering alive in the evening lights
And even the occasional ****
Poking its head up to remind through the matted red coals beneath
It's been forever now
But I hope that it won't always be
As such
All I Can Keep Is Now. Such a magical sound.
Colm Mar 2017
Such a person will flatter you and charm you
And try so hard to be what you need
But then again, they’ll never be a true mirror
And they’ll never be as reflective as me
Via Promise
Colm Aug 2019
How to let old habits die?
To let the quiet stillness of the mind be
To be content
To be accepted
To be both the present and the virtue
How do you let old habits die?
The trick is
To let life breathe
A Habit
Colm Dec 2016
Slowly following
Never will he let me be
For eternity
So My Shadow Is To Me
Colm Mar 2021
Into the night there.
My voice erupts to no-one
close, without you near.
Colm Feb 2021
You don't see me when
I cry, or spill over, you
see me when it rains
Colm Dec 2019
Try as ever you
May not be enough this time
As all clocks unwind
All you can do it try // A Clock // A Haiku // Unwound
Colm May 2022
There is no time left in the sky today. All that remains is the darkness of eve which this growing day has left behind....
Presentme . 5
Colm Jul 2021
My heart
Please open up

With earth
This growing song

And then
In breathing long

My mind
In moving on
Was going for a 2-2-5 feel.
Colm Apr 2018
I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't come back. Why? Because I'm here, and I'm a most formidable threat to contest.
Short and honest in nature. And I'm not the least bit surprised. Life doesn't have to be a surprise party afterall. I'd actually prefer it not to be.
Colm Aug 2019
Inside every tree
Once grown, is a seed of life
And death yet to be
Tuesday 12 - How we all have the potential to live and die ... YUP.
Colm Jun 2022
When you look at me
See not my deeds
But the gravitas behind who I've become

See me and only me
If you please
Boxing Poems . 10

This set was all about short, and sweet, and hard-hitting sentiments. The kind of stuff which means both everything and nothing.

I hope all is well.
Colm Apr 2020
No time is biteless
Memories worthless to those
Too hungry to see
Too thirsty to listen - Memories are not currency
Colm Jul 2021
Saying I'm tired
Is an insult to sleep
Just as ignoring our what hasn't been said
Is a insult to me
She falls back into my life like a crashing satelite.

My atmosphere isn't honest enough.
Colm Sep 2020
Neither fear nor memory
This face unfound
I am
Never was
Having since been freed
To find each other in this continual roam
I am all patched up and ever headed, awaiting, home

Based on bullet holes and hopeful thoughts.
Colm Jan 2021
I lost my heart
And haven't found a care
I built my arms up - to carry us
(And can't)
I found out how I would fair

This world, this wind
This rounding of homes
Knows nothing of the me now
(I've been)
The boy you used to know

Having built myself around you - now
I know where I have been
Colm Apr 2019
My heart a raindrop
Crashing onto your concrete world
Bursting into the hopefulness of another dream run down the drain
I am movement at least
Directionally found
In the mother nature sounds of time
And yet it is down I fall
End-over-end and time-after-time
Having kissed the sky with a lasting lament
And with amendments for you
I fall like the rain from  on high
My hopes
My love
The thin air I am falling through
Colm Sep 2019
Between collarbone
and eyes, your smile fair and fine.
Like fields of fast grown
barley, your brown hair reminds
Me, of jealousy flowing.
A Jealous Tanka - Her brown hair fine like fields of barley - MK
Colm Mar 2018
And you want to get lost in the recesses of your mind? There is only you there, what do you expect to find?
Hahahaha... Taken from a converted notebook.
Colm May 2019
Has realized
That a train station is not an evil place
It's just busy
A Less Social Me
Colm Sep 2018
Address a letter to noone ever
And send it on it's way
Into the gloom of another well packed bag
To be carried out and then whisked away

Let your focus not fall on the other
Let the falsehood, the penmanship
And all of the subtle friendlessness
Be mailed into the distant future
Far far away

Just address a letter to no one ever
And alone forever you'll ever stay
Just here laughing at myself. Me and my redundant ways. Lolz
Colm Jan 2019
I am steam from the kettle
I am the smoke from the pipe
I am the wisp upon the willow limbs
The stillness in the dead of night
The steel upon the tracks which lie
The wings on the back which flies
Like skyscrapers in the burning distant sight
I am the final swings of the scratching fight
Not about arrogance, but about the wide array and variation of life.
Colm Aug 2019
A man, searching
Finds no door or exit sign
In any amount of word comprised

He is only found in less of himself
And in more of his God, found alive
Not in word
Colm Mar 2020
When you know
You just know
By no human means, no
But when you know
Truly know
You just know
Since you've known
Colm Apr 2017
When all you can do
And I mean really do, is pray
You have to let go of certain things

You have to step aside be it left or right
And follow the one path, down the one way

Not to mention that you have to be very selective
When determining whatever mood you choose to linger in

And I do mean you choose
Or else you'll falter

At least such a thing rings true to me
Because all I can do is pray for you
And chose my mood and mindset most carefully

Because quite literally as a man thinks
It says, *so shall he be
Colm Mar 2020
We all shine
Be it from powered stars or reflective moon
Out of conscious or uncommon try
Or peculiarity of mind
Well all are
At least capable of such kind emergence
Colm Nov 2018
Struck speechless
Stretched for words I am
As I have never been
This close to you
And all I can do I can do is grin
All I Can Do, Around You

Colm Jun 2018
Who knows the path most meant for you?
Who knows the meaning of it all?

Who knows how many trees bear fruit and precious leaves which fail to fall?

Who knows which way the wind does weep?
Who knows the path each snowflake takes?

Who knows the choices we wrestle with?
Who knows the trouble we ourselves make?

Who's at the end of the lonesome road?
Who's name is the only name to call?

Who knows the WHY behind the world?
The answer is the ALL in ALL.
From the Sleepless Feet collection.

And forever he will reign. Regardless, but most pleased by my praise.
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