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 Mar 2020 Ronell Warren Alman
no matter what's going on,
Just find a little place in you
To stay warm &
Escape the darkness
That sometimes
Is this world.
no matter what's going on,
Find a little place in you
That feeling u get when u surrounded by people you have know for a while
You feel so small
So irrelevant
When you decide to speak
Silence is the only thing heard
Suddenly someone other than you opens their mouth
Everyone suddenly has time to comment
U waiting like a **** for even a simple no
all you receive it blue ticks
That feeling of not being apart
Left out makes one feel that one is not good enough nor worth of a simple response
It leave one broken and questioning why am I here ?
 Mar 2020 Ronell Warren Alman
A Scene
Comes to mind.
Evading reality.

Of comfort

A vast ocean
Of warmth

The framework

Safe here
In this passageway
This little poem is the first I ever posted on a blog... a safe place to go in the mind and find comfort and peace.
The more you heal
The more you can see the abuse
You learn to forgive
But see the pattern play on
The ghosting motion when they don't get what they want
The things said in jest to make you the brunt of the joke
The insecurity that lays behind their eyes
The despise of you
You mirror the truth
They don't like what they see
So they would rather remove you from view
Deciduous trees stand side by side
Branches entwined
A crow couple, cozied up on a high branch
And the sun shone upon the two
The morning light, a beautiful sight
Below I stood, watching the two
As the brown leaves fell like confetti
Smiling in hues
A great start to my day :)
Have always loved those trees, close to a grocery which i frequent :)
And today the crows and the morning sun added to the beauty:)
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