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sweet bird of budding april's pretty wing,
sat in the willow where the catkins grow,

enchanting like the river's winding flow,
small chatterbox that always loves to sing,

the blossoms kiss the sky whose wandering
finds vast crusades where fleeting warriors go,

true to their loves e'en in the bleakest snow,
or some princess who finds a sapphire ring.

enchanted lands, the bird sings in the tree,
so long forgotten once found near and far,
where streams wind yonder where the bluebirds play,

on honey branches by the windswept sea,
as if they whispered underneath a star
of princely gold the beauty of the day.
clouds of pink on the cherry sigh,
sweet, whispering flowers fall and fall,

they lie upon the mossy wall,
clouds falling from a pink-sea sky,

flowers of the wind, confetti, rice,
papery stream like a pressed dry rose,

blossom song, the tireless breezes blow,
bewitching bower of cherry-flower ice.

a stream of melancholy green,
dances through the shades of the trees

the pink blooms sweep the river's breeze,
dry on stones, cherry-petal scenes....
Dec 2023 · 283
the flowers in heaven
none of the head angels liked looking
after the flowers. there was never enough
water in heaven for them.

then ian dream remembered:

go under the meadow
over the wave

you will arrive at station 4
press the blue button
and the flowers will automatically
be watered.

tea the angel rushed to try it out.
he pressed the blue button
and the springs for the flowers flowed.

the flowers in heaven started singing
with happiness and it was so beautiful
everyone cried.
Dec 2023 · 591
the river overflows down to the sea,      
a wintry song to tame the reveled night,
and born of love the stars blaze ever bright,
with soft-ringed beams that sigh like poetry.
dark woven hour, how you inspire me,
the midnight gleams with pools of paean light,
the drowsy moon is shining filmy-white,
the woodlands shrink and dream of sanctuary.
arise on arching wings, oh, song once sung,  
oh, water sprite, oh, lily of the vale,
you pine for love, the forest weaves a spell,
unearthly voice of honey throat and tongue
  i hear you whisper, sing your wild, wild tale,      
  then bid the world goodbye and sweet farewell.
Nov 2023 · 798
[i stare to sea...]
i stare to sea where autumn's night-winds tease
and sea waves crash and run with all their fire,
i feel a sense of rest that doesn't tire,
caught up in sea-rose reds and heady breeze
and like the fiery waves and sea-blown trees
this love of flames that once burnt with desire
now nothing seems, all fallen though once higher
than love's sweet dream that waking quickly flees!
oh, love's sweet dream! the metronome-like waves
beat like a pulse, a love of moon and tide,
the whispered song has faded, bitter-sweet
and drowsy as the water near my feet,
magnolia now blooms near these old graves
and i no longer yearn to be his bride.
Oct 2023 · 432
the staircase
the hidden staircase fascinated me,
the wooden steps, oak panels on the wall,
behind an unexpected door you couldn’t see,
a narrow entrance in the spacious hall.
who ever would have thought to find it here,
a masterpiece of silent secrecy,
whose trepidation full of pounding fear
climbed up those stairs in frightened urgency?
while candles drip hot wax from chandeliers
they gallop in the night, the carriage wheel
leaves furrows in the mud, whose trembling ears
await the sweeping toll-bells heavy peel?
and as the night drifts ever closer in,
who bolts the windows, deafens out the din?
Oct 2023 · 503
the bosch
i’ve blown all my dosh
on a brand new Bosch!
my clothes will be super clean
with this amazing new machine
i’ve burnt all my dosh
singing swish, swash, swosh,
singing splish, splash, splosh,
a ladies got to wash!
i’m in love with my new Bosch!
Oct 2023 · 166
love poem
boy, i give you a blowing rose,
a glittering star,

the autumn shakes and glides,
hangs on leaves, waters the

the stars tremor in the water,
breathe of sky and silver bird,

the night is a closed eye, a
river of frost,
where the dark, born
of root and winding dream,
stretches like a flower,

in our love we found a
leafy woodland lane,
we strided the skies like
birds of dream,

love hung from our lips,
the white ribs of the breeze
holding our burning hearts,

love so raw it flowered,
opening out like an origami

the shadows lengthen,
dissolve into wooden gate
and hollowed out tree.
the night’s stones weigh
heavy like the cloud -

everything sinks.  

the cry of a bird -
eerie like a ghost -

the night speaks
of autumn, of windows
now shuttered to the
stars, of leaves painted
silver and gold.

a cat wires his claws to the
dark, drops down from a wall,
lands with his fur full of sky.
Oct 2022 · 243
ghost of night
through distant isles i searched for him
my only love, my one true knight,
and i a spirit, silver-haired,
a ghost of night.

oh, he was battle scarred and worn
from long crusades in foreign lands
and through parched deserts still i roam
the wind-blown sands.

i'll not forget him, never rest,
until i've whispered in his ear
undying love through moon-blanched lips
and held him near.

oh, hear me crying like the wind
through every forest, every sea,
i walk the earth, a phantom shade,

and snow is cold but not as chill
as the iced ****-frost of my breath
the taste of winter in my kiss,
a wraith of death!

i'll wrap him in my gauzy limbs,
ignite the fire in his vein,
encircle him in clouds of mist
and free my chain.

through distant isles i searched for him
my only love, my one true knight,
and i a spirit, silver-haired,
a ghost of night.
in the style of La Belle Dame sans Merci (the beautiful lady without mercy) by john keats.
the sea with her songs and her freedom,
a rose in the desert tonight,

while the night with her beauteous wisdom,
holds the sky like the wings of a kite,

the moon is a ghost white and eerie,
skies carry the bird’s weary cry,

while the clouds dream of rain, brimming teary,
with each hollow sigh.

our love lies like ash long departed
and freedom's the wilds of the coast

and the sky where the swallow once darted,
has no star with their silvery frost,

oh, lover no love then could ever
be wiser or bolder than ours,

or lost as quickly with each new endeavour,
bewitched like the flo'ers.

so lover i wait here forever,
where the waves of the blue ocean swell,

a bride to the storm and the ether,
my song the sea's silvery knell,

for the muse sings of darkness forever,
and dark is the song ever sung,

and the sea finds its bow and its quiver,
and air fills her lung.

i'll wrap all my dreams in white paper,
and carefully tie with a bow,

then lay them all out with the ashes,
that lie where the wild berries grow,

and no one will ever e'er find me
and i will be lost in the end,

torn under the coast where the seas be
the voice of the land.

night grows from the death of the evening,
evening carries her stars and her seas,

the morning without ever seeming,
delights the bright sighs of the breeze,

dark voice of the sky and the landscape,
dark eye of the turbulent sea,

moon emperor, discoverer, wan dreamscape,
love jealous and free.
Sep 2022 · 164
lines on demons
in this life fwoah dream destroyed the demons by saying "the magic number is three" aka the livin, aka boz the destroyer, my son's, favourite number. i heard them all blow up like some wild firework display all around the earth for about a month.

you know it's a demon when they start offering you a contract from behind some kind of wall. the trick is not to say anything in response as even saying 'go away' classifies as 'negotiating' which means they can carry on harrassing you. if you do not respond to the offered contract they then have to redo all their maths and offer you a new contract which they will repeat four times - usually the numbers involved stack up behind the name of the new contract which they will repeat 4 times and usually involve the number 4 and the number 7. if you still say nothing they have to leave you alone for 24 hours. expect them to get angry if they have to offer new contracts as they have to work out all their new numbers.

demons were originally fallen angels that bartered for peoples souls. this was all to do with peoples good and evil points which they could trade, but the demons became more and more evil and it was a silly idea anyway to barter with your soul.

question - when do you say the magic number is three if speaking to them classifies as 'negotiation'
the answer is you may say this after you have ignored them for an hour and then they will go up in smoke.

the only other thing you need to know about demons is you can only become a demon if you have *** with one.  

why i am posting this? it is useful information if you are being harrassed by demons and i think everyone should know what to do.

why does saying "the magic number is three work"? the demons can't survive the goodness in saying 'the magic number is three' after all the evil they have done with the number's 4 and 7. remember words are very powerful things.
Aug 2022 · 494
queen of china announcement
good news in what is now called the energy zone in heaven and was called previously the artichoke under a forgotten prison beneath artichoke in heaven they have recently found forgotten books lost to the world and to heaven for thousands of years. their titles were as follows :

ian of china

life is always to be lived (4 copies only handwritten)
i will always be the husband of beth (chinese 400 copies handwritten)
love will always be my heart (4 copies handwritten)
love will never ever leave our lives (3 copies handwritten)
love is so pretty we want to enjoy it (200 bc 3 copies handwritten)

michael of constantine

all of us together (2 copies handwritten)
life is always life (4 copies handwritten)
treasure is my world (1 copy handwritten)

jim of persia

i am the one you want to love (5 copies handwritten)
love is always what we need (4 copies handwritten)
always always be kind (12 copies handwritten)
love is like a love (7 copies handwritten)
people should be friends (4 copies)
please try to be quiet (4 copies handwritten)
always be attractive if you can (5 copies handwritten)
i want to love my wife and you need to accept that fact (3 copies handwritten.)

the finding of these books gives me more confidence that the poetry i have written this time will survive my death and be remembered and is good news for everyone who loves books. these topics may seem cliched today but when written they were cutting edge of the thinking at that time.
Jul 2022 · 751
after the rain
“where summer’s bronzes dull and sink”

the trees are like
wet coat hangers,
holding up the leaves,

my cat is frosty like
an october morn,
sleeping on the sill,

everything is dripping
like a wet pair of
jeans taken out of the wash,

the sky wears its greys
of cloud, dim and dramatic
it opens summer eyes.
Jun 2022 · 962
summer - haiku
the forests of sun
lift their branches to the sky -
a stone fountain's tears.
Jun 2022 · 590
enchantment of the night
the stream is a pretty
mirror, the sky, sweet
sister to the moon,
slumbers in her
arbour where roses
flower mightily, in
love with the night
and the cloud.
Mar 2022 · 974
"where night is...the integrity
of the voyaging star..."

will flowers blossom soon in this
nearby petal-edged spring? the day

is full of buds, the night carries its ghosts,
the night-lily singing of magnolia and cloud.

in the sweet-breathed sky
the silver stars are like tiny pins,

my love is carved in their reflections,
i see his face in their waters,

our love still lasts, scented like the spring,
promising each other the ghosts of forever,

i could never let him go and now he says
he wants to die by the sea, in my arms,

and we create a new dream, out of night's
shadows, a new beginning before the new end

for all our love and all our hate.
i lie numbed or over-joyed seeking

his tenderness in every crevis waiting
for the kind word, the gentle kiss.

sometimes he gives me love, sometimes his hate -
how tired the world, its hidden ghosts

soaking in the rain, the clouds subdued,
the poem built of the night's sweet edge

enamel-glazed, hypnotic like the stars.
how tired the world- how empty-

and how the poetry spins like a top, full
of the dark sky, the sad farewell,

the pretty ghost.
Mar 2022 · 1.2k
waiting for spring
black skies stretch
in darkness, the clouds
dissolve into rain,
the night is lacquered
with varnish like
a wooden floor,
shiny and surreal -

it breathes of night
bird and the magnolia
light of the moon, quivers
and then is still, wraps us
in the mirrored waters of the stars.

the moon elevates
the night from darkness to
hypnotic light, bathes
the world in silver, flows
with our tears and our
softly spoken words,

transcends like lazarus
to a sky witnessed
through centuries,
loved and worn like
our favourite old clothes.
Feb 2022 · 2.0k
the silvers of the moon
sing their song of winter,
exhilarating above the black
rock and distant trees, her
fire lights the night like a
street lamp, the shadows
thrown back, muted,
echoing the near-teary darks
of the clouds. i sit on the
window sill, look out,
breathe deep the midnight sky
built of love and winter rose.
Feb 2022 · 1.1k
loving you
the night is silver
air, her dark ink
flowing like a pen, her
aches and sinews, water-
born, melted out of sky.
there is no cage

to hold the bird, page-like,
built out of river and
dream, it is free to fly,
carry the green of
the trickling leaves to the
rain-heavy cloud.

february builds her palaces
of love, a pretty rose,
a sentimental card,
a rain-sweetened kiss.

we are as full of the night
as a poem, our lips glazed
red, our hearts glowing
golden gathering petals
and sky.
ian is my love
love is always ian
i want to always love ian
because love is beautiful in my life.
May 2021 · 464
ancient histories
beth and ian of china were
hteb and nai of egypt.
hteb and nai ruled egypt twice.
now lola rules with her son ray
of the sun, lola says boohoohoo!
lola is egypt’s true queen as she
was first to walk the land.
May 2021 · 407
love is
we are of the princes and of the love. our churches are built from love. our love can never be conquered or destroyed because kindness rules the world.

ta sa la ma la a la chi
china is

ta sa la ma la a la
love is

ta sa la ma la a la ma
kindness is

(we spoke to the evil it said it was sick of the evil and it just wanted to go)
this time we killed the evil with our kindness and our love of truth.

ta na la a a ma la
we will soon have a beautiful world again.
Jan 2021 · 384
magada (ancient histories)
if i say to you magada what does that mean?

it means you’re our true queen.

if i say magada three times what does that mean?

it means we have to give you our love.

so who do you think your speaking to?

the queen of china 🇨🇳

no, it means you’re speaking to the queens’s child ( la ta la ah la ma)

the german mafia tried to take my sword ⚔️ i decided i’d had enough

i took all 6 heads of the men who
wanted my life who came to my door.

i demanded all the swords ⚔️ of the famine, they were my favourite swords ⚔️ china sent me my swords

emaculate was my favourite  🗡

kim’s favourite warriors are repunzal, earthquake, farner, bolo, drew and daz.
Jan 2021 · 186
anne boleyn announcement
let me advise you that larch lodge 2 the somerset in newton heath belongs to fwoah and dream. ian built house in 300 ad and never sold it so its ours. current occupier paul dollis to move and take all his posessions so house can be restored.
Jan 2021 · 288
change of law
inheritance tax in britain is no longer allowed.

stamp duty is also not charged. a lot of families wanted their parents to have their houses next time  more than having to sell the houses to meet the bill. it is better to keep houses in the family and rent them out or restore them as they be needed next time. the figure for last year was 3000 who regretfully had to sell.

it is also illegal to feed wheat bread to ducks it must be rye bread. unfortunaly wheat makes people (and ducks 🦆  )  depressed. i refuse depressed ducks in britain.
legislation going through as fwoah and dream have said ai and fwoah (boleyn in england ) is fed up with depressed teenagers.
Jan 2021 · 444
magna carta
it said on the magna carta she of title shall rule i am fwoah, i am england, i am france.
Jan 2021 · 153
change of law england
with immediate effect it is no longer needed to pass a theory on line test before you take car lessons. it is putting teenagers off learning to drive. when i learnt to drive the test was not needed. it is better they learn as teenagers when aptitude is highest. i would like dvd made by government for people starting to drive 3 hours long with best practice advice.
in reality only 7000 a year are passing test youngsters do need to drive to keep dealerships and car manufacturers busy.
Jan 2021 · 154
queen of china
90 foot square is minimum legal size for new property in britain.

all future building in uk for council houses is moss norton.  these houses cost 1 million each and are thatched.

we will be assessing who needs nice houses at the moment with the housing department who are to look at all logistics.

asama to fund from asama of china.

400 to work in housing under tarry hart under asama
Jan 2021 · 227
queen of china announcement
in new agreement england will be returning to unleaded fuel rather than electric cars. vauxhall will be able to continue manufacturing petrol. it is my belief that unleaded fuel is more eco friendly than battery cars which are 4 times as dangerous to ecology. this is because the battery car will burn peoples blood in the end. any one using a battery car will be allowed to continue for now but people need to know the truth
Jan 2021 · 339
low slanted white sun,
grazes like sandpaper,
an old mop falls down.
Jan 2021 · 273
china announcement
beth fwoah dream boleyn st clair advises that no deal was agreed with america for uk to trade at cost to uk of 50 trillion. the uk has only 190 billion in exchequer and cannot afford the deal. the queen of england offers 1% in excise 1% import duty per unit and is already trading happily around the world. if usa want deal with uk they need to speak to sun  of china at the chinese embassy in great britain. any american product we already trade we would like to continue with new products must have authority from embassy. uk hopes to continue in friendship with america.
Jan 2021 · 299
queen of china announcement
in the midst of brexit i advise that britain continues to trade as normal if there was a previous trade in place.
the treasury advises £190 billion at present so we are not bankcrupt. france looking to supply wine in britain i have agreed on 1%per unit import and export. please continue to buy and sell and please dont refuse  to deliver if something is sent.

the money is in the english admin from my fwoah account for eternity account. i put 1thousand thousand thousand trillion into the account so everyone who qualifies should get this including students on top of grants and living funding.
pensioners should get extra £400 a month all unemployed and universal credit with also £200 to each child under 18.
in the next few days we will set up a call centre for people in britain to call. i’m sorry not everyone has received theres but its difficult with whitehall virtually closed due to emdemic. i would add the oxford vaccine looks safe.

fwoah dream boleyn also advises funding for 400 new jobs for policeman at request of george scott of scotland yard.
Jan 2021 · 596
fwoah again advises that unless your family have lived in england for the last 300 years you are not allowed to live in britain unless you are the following
indigenous  english

all african
south american
all europe as long as over 300 years in britain
the following are not welcome and
must leave
german mafia
Brazilian mafia
pakistani mafia
norwegian mafia
portugese mafia
and newzealand mafia
Jan 2021 · 283
queen of china announcement
fwoah dream reiterates that sea commands all military under fwoah.

fwoah continues to support trump (choo) in this difficult transfer of power. we’ve had the fake news now we’ve the fake vote. china requests transparency at this point in time and recounts in the areas where there was corruption against our ally america.

dra (english commander raf) would like to thank fwoah for continuing to support the military in great britain. he would also like to thank ian of china for making sure that china would never attack. he wants to move forward in action with china and support the idea that evil is no longer in the world. scott advises police support to southern ports to turn back anyone who classes as evil on the new ap.

fwoah advises extra 400 jobs in the south for policemen to id check for evil people trying to move to great britain. fwoah paid 2billion into police funding for this service from taxpayers cash. exchequer has £130 billion and boro was yet again trying to steal money.
this 2 billion spending to be determined by scot of scotland yard with emphasising creating jobs. definitely  400 on southern coast. key phrasing ‘system’ army and police and customs to work together.

emails to changes to government and request for finance to be emailed to www.chinachange.
Dec 2020 · 250
queen of china announcement
further news kim fwoah and choo to trade 50 tonne a day olive oil to america. deal awaits putting in writing. america has not seen olive oil in america for over 50 years when america and italy fell out. please note the olive failed this year so full preferred quantities can not be sent yet. py a can supply 2tonne a day for this year also the drews in italy 2tonne a week the bafas 1tonnr a week. all for next twelve months. hopefully next years olives will do better
love is italy is america is kindness is
botswana has advised waiting to receive first gift of a concorde. the agreement is to station at dalton in south africa until north up to speed with customs considered safe internationally. i would like north africa to accept uk help in securing safer air flight areas in africa for everyone.

hebrew in south africa has asdvised happy to accept our ‘free market’ 1%in 1%out for mango for uk france and china and also north africa. kim has agreed with me to export olive  oil to uk china and france from italy. kim also authorises all mango from africa to italy on ‘free trade’ 1% 1% agreement.

nigeria advises they are doing well with the hippo madame who was extradited from china due to wallowing problems at quoi. nigeria says madame is the most beailutiful hippo ive ever seen except when she decides the area is not long enough for her to bathe.

please remember shah of iran did deal for oil at 68p per litre diesel all around the world for 1000 years. he is such a lovely guy. he advises he has enough stock for a million years so the world can relax.

please note electric car will shortly be banned as unsafe in uk france and china. unleaded fuel is better than being frazzled in your electric car.

other news
i spoke to president of france and it was agreed france would not have opening to fish on uk waters as we have 4 million phoenetians who have moved to uk and when we looked at the figures there were enough fish in french waters for all the fishermen in france to gain wealth.

on a positive note when i advised the problem is we think the french hate us he advised they dont hate uk as much as everyone else which i found consoling. i have offered complete china airforce support to france if they are ever attacked.

choo has agreed he’d like deal with china but agrees it needs to be areas where chinese workers would not be threatened. fwoah dream  puts balance of weight of decision on all trade based upon number of jobs it would create. remember china moving towards shorter hours for workers.
love is china is kindness is jim is
Dec 2020 · 375
queen of china announcement
with immediate effect chinas embassy in london to be at the tranis house at hampton court. the old lodge  at hampton court where i lived in history in england needs to be tidied and checked by the police before i can go in. im pleased to see some eternity fund going where its needed around the world.
the banks are very nearly uncorrupt following hard work by bank of japan and america fall and bank of england hutchinson.
remember it against the law to raise a price in england scotland wales northern dansana and southern dansana, china or france.

house prices cannot increase more than 5percent a year unless restoration work or extentions have been completed.

it is illegal for interest rates to rise at all in china france and uk.

vat must be added as usual

if anyone( princes only please, wants to do trade please contact me here if you are a king or president or the embassy in your country.
embassys must assess if product would cause loss of jobs in home country if it is so china will not move forward. to trade with china england and france all food must be healthy.

to reiterate trade is 1percent inport 1percent export no other charge. exise must be paid in advance
Dec 2020 · 356
queen of china announcement
uk raf highest level

dra (comander in chief)

tree, doe, sta, daffodil
ma da la dee so wa.

highest level command all countries sea of china.

highest level artillary china

sea, say say, atata,
suzie, nightbird
tra, so, summer, mon,
toto, motto, qui, ta.

china temples motto
china building straw
all systems a a
Dec 2020 · 228
queen of china announcement
with immediate effect all trade uk import duty 1 percentage per unit export duty the same in china france and england as decided by beth fwoah of china anne boleyn of england and aquataine of france all three my princely thrones.

if you have a history of trading with these countries please continue but exise and import duty must be paid up front.

if you have a new product you’d like to supply to england china or france please speak to the countries embassy in your country

the embassy will decide if it is considered suitable.

remember wheat, sugar and ‘smudge’ will be illegal in france china and uk from 01/04/2021

breads must use rye and chocolate use swis artico or bangladeshi chocolate, sugar must be replaced by mashed green tea which is a nice sweetener that doesnt make you put on weight and is worker friendly.  only healthy products will be allowed in uk. please speak to china embassy to organise sourcing mashed green tea.
Nov 2020 · 198
the true love
goodness is more powerful than evil
never hurt a child
the meek shall inherit the earth
love is, luck is, skin is,
we never have to hurt ourselves
to feel our love for someone,
we spoke to the evil, it said
that it was too evil, it said it
was fed up of the evil and that it
just wanted to go. everyone who
is kind and gentle helps goodness.
Nov 2020 · 1.0k
love poem (a la poe)
sa na a la a
i could never love

a sa la o a oo
a boy as much as you

ta ra ta la ta la
the sun awakes the heavens

ta na ma la a ka
i find my day in your arms

ta ma na a la la a
and my nights sharing your breath

ian ta la na na ian
ian, it was always ian

ta ma sa la
my heart stays true

ta a ma sa la sa la
beneath a beautiful black sky

sa ma na ma na la
i am always true to my love

ta na ba wa la a
but my heart breaks for another

ta ma na ma na
it will always be ian

ta la sa ma chi
or we will weep in china forever.
Nov 2020 · 109
night tide
ta ma sa la la na a
the stars believe in the waters

a mama lul
pretty, pretty golds

twa a ma moh
pretty, pretty blues,

sa a ta ma a la na odh,
the tide is blown like a ghost

ta ma la a sa a
and the moon is beautiful

trama da na wa
dancing to her song

ta a mama da la la da ma tra
a golden lantern of softening light

a mo na ta a ma a ta
shivering in the willows of the night

sa ma da a la a
up in the twilight

torro ma a da a lam
down in the sky-land

ta la a sa a la sa
where the silver moss quivers

ta la na la da ma soh
and the pretty streams shimmer as they dream.
Oct 2020 · 163
i’m in love with you ian
ta ma na a la a
i never saw eye more pretty than yours

ta ma a la a tra
my love for you is eternal

ta ma na treeo la
i will never break my marriage vow

to na la o la sa
you were always my king

tassa la ta na sa ma la
my heart cries to the stars

ta ma na la ian
it was always ian
Oct 2020 · 197
ancient histories - egypt
sa la ma ah ah
we are of the love

sa ah ah ah ah
love is important in the world

woe woe woe woe woe
we are always in love with our lives

dee ah dee ah dee ah
love will be ours forever

ma ah ah ah ah
love will be important forever

to to to to to
hteb loves nai

canata canata canata canata
hteb loves the ray of the sun

ot ot ot ot ot
nai loves hteb

ta ta ta ta ta
the stars are beautiful

sa sa sa sa sa
the moon is beautiful
our hair has all its pretty hair of air, wine reds, platinum blondes, honey blondes, golds and light browns, gold highlights and low-lights, blues and brunettes.

they can never steal our colour.

we are allowed to have all of our pretty hair.
Sep 2020 · 224
the hanging gardens
the temples built of gold, silks finely spun,
a song of palaces in babylon,
where mede's daughter pined beneath the sun,
for mountain streams and hills to walk upon.
before the persians let the city fall,
great babylon held asia to the east,
the hanging gardens near the mighty wall,
their history told by an ancient priest.
if herodotus added to his tale,
he lent to grandeur with a poet's tongue,
a vision by euphrate's winding vale,
the river flowing where his story sung.
nebuchadnezzar built to please his queen,
to bring her trees and vines of verdant green.

amytis - daughter of king medes.
king nebuchadnezzar 2nd - built the gardens
herodotus - greek historian from ionia.
Sep 2020 · 259
anne boleyn
they took her to the doleful traitor’s gate,
where none could save her life or bring release,
along the river to a heavy fate,
no harp or dulcimer to give her peace.
the world had turned away, the tudor rose
in ruins at her feet, the fickle king,
inconstant, needing sons, the river flows
with royal blood where sorrow’s angels sing.
“to jesus i commend my soul,” she cried,
she wore damask, her mantle was ermine,  
poor cramer heard the cannon as she died,
he fell and wept, forgave her every sin.
  the strings were broken on the violin,
  that sang no more for laughing anne boleyn.
ta ma a la a na
my love for you is forever

tassa na aa aa aa ai ah
a sea that the storm starts to sway

ta ma nee a ma na sa ma nee
my eyes the colour of storm rose

ta stata ma no al la nee
my lips pink like a peony

ta ma ar aa aa aa ma ma
and as my eyes start to flutter

ta ma na da la oo ah la nah
the clouds all soft like the mist

ta ma na ah la na ah la me
i laugh at the song of your kisses

da sa ma ah la
surrender to bliss.
Jun 2020 · 307
in love with ian dream
when the ghost of the dark cried for sunset
and the darkness arrived like a storm
the cliffs all angular and windswept
to wait long for the blossoms of dawn,

the dark all a seascape of blackness
a dance that soon opened every door
the clouds darkest grey, hardly
the waves that blue anchored
the shore.

our love was a drifting of sorrow
like a tide only longing to flow
baptised while it waits for the morrow,
the moon’s tender orb all aglow,

when i kiss you beneath the
bright starlight
each star throws a fisherman’s
and your flesh tastes like silvery
like the first night we met.

the late clouds gather their silver
the wind blows like the song of a ghost,
and my heart pounds like a
burgeoning river,
and all time in its fever is lost.

the storm’s edge blows open the
the shutters pushed out from the sill
the clouds are a story of sorrow,
the evening all chill,

the night hangs her clothes in
her wardrobe
the sun sleeps like a cloudy
old bear
and all of my love like a snow
white petaled, moon-scented and fair.

i dream of you like a silvery ocean
whose tide ever beats ever back
your love all a hypnotic potion
painted silver and black.
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