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I am longing for your touch
and intrepid to be burnt.
I am longing for your warmth
in the freezing climate.
I am longing for your spark
and look into your eyes.
I am longing for your brightness
in the pitch dark existence.
I am longing for your passion
to get merged with your flames.
You are the fire,
I’ve been longing to perceive.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Looking up in the sky;
counting the stars with you.
Flying with the wings so high;
seeing the sun shine besides.
Collecting all the reasons;
knowing about none.
Comforting all the seasons;
whispering to the wind.
Connecting the glittery dots;
glowing in your eyes.
Tying up all the knots;
following the destined paths.
Dressing up with all the grace;
crushing the flowers with smell.
Holding onto each place;
remembering about every bloomy spring.
Wanting of warm magic;
wrapping under creased sheets.
Welcoming the day with beans being classic;
wondering about the spice of love.
Falling on the ground;
dancing like brown leaves.
Rising up with your sound;
listening to the delicate birds.
Looking up in the sky;
counting the stars with you.
Flying with the wings so high;
seeing the sun shine besides.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
She is fond of sunsets,
yet prefers sunrise.
She cares about the weak heart,
yet is uncaring about her own.
She is surrounded by devils,
yet manages to find angels.
She is kind all the while,
yet mean at times.
She is faithful to the windy winter,
yet admires the soft summer.
She is passionate about her love,
yet apathetic in an irregular manner.
She is roughly foreseeable,
yet effortlessly unpredictable.
She is able to be whole,
yet unable to have a piece.
She is easily melted by the fire,
yet controls the tough cold core.
She lives in her own fantasies,
yet awaits an unpoetic reality.
She is a prepossessing paradox.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Can you hold my scars once more;
and be completely mine from day to night?
Can you strip your thoughts once more;
and heal my heart with a not so sinful bite?
I want to yell to feel better;
and express every letter.
Crying will gradually make me think a little less.
However my soul is relishing this mess.
But I am not going to cry ever;
as you will be safe inside me forever.
The chaotic street;
And rushing crowd,
Processing in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic mind;
And thundering veins,
Artistry in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic skin;
And gleaming bones,
The stupor in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic tongue;
And communicating fingers,
The fire in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic heart;
And vibrating lips,
Pervading in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic soul;
And sparkling eyes,
Authenticity in the midst of the chaos.
shifting or steady,
seasonal or structured,
The chaos has to be intriguing.
How beautiful the chaos is!
How peaceful the chaos feels!
Verses hold relevance like a broken crayon,
The magic in the poetry; the comfort in the chaos.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Perfect, Is It?

Why are we even bothered by 'perfect' in everything?

What is perfect? -
A cherry on the cake?
A first kiss?
A candle light dinner date?
A latest phone in hand?
A big mug of coffee?
A wallet full of notes?
A Jacuzzi?

Nothing has to be perfect -

Ever tried that fluffy and not so fancy vanilla home-made cake?
Ever tried to mess a kiss out of laughter and remembering it later?
Ever experienced a power outage and eating dal chawal on the dining table with candles?
Ever recalled those times when you met your relatives and friends only to talk and not for clicking pictures?
Ever tried a cup of tapri chai giggling with loved ones?
Ever thought of spending time with yourself and not those hard earned bucks?
Ever enjoyed dancing under a rainfall?
The little things around us make us happy. Why are we focusing on materialistic things?
Materialistic things play a negative role in our lives and it looks good only on social media.
Let nothing out of what people show off on social media affect you.
The inner happiness is prime and for that you need no word such as "perfect".

- Aishwarya
beautiful thoughts shouldn't be confined:
silence is experienced deep in the water;
soft yet strong, denying to alter...

spirits and fleshes are reluctant to combine:
now the time is slipping;
slowly the lights are also dimming...

unconscious about the belief:
dark, jovial and fragile feelings;
exploding inside and bleeding...

some like talking, some prefer to be quiet:
some show, some hide;
should confined explosions be dried?
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
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