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Autumn Dec 2014
Everything that I complain about isn't even that ugly. Sometimes things **** a little but I never let it consume me.
Some things are simply a riddle and you just move on.
You come to know what feelings are the easiest and I've always found being happy quite effortless.
Being upset is a chore.
Don't stress,
There's always more.
Autumn Dec 2014
I need you like I need my favorite pillow at night when I'm cold and sad and tired and i'm just done with the day. Nothing else matters once I finally find myself in your arms. I'm ******* cliche. I try to say these things differently but I suppose now I know why they say that things are cliche for a reason.
Autumn Dec 2014
I don't know why some people are the way that they are, but that shouldn't change who you are. Just stay good and lovely and sweet, even when people are mean to you. Anger is no good.
I try my best to love people as much as I possibly can.
I build you back up in my head. I pick up the jagged pieces of all the sharp words you said. My emotions battle within my head but I always know which ones to throw out. I feel like I heal my wounds by seeing the good in you. I filter out all of the bad and throw it away time and time again. I pretend that all is perfect because I wish it was. Then you come storming in and so quickly break apart every little piece that I just so delicately put back together and most of the time you don't even know it. I'm on the floor trying to put these pieces back together again and I don't know if I can make them fit.
I'll figure it out though, I always do,
but only because I have to.
Autumn Dec 2014
Don't let anybody break that down.
You are nice and lovely and sweet and good hearted. Don't let anyone tell you that you're bad or wrong or, ugh, there is so much difference between honesty, constructive criticism, and just being a ****. Sometimes people just make things up to feel better about themselves. I have to go back to the four agreements every time.
Be impeccable with your word.
Don't take anything personally.
Don't make assumptions.
Always do your best.
That's all it comes down to. If you follow these rules every single time. you will never feel bad.
I love too many things to hate because of one thing.
You don't have to be mean, you don't have to hold grudges, you don't have to say what you think you mean,
As long as you understand, that's all that matters.
  Dec 2014 Autumn
beneath the daily noise
is the quiet sighing me
floating on a current
of poetic alchemy

i convert the grind
and bustle
calm serenity
and post the golden lies
on here, for prosperity.

and then with bluebottle
ink and jellyfish grace
i float away...
to write the insanity of another day..
leaving but a trace
of saltwater tears
in my chosen place...
Autumn Oct 2014
Tricks, treats, taffy, tutus, timber, and trees.
Night time arrives, and the children come out.
Ghosts, ghouls, witches, and even bumblebees.
Readily running round, rugged, rough route.
Mandy and Randy get lots of candy.
Meanwhile, mom and dad are at a party.
Playing charades and sipping on brandy.
By the way, whatever happened to Marty?
Mandy says she lost her in the graveyard.
Scared, spooked, shivering, she slowly saunters.
Marty makes her way to the boulevard.
With red bite marks on her neck, she falters.
If Marty’s parents had not been toking,
They could see it was Jared just joking.
Autumn Sep 2014
I miss you.
I miss you when i'm at home watching a movie and i want to add my own commentary.
but only want you to hear, but you're not near. I miss you.
I miss you when i'm scrolling through Tumblr like a loser and I see a post that i'm just dying over and I want to show you. but you're at you're own house, with you're own view.
I miss you.
I miss you as soon as you leave. even with a smile on my face because I had such a good time with you, I still can't be as happy as you make me.
I miss you basically any second that i'm not with you.
I'm not necessarily sad when you're not around, I just wish we could be together for every little boring moment of life. I know someday we'll live together and it will be lovely and I know we are young and I know it's smart to wait until we can afford it, but i just miss you by my side, I want you by my side every single night for the rest of forever.
And Ever too.
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