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 Jul 2023
Krista Delle Femine
You enter the mix
Just there, one day
And it felt you had always been
No waves or even ripples
Just a gentle warming of the waters
And then you were there
Water becomes playful
And quenching
Absolutely Necessary
 Jul 2023
devante moore
Excuse me miss
Just to let you know
This was everything
Truth be told I sometimes pick up the phone
Just to make sure you haven’t messaged me
Muted conversations
Doesn’t stop the typing
Sometimes I hate the response
Because you just send me silence
But I’m use to the neglect from you
Excuse me miss
Do you sometimes miss me?
Do I miss you?
I run from those revelations frantically
But thoughts of you chase me
Hoping I have the stamina for this marathon
My sprints fall into a jog
There’s no ending in sight
I thirst
But no amount of consumed water cures the dehydration
Because the water wasn’t poured from you
Why must the future be filled with such uncertainty
 Jul 2023
Salmabanu Hatim
For man is true,
That is his downfall
He is conquered by the woman he loves.
 Jul 2023
Differences are important and what makes life worth living
A cookie-cutter existence with everything and everyone the same besides being mundane and boring is useless
The balance was cut off by being defined as red or blue in our thinking
Change and progress moving forward is the very best direction we can provide ourselves with
Learn from History but leave it in the past with your memories
The word woke makes me what to croak
If you want to live in another time and place in the past good for you
What makes us better is moving in the right direction and that is forward

 Jul 2023
Thunder covers the
sound of me whimpering into my pillow.
The earth is crying too.
 Jul 2023
but for the span of this
        fall : we
may yet

at the end


p e t a l - s c u f f e d ,
s t e m - s u r v i v e d .
 Jul 2023
Words disappear
Letters blend together
Lost in the past
Please don’t let this last forever
 Jun 2023
Wise Makafui Afun
My soul spoke to me but I didn't write
I didn't cos I felt the time wasn't right
When I was ready, I couldn't write
Cos I couldn't remember what I was told to write

What a loss
I woke up from bed and the poet in me weaved some beautiful words of wisdom to me. I was so drunk with sleep that I went back to bed with the hope of writing in the morning only to wake up with just a fragment of those words. It's a shame I've lost the message.
 Jun 2023
devante moore
Heart of gold
To selfless
To keep the riches to myself
Voluntarily shared the wealth
But most were taking in the form of theft
I use to be filled to the brim
Gold coins overflowing out of the chest
Now when I look inside it
There’s hardly any left
I felt each piece that was taken
Never to be returned
Maybe I should shut the lid
But that’s a lesson I haven’t learned
My heart is to big not to share
So the lid stays open
Even if there’s a risk another gold piece may be stolen
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