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Av Jan 2019
Although no one wants
someone who is broken,
I would like to believe
that love can be found
in the darkest parts of the city.
A love that perhaps
will kiss my scars upon first glance,
rather than deciding to go back
to where I found them,
never to be seen again.
Av Dec 2020
It’s depressing to know that after all this time,
I would still take you back.
Av Jan 2019
Someone take me off
this endless ride,
I feel sick as it circles
around and around.
Av Apr 2019
"Falling for me was your fault"

His words sting as they touch my thighs
burn as they open my legs.
Av Oct 2019
Although I created the distance between us,
I have never felt miles away from the
Person sleeping beside me.
My own greed has pushed us apart
When I want so desperately to feel loved.
Av Dec 2020
I’ve come to terms with the fact
That you have built a home
Inside of my mind
And don’t plan on
Moving out anytime soon

When will I evict you?
Av Dec 2020
The end of an era is just the beginning
Av Jan 2019
You dug me a grave
and told me that
you will join too.
I jumped in
without fear,
but where are you?
Av Jan 2019
My precious needle,
shoot your empty promises
into my veins.
Make me believe
in your false realities.
Just hope that I’m not
addicted to your words.
For once your supply
is gone, I will be withdrawn
and crash.
Av Jan 2019
The hurt may go away
but your memory will
forever rest in my soul.
Av Jan 2019
You knew what you
were doing to me.
You knew that
it would hurt.
You knew my
and used those
against me.

I'm not sure what
I did to you.
I'm not sure why
you turned dark.

Maybe the darkness
was always there.
Maybe my suffering
turned you on.

Maybe I knew that
you never loved me.
Maybe I knew that
you never cared.
Maybe I let you do these
things because I
loved you too deeply.

How do you live
without me?
How am I supposed
to move on?
How am I supposed to
believe when someone
else says the things that
you said when I live
in fear of repetition?

******* for
picking me.
******* for causing
me pain.
Av Apr 2019
Another layer of hell peels
Off your perfect skin,
Revealing a side of
You that hadn’t existed.
What I see are demons
Coming forward,
Educating me about
The real you.
Av Dec 2020
I send this with love but know that
I am no longer in love with you.
Av Jan 2019
Training my brain
to no longer search
for your name on my screen
is harder than you'd think.
Av Feb 2019
My hands quake,
my mouth quivers,
my nails dig into the skin on my stomach,
my breathing grows
heavier and
Finally, you grab my hand
and I am fine.

Then I awake.
Av Dec 2020
Packing up the memories to the corner of my mind
where they will collect dust until I decide
I am ready to unpack the thought of
you no longer by my side.
Av Jan 2019
Drinking away
my thoughts.
Drinking away
my feelings.
Av Mar 2019
There comes a time when
You cry more than laugh.
That’s when it’s
Av Dec 2019
A powerful woman
Is one that
Doesn’t need a man
To take her
Av Dec 2019
How do you feel
When your makeup is
Do you like
Your reflection?
Av Dec 2020
I remembered that you said you
Wrote me a letter and I never
Received it.

Much like the time you said you
Would never leave me and
Then left.
Av Dec 2020
A glass of wine,
As sweet as your empty promises
Av Dec 2020
I long to update you on all the things
that I have been up to recently.

But I know that our memories
belong to the past
and that we were never
meant to last.

So I just update my status
to "single" and hope that
it makes you want me more.
Av Dec 2020
I saw your mom today and everything came rushing back.
The laughs
The love
The fights
The late night calls
The deep conversations
The adventures

I’ve worked so hard to get you out of my head and now it feels like you never left
Av Jan 2019
Everyone tells how strong
you are and how you
can make it on
your own but
no one dares to
speak of the times
you will be up all
night wondering
how someone
could be so
Av Dec 2020
I didn’t realize that all I
Needed to move on was
For you to unfollow me
Av Dec 2019
The lion is
Fierce but the
Lioness is
So much more.
Av Dec 2019
The wind blows
Away many things
And tears people apart.
Don’t let it
Take you away as well,
Be stronger.
Av Jan 2019
Beautiful, you said as you kissed my hand when we first met.
Perfect, you whispered as you took every last bit of my innocence.

Overjoyed, I was to have found my soulmate.

Mine, you called with anger as you groped me in public.
Sensitive, you shouted when I expressed my feelings.

Confused, I was when the sweet turned to sour.

Dumb, you declared disgustedly when I told you my dreams.
Fat, you mentioned as I undressed myself in front of you.

Rejected, I was by the person I loved the most.

My fault, it was when you grabbed my hand with force.
My fault, it was when you painted bruises on every last bit of me.

My fault, it was for letting you do this to me.
Av Feb 2019
My home was complete

when you were there.

It lit up in flames

when you left.

I now remain homeless,

until you come back to me.

— The End —