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“where summer’s bronzes dull and sink”

the trees are like
wet coat hangers,
holding up the leaves,

my cat is frosty like
an october morn,
sleeping on the sill,

everything is dripping
like a wet pair of
jeans taken out of the wash,

the sky wears its greys
of cloud, dim and dramatic
it opens summer eyes.
a grey sky,
my lips pressed
to your lips,
unfastened hair,

in a moment
i am drawn
to you,
in love with
your legs and
your smile,

grey dissidence
of the approaching
thunder caught
up in the hills,

the roses start
to wilt in the vase,

the roses of the sky
have silent wings,
time knotted
like a handkerchief
against my skin,

i am hollow, my
legs desiring yours,
love the swift sea,
the amber forest,

blowsy silk,
the clouds,
drawn of water,

and i sink
jealous of your love
and your legs,

wanting all of
you to fall in
love with me,

lips pressed
love, my love,
the ghosts
of the storm.
built of tarmac road and
lizard king his song was
the end of summer,
the last summer where
the light had to leave but
somehow he left us fused to
it, intoxicated, blown
forever into our
subconscious minds
where it sunk like the
anchor of a ship.
the king of turkey was sa
that means we always want the love
his queen is diana
he wants their ring back
the ring was called the quiet
it has sa on the inside.

sa sends dray to get it from
beth and ian of china were
hteb and nai of egypt.
hteb and nai ruled egypt twice.
now lola rules with her son ray
of the sun, lola says boohoohoo!
lola is egypt’s true queen as she
was first to walk the land.
ah ha hari

the clouds always dream

the sun always rises in the morning

lola was egypt ray drew was her son

lola say boohoohoo
cry for your suns

(originally we are the stars


we want the sun forever

her husband lives as tray

in egypt they say
the moon always rise

the sky is always perfect

the stars always shine at night

porta the zulu leader and da except lola

lola say lalala to da

hataab is here the anne christ christ protector

helios is here the sun god


i am god
meghan said

meghan ssaid


people are always kind

but lola is preferred in africa

she ruled their 30 times
meghan only 3
gina’s first ring was called britton which means we can always be the love. it had a melt. a melt is a sweet loop. lionheart made it with all his love for gina. it was everybodies favourite ring for 4000 years.

excaliber was david’s favourite sword. it was made in china by ian. he used the magic of merlin to make it. it is buried deep under london tower. it is under broadwalk but is buried two miles deep. it took 3 years to bury excaliber. but david said we must. to keep the country safe.

dora na found the secret entrance at the tower and the sword. his name now is trevor nelson. he is a good man and will return the sword to lionheart.

lancelot brought the sword to david. david gave him garter of the night. his loyalty was always strong.
syria update

ta is the lawful king of syria
it means leader of the pump

kim and simon held it once for china when tafan died at 4 because
china was worried to lose istanbul.
istanbul is given to tafan he leads it well.

kim would like emaculate her sword back. it was her favourite ancient sword it is at tafan museum and says zonderland. it was chinese not african.

su meant the beauty of china
dray meant the time of day
harry was ma which meant
the soverign of the lord.

drays eldest would have been calm
his second peace
sa la ma ah ah
we are of the love

sa ah ah ah ah
love is important in the world

woe woe woe woe woe
we are always in love with our lives

dee ah dee ah dee ah
love will be ours forever

ma ah ah ah ah
love will be important forever

to to to to to
hteb loves nai

canata canata canata canata
hteb loves the ray of the sun

ot ot ot ot ot
nai loves hteb

ta ta ta ta ta
the stars are beautiful

sa sa sa sa sa
the moon is beautiful
our hair has all its pretty hair of air, wine reds, platinum blondes, honey blondes, golds and light browns, gold highlights and low-lights, blues and brunettes.

they can never steal our colour.

we are allowed to have all of our pretty hair.
the mother of the love was cindy. she lives as wari and has no longer power. her beauty is renowned and she should rule.

argentina was the land of dd but mexico was goal and it was dana's land. dana is alive but needs to take control.

germany was grand and elsa was their king. elizabeth will rule. william was leam and harry was star. charles was ruu.


the leader of the wall must take the city down dunstable will rule but row must take command (paul p) just lift the iron up and drink the holy well. paul (row my) must lead the way and let the city fall like jerico to row.

sibelius was chief his love could control hell. his land was mexico. he will return in 100 years. for now his son razor must reign. razor reigns already he was always strong with his power.

anthony (anthony p) is still rome. druididous stole from anthony. italy will love his power. his father still lives. he was known as tora. he will always save his people every time. (anthony and cleopatra).

simon (simon d) was the bell of the dance. his land was the guard of the law, his saviour was the christ.

palastine was oscar's (livin christ) land. he loved the people first and then the chosen leader. china stole his heart but his mother's magic eye was always the greener for the dome of the bar which was his mother's land.

syria was kim's the turks obeyed her law and her partner simon rice was the lord of undeceived. (kim's favourite sword - immaculate) kim would only ever give land to someone who beat her in a sword fight.

pakistan was morrow. morrow still lives. i will give him pakistan tomorrow.

laura (y) was time of space. her land was always persia. she always controlled the south and gail (r) did not deceive.

gail was the haunted skull. her wind would launch the sail. her seas were ever brave and her love was always true. persia (north)
was her heart. never steal her heart.

spain was not my son he was never in my life but portugal was spain and gavin (p) was their king.

the catharsis will run and run. i will never be deceived the gate is always closed for love is in our hearts.


gina (p) was our queen her lands would always flow. china stole her heart but england was her throne. ( i would like gina to come back to china to bend for the corn) gina's mother was druella in the ancient times.

david (b) was the king, he was the lionheart. he was our favourite king and no man could deceive.


gavin (p) was the james and diamond was his jewel. diamond is his wife and he must now command for nothing could corrupt.

stuart scotten was a scotish noble.

michael never ruled but no man thought he should his love was always wine and wine should not be loved. (as usual we will give him the principality of lowe as a gift so he does not destroy everyone).

serbia was the good, the love that jesus saw. give my son his thone. the love will be believed. in ancient histories serbia was known as dela. (see note lower serbia is now held by lassa and tal as guardians of the land below mount denar.) serbia and palastine must live in peace now the jew is gone who wanted to hurt palastine so much her people were forced south.

ok important note. we believe serbia was originally dunne but he always wanted land so he was not allowed back to earth. his lands were south of mount denar. oscar/ the christ/ the livin held after dunne left the earth but it was eventually agreed serbia below mount denar would be loved by tal and lassa as guardians of the land.

iatilahhomanne is the blue sky is yugoslavia. his wife is doran. she was his love. his old name was swee. yugoslavia is west of tee and north of do or die generally it is where teem is now. (old dree) their language was hebrew their god was jesus. the jews wanted christ to be their god not their christ. it is easy to find yugoslavia of the old world it is next to dree (ethiopia) and west of door. we believe they were also palastinian descent in the old world.  

pakistan was blue, she gave it to her heart and lassa always rules. lassa is alive give him his power back. no man then will grieve for joshua is back.

australia is madam it must return her power she knows the paths of peace and lives as mary rose.

newzealand is (d) (not good) madam must take control or ruby (a place) will aspire.

america is (d) she seethes to take the land. her hatred scalds and scalds it was berire's land. berire was the chief his land was mule and strike the karaoke's scream i will protect his thone.

orinoco should control his mind is always lead he knows no dark of heart and all his love is treve.

treve is always beth but she was ian's soul. please leave me ian's heart and yours should be atol.

atol would not be right. orinoco always marries beth (yet again). gail will not marry jet.

jason (rye) was no fool his lands were israel's heart. he loved the soul of rule but simon (d) could command.

kirby was the goo, india his throne. he was the amicable man his love was always christ the taj mahal he built and that was his home.


i only want to love one girl, her name is beth. her love is like a bird that listens to the sky and then listens to all my love for her.


denmark was lasa at the dawn of time demeter is the rule and she's the queen of time. demeter now is young she is the queen of time her land is do or die and masa must command.


was the house built by the sea it was eric's house and he was the son of the man he was the love of the life and he lives these days as stan.

france was warren hall but i must now be true. please give my catherine (m) land for aragon must rule. she was also in the ancient history joan of arc.

paul (p) row my (principality palace in tlau.) dunstable took paul's money.

laura y (south china) it was the bys that took laura's money.

mowh has saved the word in china but as usual she tried to take power and had to be destroyed..

in venice beth was cocyo (the giver of bliss)  ( row cocco)

stav in south china is oscar's principality. stav is where oscar (the livin) is always happy. tao (ian and my son) loves to live in lowe.

the emperor of berling (north west south china) should have been. martin j. his brother originally drim dra dro was originally the prince of lowe but when i gave martin his territory in berling nick j became the prince of toi with the principality of toi. this was true in ancient times. martin was known as jo.  

orinoco was the emperor of china. the world was the waiting because the love would always be good.  

skybird drew was ray son. drew were the rightful thone of japan. the drew meant the solace of the earth.

gina in venice was tray.

ian's mother was fred.

eusebius was the poet of the heart.

eri (y) sometimes marries the man of the water.

michael is the guardian of the keep. i will always love my true.

helen (v) was the lover of the vine. she was chinese but had no throne.

claire was jezibel.

david was dow and fun

dunstable was char the feather of the water. he stole row fun.

in venice
eri was elea
laura was dezibel
gavin was cla

i have accepted as a gift a principality province in tithale.

kim of indonisia was the man the people loved. kim of the creator. we used to call kim the good man of our lives and the gentle spirit. everything of his goodness is returned.

our love was the strength of the world.

solace was drew. drew was the noblest family of all.

laura (y) was the mwang the rulers of the town and they were always princes.

in 1288 beth said goodness is more powerful than evil.

watling, turner and maccarthy were forced.

i am the family of fwoah.

lauren fwoah meant lauren the beautiful.

it was the evil family foo who made everybody born (or moved) to england. i demand all their money returned.

trump was the man of the star. he wanted the world to be quiet but loved. his name was choo. his current wife is belle and she was always his queen. his throne is peru.

boris was the baron of the star. your wife is livia and your land was mexico and your name was boro. your son was stevio the prayer of the mind and bringer of peace.

blair was catcho, the man who spent the fun. his original land was japan and he was noble but not the throne. the throne is now skybird drew.

it was the swinster family who hurt diana.

the current emperor of china is loco. he will give the territories to beth. his wife was the queen of the north.

*** (orinoco) was the conqueror of time. his destiny was power. he always loved beth and his province was the south.

japan is dalta at the moment it should have been drew. he stole for power as the armies wouldn't work. he wanted peru but i will not give peru for his destiny is fire!

peru should be malta but malta should be fire the love was the love of the love was always peru and peru should be ruled by scotland.

india was palm of par he was death of silence he was a resiliant man and today he lives as par.

atlantis was my sky i'll always love her heart. her chimney burnt to flame when carthage stole my love. phonecia was the blue and blue as of the wave (m) does wish but it is oscar's soul.

ian wynn was wales his love was orinoco. his daughter still lives as simone.

anthony (rome) was cabra in italy and dree in china which meant love me love. he was also lieu which meant the loved. (anthony and cleopatra)

lean built pisa tower. he was best at food.

row meant delight the sky.

the agha khan was dal which meant the love. he believes his true throne tunisia. i believe this is correct. also iran and iraq.

tin is throne of india.

del was the true throne of sweden. he is in charge.

norway was lion's land. it belongs to strong. who lives as guy.

the shah of iran was simon rice's father. he was the true throne. he was known as tal, which meant the good leader. iraq was also his which was the flower of land, denmark was also tal's land because yassa pretended lassa, this meant the throne was wrong but tal is lawful throne and lassa agrees.

godolphin was the arabian throne.

gina's money was taken by tong and fau who was the imposter winner of gold. they are both dead.

beth's love was the strength of the world.

drua took beth's seal in the china parliament. he stole my money. i was the word of china. i will return and take my rightful seat. my friend the shah of iran has already bought me the principality of siam and principality stav for my livin/oscar/christ ( oscar was born 25/12/97 this is the truth) as a wedding present. my mother gail has bought blue principality province. lowe i have agreed purchase when fun returned for my tao and my michaels.

gina was croan in china.

laura (y) married fleep.

dree took beth's money by pretending royal blood.

dominic (b) was poland of the ancient worlds his charm was nina and she was the curl. nina was so beautiful no man could ever resist, deceit could not destroy them there would always be a whirl!
first stretch of great wall of china to rebuilt tana to loy

authorised by ian

5000 to work

this will be my wedding present to ian
they took her to the doleful traitor’s gate,
where none could save her life or bring release,
along the river to a heavy fate,
no harp or dulcimer to give her peace.
the world had turned away, the tudor rose
in ruins at her feet, the fickle king,
inconstant, needing sons, the river flows
with royal blood where sorrow’s angels sing.
“to jesus i commend my soul,” she cried,
she wore damask, her mantle was ermine,  
poor cramer heard the cannon as she died,
he fell and wept, forgave her every sin.
  the strings were broken on the violin,
  that sang no more for laughing anne boleyn.
let me advise you that larch lodge 2 the somerset in newton heath belongs to fwoah and dream. ian built house in 300 ad and never sold it so its ours. current occupier paul dollis to move and take all his posessions so house can be restored.
these clouds like follies,
these moons like watery
ghosts, flooding, light
like a swollen stream, the
golden glow escapes, exhumed
like an egyptian mummy,
its laundry the white sheets
of the world, its apparition’s
the reticent clouds of the dark.
as lonely as the tide,
love is out of reach,
the perfections of the
waves with their
tangy blue airs
like liquid silks.
as lonely as the autumn wind
sighing, full of leaves,

china skies of powder-blue,

the day is filled with golden light,
the round sun hanging lower
its soft edges acrobats of cloud.
carnal scattering of
root and banished leaf,

merely human, the day
spreads maple leaves
like dark gusts of wind.
the autumn broods,
moody, full of leaf.
the sky sinks like
a silver ghost,
drinks its pools of
frost, its moments
full of dream.
the clouds drift
like silver rivers,
the rain trickles-
crushed petals of silk.
the little valleys of
sky ruffle like leaves.
the autumn is a
diamond sky-
crisp and cold.
autumn melts the skies
her oranges like
bright rouge,
her yellows a
half hidden sun.

the fires of a waking
world, blown by
the branches of the

forgotten, an
ending sweeter
than the last
fragments of day
that dream as they
fall, caught by the
torn breezes that
scatter the leaves
westward and skyward
like little ribbons hurrying
along a once summer path.
white as a sheet the day’s
ghosts fade like an
old photograph.
the rivers of the day
tremble and drown
with the rain that
falls and falls.
i am a mosaic,
a floor made of
tiles, ashen with
autumn reds.
red leaves,
hollows of water
and sun,
bright reflections,
the day drifts
opens the afternoon
like a love letter
softer for its layers
of bronze.
leaves drifting
down dark lanes
that curve where the stream
dreams of the soft blues
of a sky that melts with
forgotten passions
and the greyer mists
of day dream
and the clouds
with their moods
of the wind and
their fields of
air, drift until
the sky winds
its streams of blue.

the sun burns the grass and the ferns,
they melt under a bright sky,
roughening, like the tongue of a cat,
the grass with its brown sandpapers.


the flowers pray for me and my
watering can, on a dirt track
the water splashes and the earth
drinks deep, the trees shiver
at the thought of water, their
branches sway, this is to dance -
leaves with patterns scattering -
leafy shade and pools of bright


drawn out of the air a drawbridge
of breeze raising its portcullis and
suddenly the heat is bearable,
shadows and sun like a patchwork


we wait for summer, tender-eyed,
smouldering in the heat, the trees
like colossal statues of bronze
stretching branches beneath the canopy
of a green sea in a dream spun
from ebony.


i kiss you, grazed by this
orient sun, my heart
seeking yours, my
legs longing for your legs,
my limbs threading
with yours
while summer
sings of her forgotten
bird of wood and grass
built of darkness and
yellow beak, incredible

sentry of lawn,
poseur of dawn,

stone-shod mover,
hopscotch lover,
ellipse of heaven,

shadow of the
witching hour,

carrying the wings
of evening like
a worm in his
sultry mouth.
i have a blank canvas,
my poems like watercolours,
sweet blues and greens,
drafted in blossom.

spring brings new leaves
and budding flowers,
opens her eyes,
begins to dress the earth,
finds freedom in the flowing
while the sparrows
sing like fluffed out
buddha's in the

the blackbird dances on the lawn
(always in a tremendous fuss)
birds scrambling with
twigs and scraps of cloth,
chattering about the silks
of the blossoming sky
and the sands of the sun
blowing ceaselessly
in a gold dream of day.
bluebells flower in the rain,
boy of love,

buttercups on long stems
full of summer’s gold,

the world opens its doors and windows
the air feels fresh and clear,

sadness weaves its way under the trees
prefers to wait in the shadows,

i dream about you a lot,
boy of love.
blues and stars
love and ink
under an opal moon
darkness unravels
unwinds leaves
that fall from
trees that wander
the rain’s ghosts
sighes and
clouds of grey.
boy of dream,
the colours melt,

your lips finding mine,

beneath an ashy sky,
where the shadows lean,

your fire finds mine,
your kiss as beautiful
as a summer rose.
the leaves gather ghosts
in the shade,
boy of the dark,

where the breezes wait
for the overgrown rose to
flower, immersed in
love and sky,

and the summer night
breathes in petals of gauze,

you sweep me away on a
blue-glazed tide, draw me
into your arms,

drown me in an impossible
when you broke me the first time
i cried until the tears pooled
into the dark.

when you broke me the second time
i just broke you back for hurting
me so bad.

i break easily because i love
i break easily because i love you.
break me like a twig,
bend my branches
in the sunlight.
tell me that i dream
and that dreams are
the golds of a yellow rose
that dreams are the
softest rivers of my mind.
the darkness broods,
shadows thicken,

clouds drift into the
darkest recesses of night,  

their blue-black inks
singing of lonely shores

and watery streams.

without words,
boy, caught up in the dark,
brown-eyed boy,

as night drifts,
dark in her clouds.


a tumbling
leaden feet
sink to earth,

drowning stream...
poured from a water jug
a dark, crackling sky.  


night's thick opiates

unmissable sky
sinks anchor-like.


dreams carried to the stars,
lost time
stretching like a cat.


boy, sleep sound tonight,
brown-eyed boy,

as night drifts
dark in her clouds.
cave of wonder,
the black ivies of the sea,
the moon-shadows of
the shore.
oh, caverns of the moon so cold and dark
beside the trembling waves that drift and spool,
where urchins cling and breezes blow so cool,
such stony blackness vaulting in an arc.
upon the thorny land you make your mark,
beside the sea, that undulating fool
who clowns around and gathers in a pool
upon your doorstep, ocean green and stark.
and something draws me close, a story told,
fantastical, where hidden paths begin,
a dragon's secret hoard or horses white,
who foam like sea-spray in the frail moonlight,
(surrendering night's depths that brood within)
or some lost world bright crowned in ornate gold.
inheritance tax in britain is no longer allowed.

stamp duty is also not charged. a lot of families wanted their parents to have their houses next time  more than having to sell the houses to meet the bill. it is better to keep houses in the family and rent them out or restore them as they be needed next time. the figure for last year was 3000 who regretfully had to sell.

it is also illegal to feed wheat bread to ducks it must be rye bread. unfortunaly wheat makes people (and ducks 🦆  )  depressed. i refuse depressed ducks in britain.
legislation going through as fwoah and dream have said ai and fwoah (boleyn in england ) is fed up with depressed teenagers.
with immediate effect it is no longer needed to pass a theory on line test before you take car lessons. it is putting teenagers off learning to drive. when i learnt to drive the test was not needed. it is better they learn as teenagers when aptitude is highest. i would like dvd made by government for people starting to drive 3 hours long with best practice advice.
in reality only 7000 a year are passing test youngsters do need to drive to keep dealerships and car manufacturers busy.
beth fwoah dream boleyn st clair advises that no deal was agreed with america for uk to trade at cost to uk of 50 trillion. the uk has only 190 billion in exchequer and cannot afford the deal. the queen of england offers 1% in excise 1% import duty per unit and is already trading happily around the world. if usa want deal with uk they need to speak to sun  of china at the chinese embassy in great britain. any american product we already trade we would like to continue with new products must have authority from embassy. uk hopes to continue in friendship with america.
'where night is....
an iron bench painted green.'

opal light

love burning,
narrow roads,
roadhouse blues,

flame of moon
city garden
cider roses
petals falling like
little red tides,
curling edges,
spells of flowers,

magic in the swinging
pub signs and the
avenues, the
cobbled streets
running forever,
little vacant space,
love in arms
thrown together,
clicking stilhettos
chips with wooden forks,

here the moon
runs with the clouds
carries in an empty
basket the fruit
of the day eaten
up, wild and high,

our love, where night
is a tide of black ink,
resting after a heavy
day, our love, sad
tonight, beseiged
by strong armies, almost
forsaken and
yet somehow survived,
a delicate kiss on
the landscape,
content at last,
reduced down
to street blues
a wish to wander,
the laughter of a pub.
closer than this dream
of summer,
closer than your fingers
linking mine,
we melt like
burn like the night’s
distant stars.
clouds unwind
bring winter
in their white breath
dissolve and murmur
to the sea-sombre skies
of the scurry of wind
and wave
of the tumultuous
ache of the night
its oceans
its impenetrable
its shore-slumbering
lights, in the thick
folding of winter
the wonderment
of cloud.
clouds more
intense in their
deep questionings,

the sky blossoms
like an early rose,  

the earth takes a deep breath
mourns for the brightest stars,

the moon gathers
mirrorings and soft
icicles, dreams of summer’s
thin feathery wings.
clouds of dream
conjuring poetry
out of liquid skies
of black mind,
where the
wild rose
mists breathe
and the land
melts in shadows
of midnight blue.
clouds of ice,
november seas,
moody skies,
drifting days
faded to
golden leaf,
trees, the haunts of
autumn, fine mist
on a cloud-wrapped
love clouds autumn
clouds of pink on the cherry sigh,
sweet, whispering flowers fall and fall,

they lie upon the mossy wall,
clouds falling from a pink-sea sky,

flowers of the wind, confetti, rice,
papery stream like a pressed dry rose,

blossom song, the tireless breezes blow,
bewitching bower of cherry-flower ice.

a stream of melancholy green,
dances through the shades of the trees

the pink blooms sweep the river's breeze,
dry on stones, cherry-petal scenes....
oracle of sound
emotions deepening
ochre filaments
dark enchantment
summer shore.
control me, until i
desire your desire,
to the blue daydreams
of your love,
love the magics of your
give way, melt,
flow to summer bliss
and winter hills,
love forever
with passion
and emotion
until i die forever
for your love.
love emotions
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