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21/Gender Nonconforming    This is just a space used for thought; Nearly a glorified diary
Ruth Nadler-Nir
F    You have entered the overflow of my mind.
31/F/Oklahoma    Embrace All. Exclude None.
20/F/AZ    most of my poems and everything i write is about an ex girlfriend. it’s sad and pathetic i know
Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the ...
Rachel Ace
26/F/Valencia/Spain    My biography is like poetry.
A M Pashley
F/Pennsylvania    Poet from the Pines.
Alissa Rogers
The Lonely Mountain, NC    I'm strange. I make odd references and have no set rules. write about my short comings and try to turn the base thoughts into golden ...
Eric W
Transitioning points in life
26/M/Delaware    My poetry's deep, I never fail you... ❤️
Anastasia Anderson
Magnolia, Tx   
21/F/Zimbabwe    lost my script so l changed the plot My only true safe haven
Charles McCue
26/M/Columbus, MI   
storm siren
26/Neither/Hell or High Water    Every part of me Remembers Every part of you. Please, tell me, Do you Remember me, Too?
Peter Cullen
Clane Co.Kildare Ireland   
Randolph L Wilson
Chattahoochee Hills , Ga.    Copyright - 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2020 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
Eden Tucay
Philippines    It is true that knowledge is power. But I say wisdom is everything and patience is wisdom. Therefore to have more patience is to gain ...
Ahmad Cox
Melissa S
I am from a small town in Alabama. I use to keep a journal several years ago and quit writing altogether when I got too ...
Claire Marie
"Throughout the world sounds one long cry from the heart of the artist: Give me the chance to do my very best." - Babette's Feast
Grim Reaper
In dreams...    Lost Somewhere...
Wordforged Fool
20/M/North Carolina    What am I to try capturing that which is so far out of reach?
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