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603 · Mar 2017
bulletcookie Mar 2017
this morning started in Italic-
rivulets of soft rain rebelling
joining forces in a barrel
sounding an echoed chant

bold-print and sun bright be
when magic, through fingers, slips
and those fairy wings feel clipped
let go that pitter-patter of pity

Ariel, sans-serif, bound no more
a lion, lambent, unto its end's
into a flight of clouds and more
grasping as above, so amend

599 · Oct 2016
Spent Lament
bulletcookie Oct 2016
Take this pocket change of poems
paid in movement's subtle sway
play with antique hearts that thrum
and soft kettledrum bouquets

Gloaming arrow points that call
migrant wings o'er river's dale
wending weary path, drifts fall
numerous cries upon her gale

Take this pocket change of poems
pay it forward to heart's end
sing your songs of fertile loam
grow deep love throughout this land

Journey's night sweeps pressing past
ever close in distant flight
churning  flock of instincts fast
into dawning's piece of light

597 · Nov 2018
In Full View
bulletcookie Nov 2018
midnight moon wears full sun-mask
peering through cloud of oyster pearl
as stars whisper their silent arcs
in shells of distant silver whorls

574 · Feb 2021
bulletcookie Feb 2021
winter comes bride white
leaving buried silent poems
songbird's frigid flight

567 · Jun 2019
bulletcookie Jun 2019
howled and howl at the moon!
you did not condescend
or turn into a hairy wolf
you talked of life and love
and how to mend steel tendons
we will miss you, not eating
withering away like fall leaves
while the sky cries tears of rain
your voice getting faint in the wind
as your presence like mountains loom
we who love you cannot bear
our thoughts are past sad
our hearts are heavy with losing
though you have always born
and reborn us in you

564 · Apr 2019
pens & pencils
bulletcookie Apr 2019
all the colors rule —
in long cylindrical forms
cast onto desks, holding cups
wood, metal, lead, black ink blue
jars of fluid alphabet soup
stirred with thoughts, dreams
dipped and scribbled on stave
or ancestral bones written
Here our tools, our daily read
stripped from stone wall stead
this savoir-faire to: Dear Sapient

563 · Mar 2016
Poème for Violin
bulletcookie Mar 2016
Your instrument strung with souls
awaits this bow of resiny hair tension
swept across with angel's biting lip
each note suspended in longing cries
weeping joys and sorrow's marrow
impassioned with untimely haste
reminded; a fleeting, squealing, sweetness

559 · Apr 2016
480 Photo Trip
bulletcookie Apr 2016
Those Orcas that just got out of frame
fame and fortune in that shot-glass 'Sound'
and focused; coke-bottle vision into depths
far deeper than their soundings, though
secondary in nature and posed as opposed
to that pod's posse of curving mammals
arched into each wave or trough
in that fluid home we call Puget
with the sound of ferry engines
breaking the silent sail boat's cut
and jib as it too arcs its slack in black/white
canvas waving to windward destinations,
as each click-shutter-whirl encapsulates
drops of sun, sea gull and horizon
ghosting as though mist were sky
semi-filled number painting panoramas
and water-color soaked landings
bringing us closer to docked domains
and they disappeared into a dimpled surface
evading this circular myopic lens

bulletcookie Apr 2016
Don't remember much after kissing that cold brow
it was hard marble and most unlike father's warm skin
his tombstone made of honorable granite soldier's chin
don't remember kissing mother off, though lips did avow

At home tears filled each cracked and crumbled memory
washing years off family ties and turbid sentiments
eventually it ground mother down, to earth-stone treachery
prevented, being buried near to dear, by denominated impediments

Amnesia forms around these roots dissolved in Greek tragedies
padres loose hijos and their fathers lost theirs, immemorial
full of forced forgetfulness and years trudging absently
yet sinew of connective tissue thoughts hold off this cryptic burial

Stored in each molecule of life through generation's seedcase
clings a cocooned incarnation of movement's creation
secret, silent and concealed; ephemeral as a dream-space
"drink sweet waters and be mute" and forgo your ideations

557 · Dec 2021
Auld Lang Syne
bulletcookie Dec 2021
evanescent sun
vanishing into cloud's tears
winter's nostalgia

554 · Apr 2016
Round Trip (Day #28)
bulletcookie Apr 2016
Heading for your heart
GPS beeping all ways there
sent reeling that lost is found
somewhere in desert towns
turned around again, twice
thought I had it right, nice
bearing on your destination
only to find that administration
of this on-board device was set
to the point of origin, yet not met

543 · Jun 2023
Gregor Samsa is WOKE!
bulletcookie Jun 2023
disturbed and maladapted
heart blasted, near a flat-line desert
perturbed, in tangled bed sheet
dreading: door knock echos,
societal ceilings, stumbling debt, Greco

frame hangs with still-life memory
clinging to truth's unstable outcomes
alive and kicking, six-legged pants
lares and penates to morning's mutation
maudlin and weary of mammon

540 · Aug 2018
Fair is Foul (Choka)
bulletcookie Aug 2018
Trolls don't yield their way
finding innocent creatures
to trample, ****, eat
dyes cast in shadows
paint lurid landscapes hidden
in ghastly form bets
poisoning our life waters
******* words of hate
waiting under blind bridges
Let truth find its level
streams of savoir-faire master
chasten, unto love's new day

For Vicki
537 · Nov 2016
Coined Passage
bulletcookie Nov 2016
Snap-bone crushing loneliness
saps these last human desires
music's food spoiled moldiness

muted in feelings feeding calcined pyre

Winter's smoke threads coil skyward
into bent gray heavy clouds
tarry over these tired tombs

ferry-man bowed, slow over Styx, haunted, cowled

Now is this solstice slump home
despondent excursion south
exposing deep in marrow

decomposing airs of Bohemian couth

530 · Jul 2016
Boy Scout
bulletcookie Jul 2016
Pull your waste belt tight boy
before this winter comes
there are hairy beasts prowlin'
with their razor smiles in jaw

Pull a belt notch more boy
listen for lines' thin ice
for when you get your tail wet
it freezes up quite twice

Pull that leather firm boy
don't let your bones grow slack
for when this winter comes
it's you that pay a price

523 · Apr 2019
bulletcookie Apr 2019
In a bracing wind of a wilderness pass
fly catchers', arc over this hunch-back hill,
close pursuit, with morning clouds
that hug these pointing pines, in flight

where tree line marks heaven from earth
silence staked in dissonant landscape
fields of stone, ascendant flowers
clinging lichen etched on rock's face

here moisture seeps as solvent
dissolving everything into watercolor streams
rushing to rivers of temporary sand bars
banks high near looming forest canopy

this path that leads from leaf to leaf
and no depth left un-plumbed
no height or chasm strangely met
will stem this force of "unfathomable wildness"

520 · Jul 2016
Stained Glass
bulletcookie Jul 2016
Words do glint in tearful repose
when natural shocks interpose
days weigh heavy as friends show old
and season's winter songs flow cold

These tally chime as death stalks near
long grow visits between grand years
with wrinkled hands and white hair fears
this walking slows, these eyes less clear

Into this night Jack's wind does howl
while inside hearth a live fire growls
and keeps at bay its teeth of frost
thoughts, of endings begin to gnaw

Now sheds this coil that binds its role
and splits heart's wood of nature's whole
console those living, pay this toll
journey's venture awaits its stroll

519 · Nov 2023
bulletcookie Nov 2023
black urn offerings
absent colors, snow flakes, you
winter winds disperse

512 · Apr 2019
Three Years
bulletcookie Apr 2019
when violins play
sound becomes a miracle
taken: from a cat's gut
horses' swishing tails
tree spirits and spine rosin,
flying into the air
climbing infinite heights
to land in patterns
on these confluent tarmacs
of hearts and music

"If music be the food of love, play on,
Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die."
Twelfth Night Act 1, scene 1, 1–3

-William Shakespeare
498 · Dec 2016
Disc Etched Visions
bulletcookie Dec 2016
The very thought of you
strums time out of day-*

This baked wilderness defies emptiness
as cactus flowers bloom for none
in sun's blistering sorcery
as scaple sharp, shadow surgery

Of this sovereign heat spell
bleached dunes give way shells
crackling weeds, sentry sands
let arid Bristlecone land

Downward rooted and hoary
fibrous fingers sprout steadfast
retelling scrub brush stories
of phloem wine, mirage's vacuous blast

Clouds, in debt to ocean's soul
owe, are owned by Helios aloft
shape shifting steamy billows
promising royal anointment

Then this evening after life
when all is but spent in scurry strife
let it dwell upon a dream
of leopard rains and keystone schemes

Before silhouette night's numb lull
forcing close to petal's remit
in desiccated continental drift
prepare this silent will

497 · Oct 2016
bulletcookie Oct 2016
How it drags those old stones
this saddened exhalation
carved by mystery's familiar hand
throwing down ta represent
burning bushes, city, civilization
best and worst of ish
taled to young-lings and old **** alike
these glass towers of Batsi hype
all them homies Hallelujah-jah
that cancer eating up their bones

When the spirit grooves y'all
and its nature moves wrawl
take that animal for a stroll
down fifth avenue, crawl
black and blue for someone
let them know your lovelies
build a story told with heart
forget stark fable's Telly parts
live to breath in honest crest
counting coup eat up the rest

493 · Jul 2016
Desire's Sea Shell
bulletcookie Jul 2016
These old knees bark, longing sapling sinews-
with love, beauty, pleasure, songs of nature
sweetest passion, coy-eyed, lingers in you
while years man's core stretched heart's nomenclature
Deep now buried in roots hieroglyphic
nourished by once romance, moon light dancing
soon thoughts turn cypher, Orphic metaphysics
trying to sense nigh want or plight's advance
Finding smooth stones pocketed hand to wait
counting beaded moments beating ascent
where **** Aphrodite, wraps arms in warmth
protogenos Eros in flight's ferment
Ancient loyal feelings plod toward sea-foam  
emerge, reborn, accompany thee home

490 · May 2016
Into Your Arms
bulletcookie May 2016
Don your jaunty hat boy
sing a merry song of chase
"Love abides, or love abides not"
Through hillock and forest greens
legs on strings pulled puppet
this and that way and back

a lilting voice and nettles' *****
flowers' color impressions
etch into retinal rhythm tick
delight running rampant rouge
when lost in streaming gardens
summer's youthful roose et ruse

486 · Aug 2016
Body & Soul
bulletcookie Aug 2016
What's in that eye's allure?
As yours ask, come closer
Lo! brushing lips insure
a kiss, sweet in-form her
stronger feelings attest
there is life in this love
absolute heart's tight chest
spellbound, courting foxglove
In those eyes a fissure
each pupil dilates
no rope cleft, he falls sure
blind and stutters, awaits
passion's reckless stumble
into arms, legs, embrace
whispers roll and tumble
thoughtful in interlace
apace, evening lingers
fingers locked in fingers

473 · Nov 2016
bulletcookie Nov 2016
Here fair livery of word's content
escapes this ever mindful heart
which frets upon a laden lament
of sorrow's wheel pull obedient cart

As year hard-by this gated plot
seems to forget what time has not
and grasses grow soft brown and green
above hard ground and fading dreams

In Tundral rest flows glacial loss
in Northern light yields up to moss
and weeping tree eye epiphytes
that cling to life in spite this plight

- cec
473 · Dec 2018
Loneliness (Haiku)
bulletcookie Dec 2018
now solitary
life counts stillness' hours
winter's austere white

472 · Jan 2019
bulletcookie Jan 2019
Through sheer curtain casts a diffused light, thread bare
wispy Wayang perform behind; parading shadows
as curious sleight of hand unveils today's vane weather  
past glass pane doubt at morning's province

that foreign sun filtering through clouds of grey
parting enough to blue where dawn begins and ends
while pocket-sized birds dip and dart across garden flora
fulfilling their native chirp charged larks

saline winds straddle mist to settle dew on green:
moss, grasses, leaves, do cushion a fallen limb
its clinging lichen, in common leap, adheres their bond between
each stegnon layer, iris, to the next

thus fixed in this fabric's fiber, spirits
decant Pandora's brew imbibed from age to aged
as staggering marionettes **** and stumble on stage
scenes unfold on scrolls of old, this day's mystery at midwife

Wayang: a form of puppet theatre art found in Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia, wherein a dramatic story is told through shadows thrown by puppets and sometimes combined with human characters.

Stegnon: Biological chinking, a general term for all sessile microorganisms and meso-organisms that grow on or within the non-aquatic surfaces of the world, including rock, soil, and vegetation.
- Trevor Goward
471 · Oct 2016
bulletcookie Oct 2016
et tu Brute;
find crosses for eyes
in greater number than cloud nine
with no more use of life's
accumulated stills
amounting to naught

All our labors lost
one quick shutter click
a quietus consuming trick
played out on curtained stage
ambling scarecrow like
straw for end's wisdom
coins resting for vision ...

471 · Apr 2019
bulletcookie Apr 2019
Den of Iniquité Master, Dungcan Pmurt
belly hanging, button popping
sitting on edge of a sofa, sipping soda
dreaming of flames and fortune

463 · May 2016
Doc's Lament
bulletcookie May 2016
This sadness in your eyes, eyes, eyes
plumbs abysmal depths
irretrievable dreams in debt

Here as viewing province, hesitant to pry
as  meddlesome, these subterranean wounds
in howling incubus despair

upon a sea of pregnant cries
aware, that we are life marooned
to test what we can bear

Transform, yield burdened truths
pull wool from heady visions
reveal your hearts, release regrets
reclaim joy's favor, and heal incisions

462 · Oct 2016
Bear Bell
bulletcookie Oct 2016
A bell hangs freely from a belt loop ring, stone within, spheres of music resonating deep into a forest ear echo, oscillating into solemn moments of moss and salal ravine's silence, followed by silence, as a fading Doppler effect withdraws into pine trees, taut web threads, sympathetic, vibration's fingers tingling a spider's meditative bewilderment as this wave unfolds through each wooden nook giving way to currents of scented sound having touched glen's fragrance and paw print wells of dew.

459 · May 2021
Lover's Bench
bulletcookie May 2021
sitting, silent bound
hearts feeling ocean's fingers
spring to spring in love

458 · May 2016
Elegy Made of Sand
bulletcookie May 2016
You, now turn to ashes, still call my name
diminished and watery as rolling waves:
you were my heart, you were my same

telling me you are gone to Elysium's gate
fate, draws a line in sand and castle's breach
witnessed with hesitant eyes that uneasy wait

time has run its course from ocean deep
to find upon this land's end awash in sorrow
where creatures immemorial crawl and weep

You were my heart, you were my same
Your turned to ashes now and I have no name
"waves and waves good bye, down to the sea"

458 · Feb 2023
The Well
bulletcookie Feb 2023
clay, stone, within depths
waits water, central being
seasons drink as one

454 · Apr 2016
Book Backbones (Day10)
bulletcookie Apr 2016
Shakespeare's 'First Folio'-
comely words for a human race!

454 · Feb 2016
Black Hole
bulletcookie Feb 2016
vacant, yet soot black
eyes could not see your smoke stack
cut roses coughed spring

452 · Jan 2017
bulletcookie Jan 2017
Invisible in a snowy owl winter storm
holiday poltergeist grasp tight; hearts, minds
feelings, sight, potent in our wild season
coming home free, mule humble

Hello old dog, cat doesn't move but tail
lights on a green pine leaning kitty-corner
some slouch on stuffed sofas sleeping
some sit on stiff cardboard carpet dreams

Bell silver rings dinner in on lace covered tables
while iron tolls ring for pennies in deep snow
silent night winds singing in tongues
lift up these spirits and toast ages told

Memories drill their custom fading holes
leaving tinsel and wand bulbs percolating
bubbles dancing in ever fevered souls
wishing for one more Yule to commemorate

450 · Apr 2022
-by William Shakespeare
bulletcookie Apr 2022
"The poets eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and name."

- A Midsummer Night's Dream (V.i)
449 · Apr 2016
A Glass Eye
bulletcookie Apr 2016
Your going seems an impact crater on Mars-
Old, with high ridges, distant and barren
Kilometers of striated landscape circumscribe you
This unimaginable visit; with little atmosphere,
stark shadows and light defining a wilderness whole
Hospital corner seams spell of violent invasion
vast stretches of gray dust pretend-cloud vistas
From this coup d'oeil, layers above your subterraneous thoughts
features once habitable, since blasted outwards
leaving strewn an eons life of orphaned rock
a mere whisper of once vast sea's potential
a whimper's noiseless remembrance lost
This journey home is comet dark in infinite parsecs
traveling farther each ways entangled heartache;
a quantum solace for another day to come


*n, pl - coups d'oeil (ku dœj):
a quick glance [literally: stroke of the eye]
445 · Jul 2016
bulletcookie Jul 2016
Forever is a golf ball flying over the green with the hopes and expectations of a hole-in-one.

- cec
439 · Feb 2022
Sweet Smoke
bulletcookie Feb 2022
a lumbering bear
tramps on mountain flower's bed
silent Winterfell

Ukraine lives
437 · Oct 2018
bulletcookie Oct 2018
In those lobster red clouds
buttery hues, with knife-silver edges
mirrors deep on water's complexion
soon to sunset's blush
mobile islands of charcoal cotton
within this sky, by shore's shadows

"athome, washington" photo08,9
437 · Dec 2022
New Year's Eve
bulletcookie Dec 2022
write ting seems disjointed,
of late
let's do it together
old angst

flow wing out anointed,
late too
this next thought celebrate;
new year!

437 · Apr 2016
bulletcookie Apr 2016
So many ships on those reefs-
taken out on maiden voyage some
others barnacled and water logged
sea warns burrowing into them
after many storm of salted dreams
gone, peasant tunes and dancing jigs
missing fancy rigging, unleashed rags
now just stare at broken ambition
lost harbors, no waiting slip's embrace
She, they, were once strong and main sailed
subdued by years of sailor's hands
with open ocean promises of land
**! thar she is come to port, past

433 · May 2016
Full Swoon
bulletcookie May 2016
It's been awhile since pregnant poem
as there was no one here to wear it
just two plane black and white fantasy
vaporized with day's chores and work

Now this is that in counterpoise
in arms embrace and kissing peaks
where clouds blush in morning sun
to wake upon your dawn

Hands that would cradle this heart
know its beat and volcanic weeping
holding even unto bone its love
there keeping pillow-lava whispers near

Then toss regret most play a fool
since evening's close behind
It takes a lifetime rise to heights
exquisitely to climb a starry sky

There moon light visions linger
as though internal fires pour
molten eyes have pierced this soul
to claim its flame and core

431 · May 2016
Fog's Pinch
bulletcookie May 2016
Opaque, this darker dream-
Curls smoke like in thought
migrating to wispy seems
seeping, accumulating aught
no exit, zero visibility, fog rock
rolling past and whether foul
Ideas escape into this chimeric night
hungover precipice looking out to see
Land **!, out on open main's might
till morning winds from tempest seas
sail our vessel clear, reef and rock
rolling in crested white, jet black waves
scrolls this lemniscus day's clock
feeling shivering cloud bank gray
as bell peal tolls a breaker's pull

430 · Oct 2023
landings takeoff
bulletcookie Oct 2023
clouds outside airplane's window
immense, white on blue, cumulonimbus
clutching our flight, as I clutch 'Cocoroco'

takeoff forgotten, along with young eyes
only that rubber rainbow rooster traveling beside

a happy wake-up sound, squeezed in bellow
landing is distant too, billows and below
many loose threads of rain-forest ends

submitted to a Seattle cultural organization's, "Landings" Literature Project.
426 · Feb 2019
bulletcookie Feb 2019
there is a feeling of depth
found in a rocking row boat
hinting at a bottomless sea
where the unspeakable squirms
and light is a lure into stalactite teeth

consumed and digested by stillness
thought's bubbles emerge to rise
decompress on their upward journey
and break that surface once more
where we float as wet oars push on

423 · May 2019
To Sow
bulletcookie May 2019
these spent hands still toil
digging in this drawn soil
watching a worm stretch
and pull, stretch and pull
soon dusk will slip in
moving with grains of sand
casting small shadow bands
over this garden tended
and overgrown with love
this bush rose red bloom
holding a waiting perfume

421 · Oct 2016
Operatic Kiss
bulletcookie Oct 2016
Bertoli sang, embodied us
together, propped on melodrama wall
our bodies pressed in blissful score
exchanged in staring eyes
draws lips to ever closer pitch
as music walked on air
that carried us away
into world no one exist
emotions at full play
To say that love was present there
falls short of what we felt
as ever fiber of our being
left word and meaning melt

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