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 Jan 2021
Did you become an alcoholic because of a girl or because of the world?
Whatever your answer is, same.
 Jan 2021
I glued my legs together with black berry jam
The sweetest spread
 Jan 2021
The deepest intake
The shallowest chest cavity
Held nothing for me
 Jul 2020
I’ll tuck the tears back behind my eyelids.
Keep them closed like the window on the fourth floor my mom always kept locked so I wouldn’t leap.
 Jun 2020
Justin S Wampler
Pizza gimme I want it now
Hungry mungry like a cow
Wanna eat the crusts ooo
And the box and the plates too
Wanna chew some leather shoes
Slurp the laces like spaghetti
I swallowed up the socks already
Hungry mungry I'll eat the curtains
I'll eat the couch, of that I'm certain
I'll eat the paintings on the wall
I'll wolf them down, frame and all
I'll bite the hat right off your head
I'll eat your ears when you're dead
I'll eat your lips
Your nose
Your throat
I'll eat your fingers off the bone
I'll rip a hole inside your chest
I like to eat the heart the best
I will eat your eyeballs whole
Hungry mungry
I'll eat your soul
 Jun 2020
Something spiritual how a rain coat keeps you warmer than last years winter jacket.
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