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 Aug 2023
little lion
i don't want to be resilient anymore.
Pretending to be strong is a full time job.
 Jul 2022
little lion
how do you heal

when everything is hurt?
I wish I knew who I would be without my mental illnesses. I wish I could know her.
 Jul 2022
little lion
I wish that the cost of my resilience
could have been anything other than
my happiness.
I am so very tired.
 Jul 2022
little lion
I spend everyday feeling like a sprinter trying to run through molasses except my legs are twigs and my breath catches in my throat so I push and run and try my hardest but I can never move anywhere because my legs won't work because my lungs won't work because my brain won't work because my head is so foggy from the exhaustion fumes filling my skull yet I can't sleep because I can never sleep and the pills and the medicines and the pillow sprays and the weighted blankets and the mindfulness meditation doesn't help so I turn to drugs that stay just long enough to make me hopeful before leaving me empty and dry like the people in my life that I love so I stay alone and empty every night in bed hoping and praying that dreams will flood my mind that night but praying and hoping is never enough so I lay there and pray harder and hope harder and I try with all my might to push harder and harder and harder to break out of the glass castle and into the world but the glass won't break so I throw myself against it but the only cracks are in my bones but I push and I slam until finally I break apart into nothingness because
 Oct 2021
little lion
I have spent years seeking approval, appreciation, validation... things I felt needed to come from others in order for them to be real.
Maybe it's time for me to give those things to myself.
I don't need permission to experience good things.
I don't need it.
 Sep 2021
little lion
it was 365 days ago
that things changed.

I regret that,
and I regret you.
 Apr 2021
little lion
I drank the poison from your lips,
not realizing that you had already taken the antidote
 Mar 2021
little lion
I don't even know who I am anymore.

If you had asked me
four years ago,
where I pictured I would be now,
I would have told you that I didn't think I'd make it this far.

I was wrong about myself then,
how am I supposed to believe anything I think I know about myself now?

How can I expect anyone else to know me,
to want me,
to love me,
when I barely even know my own name anymore?
Time is a manmade construct and it's going to tear me apart.
 Feb 2021
little lion
I can feel us drifting...
how far
until I can't reach you anymore?
I never want to lose you.
 Feb 2021
little lion
You held me through the night the way I always imagined a lover would.
And nothing hurts me more than the knowledge
that you did not hold me out of love,
but out of habit;
because for seven years,
you've been holding her
the very same way.
I've never slept as soundly as I did when I was in your arms. I wish that I was yours to hold.
 Feb 2021
little lion
I can feel myself returning
back to that same spot:
yours, in everything but title.

yet I can't stop myself from hoping and dreaming and praying that
maybe this time
you'll be mine, too.
even though I know you never will be.
I was a fool to think I could ever talk myself out of loving you.
 Jan 2021
Gant Haverstick
be assured:  the way
things are right now become the
way things were back then
Gant Haverstick 2021
 Jan 2021
little lion
there are millions of people that I have seen for the last time... but how many of them actually saw me?
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