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Counting out the seconds
Up ending comprehension
Coming forward when beckoned
Kindly teach this man a lesson
Puffing at anxiety filtered liability.
Suffering from plausible deniability.
The sickness comes in slowed,
But acknowledges a debt still owed.

Places to go, people to see,
Problems to know, expectations to be…
It all seems unnerving in its unraveled state,
The meaningless nature of this loaded plate…

Idolizi­ng the thought of idolization...
Do lofty failings offer any dispensation?
Composed of waveforms trapped in length
Birthed in feats of dreamed up strength
Sweating out dimensions made in hand
Speaking through refractions of false commands
The mistake isn’t in pain, but its regret.
Armed with distortive apprehension
And speech too scrambled for mention
The bard chews on hollowed tune
Ushered forth in a broken croon.
Drawn serious, spelling synonyms in cereal.
Taking the meaning as literal.
Its poison's lyrical
Bolstering concern in the trivial.
This regretful overture, it hounds the drum, it persists.
Penetrating soul and bone in proof it exists.
Ignoring fault-lines held within the trysts,
And notches embroidered upon bloodied fists.
Forced to comfort by the notion of division.
Patronizing the sanctity of a poor decision.
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