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 Aug 2021
Autumn is kissing the swamp maples
and God it feels like foreplay
The air is hinting at the frost to come
and it dances on my tongue
and crawls down my throat
The breeze grips me
like fingernails down my spine
My toes curl and my breath fogs
as I drink down the taste

Possessing a lover can be a feeling so addictive
and I've never know a lust like this
 Aug 2017
Ntwari Poetry
Walking alone, an hour after midnight
Was the first time I heard my world go quiet
The first time I
As I watched the planets go by
Under the moonless sky of July

Only the deep rumbled scattered through the silence of the night
As if the world I walked through mumbled drowsily as it slept
Or perhaps, it was the 1 o'clock train mowing across the night's horizon
No matter
The night's dreams offered a flurry of lights and sights
As the stars danced

I never knew that this world
A world I struggle to live in
One stricken by grief
Could be so silent while asleep
That my broken realm could be at peace
As I skimmed deeper beyond midnight
I finally understood how even while shrouded in gloom
Even with the dimmest of glimmer lighting the way
I can still be at peace
Getting better
 Jul 2017
Ntwari Poetry
I see the shimmer of your moonstone eyes
In the stillness of the night
Only for you to leave me again
When the morning comes
Back when I thought we were impossible
Only the forest
knows all of her heart's whispers,
Only the stars
understand her silent cries.

Only the moon
casts a warming light filled with solace,
But this comfort dies at the end of every night; with the sunrise.

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
 Feb 2017
Ntwari Poetry
Your eyes no longer shine
As bright as they once did
No more do your irises cage a raging flare
Once bursting with beauty

No longer do they conceal the lights the night brings out

I remember how they would endlesssly burn,
When the colours of a dying twilight
Would swirl within your bistre pupils
And lace your glares with its splendour
I remember, while our passion still burned,
Losing myself in the depths of your glare,
In the stars of your stares
In the depths of the night

That fire is gone
But its glow lives on
Somewhere within the dreams I love the most
Brightening my sleep with its bliss
Part Two of a year old poem.
 Jan 2017
We rang in the new year
On a mattress thrown on your
Living room floor
With the ball drop
On a desktop computer screen

The sound was lagging
Behind the images
And we were laughing
At how we always end up
Stuck in the past

You threw your arms around me
And let your kisses land
Carelessly wherever
They fell

And I outlined your jaw bone
With my pointer finger,
Threading it through
Your beard
And looking into your
Lazy eyes

You counted the times I said
"Like okay" at the beginning of a story
And by 5 AM , you announced
We'd reached a healthy twenty

You kept apologizing
For the way your dog
Was relentlessly
Licking my neck
But honestly
Even with her slobber
And yours
Dripping over my collar bones

And even with the night air
Tingling on my thighs,
Just a little too thick,
Just a little too warm,

Even with my straightened hair
Curling at its ends

And your brother's girlfriend's
Faint moaning sounds from behind
A locked door

There was nothing I'd rather be doing
Than watching your eyes expand and contract
To the rhythm of your stories
Before the blue light of television
Overlapping moon lit window sills
And dark spaces

You are the yellow light love,
Symbolism with a pulse,
Saying "it's officially 2017"
With a begging grin
And an undercurrent of
Gentle laughter,
Standing for change
And growth
And warmth
And simplicity

You are transparent
And in the palms of your hands
I see the year panned out
In blue veins
And freckles

And it is kind hearted
And it is forgiving
And it is kissing my forehead
And letting me breathe

I know this is going to
Be a good one
 Dec 2016
You drive me nuts
All I can do is think of you
And how you so easily control me

I pride myself on being independent
But all you do is look at me
And craving your control
I become yours

Craving your hand on my throat
Your marks on my body
The immobility from your control
Your body pressed against me

I must feel your bite on my skin
You pulling my hair
Your hands roaming my body
Your breath on my chest

I must hear you say "mine"
The quit sound of undoing my bra
Your sigh of approval as you look at me
Your breathing next to my ear

I must see you smile at me
The pride in your face for having me
The relaxed version of you
The controlling you

You make me crazy
But I'm addicted
I must have more
 Dec 2016
Ntwari Poetry
The  night would be widowed
Without the light of day
 Nov 2016
That Random Guy
cuddle the moon, kiss the moonlight, hug the night.
I miss her
 Nov 2016
Ntwari Poetry
If the night could laugh
It would have the rhythms of your voice,
My favourite lullaby

If the light of an autumn dusk could could see
Its eyes would shine a bister glow
Of the gems that plate your irises

If a fleeting midnight's breeze could speak
It would have your voice
Whispering that same words you love to chime

If only the night could breathe
Perhaps it would be as beautiful as you
A letter for those who need it.
 Nov 2016
Liz And Lilacs
the moon looks like the cheshire cat's grin
and we wonder what it is like
to be someone else.

Head full of fantasies
of places we'll never see
and dreams of universes
we don't belong to.

The moon grins down,
like it knows something I don't
and I gaze back accusingly.
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