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 Nov 2020
Bobby Dodds
Can you come with me please?
It would be nice to see the scenes.
I miss you in my pictures.
And all our days spent climbing trees.
I can't explain my feelings,
But I want to say to you.
Our days will end, with you and me.
And together we can be happy.
Happy till our happy end.

Our childhood was funny,
Middle school was so much fun.
Our teens we wished to dumb.
Can you come along with me?
I want you next to me.

We can sing all day
Or laugh and play.
Because we're happy
But sometimes scrappy.
To me that's fine.
Because you're so beautifully kind.

Can you come always with me?
To watch the buzzing bees.
To gaze at starry nights.
To laugh and live alright.
To take our flight and make a dive.
To see an end and welcome friends.
To be with me
Our happy end.
An attempt to describe an oddly specific and hard to understand feeling. So, would you like to come with?
They used to
'dig for victory'

some would dig
and call it archaeology

I dug the cakes that
grandma baked for tea
shovelled them down.
 Nov 2019
Mark Toney
beware atomic attack!
1950s civil defense
duck and cover drills
Bert the turtle
showed us the way

flash of light - duck and cover!
6/8/2019 - Poetry form: Light Verse - In school we actually did atomic bomb drills where we'd go into the hallway, sit with our backs against the wall, duck our head between our knees and cover our head with our hands! Duck & cover drills! ***! - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
 Nov 2019
Mark Toney
When I was growing up in Wisconsin, dairy farms were everywhere.  It was always fun visiting my aunt and uncle's dairy farm, even though they put me to work.  For many years the only bathroom they had was away from the house!  I read an article today about people complaining about smells coming from dairy farms and pig farms.  It reminded me when our family would drive the 3 1/2 hours to visit Grandma and Grandpa.  Some farms hardly had any bad odor, but others reeked!  This was especially horrible to us city kids.  "Mom, what's that smell?" my sisters and I would ask every time.  We asked Mom because she'd answer us.  Dad would only laugh.  Good times!  

Midwest dairy farms
intermittent putrid stench-
fun childhood road trips
10/28/2019 - Poetry form: Haibun - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018
 Nov 2019
Mark Toney
Puberty arrives
With it's accompanying drives
Plus the scourge of teenage acne.
Most remedies would fail
Nothing ever worked well
While my face continued to attack me.

Father scoffed "Son I implore
If you scrub your face more
Then your acne will soon disappear."
Scrubbed as hard as I could
But it still did no good
Further proof that my case was severe.

Unsightly, painful and embarrassing...
By adulthood it stopped its harassing.
6/17/2019 - Poetry form: Rhyme - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
 Oct 2019
Mark Toney
Faraway moon
as a young child
I could see your smile
taste your cheese
see your old man
touch you with my finger

Fascinating moon
as a young adult
I could sense your pull
bathe in your romantic beams
pledge my love
reach for the stars!

Most faithful moon
in my waning years
as life's orbit decays
I am in awe of your loyalty
amazed by your true colors
reassured by your changing tides

Continue to reflect life's light
as other young children
see your beautiful smile
taste your curious cheese
see your kind old man
touch you with their imagination...

Continue to inspire us
as other young people,
sense your magnetic pull
luxuriate in your romantic beams
pledge their undying love
explore the universe!

Most faithful, fascinating, faraway moon
10/18/2019 - Poetry form: Free Verse - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
 Oct 2019
Mark Toney
childhood memories
daddy says get the lead out—
pencil tip shatters
4/24/2019 - Poetry form:  Senryu - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
 Oct 2019
Mark Toney
Long arm gendarme
My mistake namaste
Backpack bivouac
On the Road with Kerouac

Brilliant stars, silent nights
Fireflies, Northern Lights
Mountain streams, fresh air
Fall asleep anywhere

Small town, take a chance
Pig roast, barn dance
Allemande left!  Do-si-do!
Spontaneity here we go!

Long arm gendarme
My mistake namaste
Backpack bivouac
On the Road with Kerouac

Beat Zen's hey-day
Doing things our own way
Nonconformity, anything goes

Shot to pieces, picking skin
Benzedrine, adrenaline
Don't forget the Phenergan
Notify our next of kin

Long arm gendarme
My mistake namaste
Backpack bivouac
On the Road with Kerouac
7/15/2019 - Poetry form: Rhyme - "The Beat Generation was a literary movement started by a group of authors whose work explored and influenced American culture and politics in the post-war era. The bulk of their work was published and popularized throughout the 1950s. The central elements of Beat culture are the rejection of standard narrative values, making a spiritual quest, the exploration of American and Eastern religions, the rejection of materialism, explicit portrayals of the human condition and experimentation with drugs...In the 1960s, elements of the expanding Beat movement were incorporated into the hippie and larger counterculture movements." (Wikipedia: Beat Generation) - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
 Oct 2019
Mark Toney
Got a plop in my fizz
And a tiger in my tank
Impossible is nothing
(That’s why Titanic sank)

Got milk? Just do it.
Wash your troubles down the drain
Tastes so good
Cats ask for it by name

Eat fresh. I’m lovin’ it.
It’s finger-lickin’ good
If you won’t eat it
We all know Mikey would

Once you pop you can’t stop
Make the most of now
“Eat Mor Chikin”
(Written by a rebel cow)

Every bubble’s passed its fizzical
Let’s get quizzical
Nothin’ says lovin’
Like something from the oven

Snap! Crackle! Pop!
They’re Gr-r-r-reat!
Just like a good neighbor
In good hands with Allstate

Look, Ma, no cavities!
Think outside the bun
Save money.  Live better.
Consider IT done

Melts in your mouth
Not in your hands
(Life’s what happens
While you’re making other plans)

American by birth.
Rebel by choice.
Hello Moto
His masters voice

Maybe she’s born with it
Have it your way
A diamond is forever
Every kiss begins with Kay

You've come a long way baby
Be all that you can be
A Little dab'll do ya
With L.S./M.F.T.

Own a piece of the rock
Where do you want to go today?
We make money
The old-fashioned way…

When you care enough
To send the very best
Oh, what a feeling!
Come be our guest!

Live in your world.
Play in ours.
Get N or get out
For the love of cars

You can’t top the copper top
Easy as Dell
He keeps going and going…
Go further with Shell

When there is no tomorrow
Bo knows best
Think small. Make believe.
Makes quitting **** less

Stronger than dirt
How do you spell relief?
Success.  It’s a mind game.
Defying all belief

Challenge everything
Share moments. Share life.
Because you’re worth it
Save a life.  Love your wife.
4/17/2019 - Poetry form: Light Verse - These famous advertising slogans from our past were sure a blast! Booyah! - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
 Oct 2019
Mark Toney
flipping baseball cards
in the flippin' school yard
pictures up, stats down
Drysdale, Koufax, Mantle, Spahn
or vice versa all around

retirement income source lost on the playground...
6/8/2019 - Poetry form: Light Verse - Back in elementary school we used to flip baseball cards on the school grounds.  Today, a Gem mint PSA 10 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle baseball card, may well be worth $10 million. Who knew? - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
 Oct 2019
Mark Toney
**** and Jane phenomenon
Baby Sally - See Spot Run!  
Think-and-Do Book  leads the way
We Look and See
We Come and Go
We Work and Play

Until Dr. Seuss's smash-hit breakaway...
6/13/2019 - Poetry form: Light Verse - "DR. SEUSS BRAGGED ABOUT HELPING TO **** OFF **** AND JANE.  William Spaulding—who headed the educational division at Houghton Mifflin publishing—challenged Theodore Seuss Geisel to write "a story that first-graders can't put  down. Geisel responded with The Cat in the Hat—his first smash-hit. Children's literature hasn't looked back since. "I have great pride in taking **** and Jane out of most school libraries," he subsequently said. "That is my greatest satisfaction." - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019

— The End —