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 Feb 2017 Ana S
In a second my life changed like i could never imagine
The world was all Topsy turvy
and i a floating object in the turmoil
A simple six letter word
Thats all it took to take my stable world away
Upon that fateful day I was 15 and the date was May 12 2008
My diagnosis Hodgkin's lymphoma stage 2 B
My freedom was stolen from me
School i could no longer attend
People i could no longer see
The world was shut away from me
Chemo and Radiation were my companions
Aiding me in my time of need
But the truth in that was they were killing me more than saving
Strong of heart was I
I would not be taken down
I tried to show no fear or sorrow
And now am thought a strong young lady by many others
The most glorious day was when the cancer went away
September 28 2008 i was told
After I regained the freedom i had lost
four months later did my true story unfold
January 12 2009 I knew something was wrong
I was right I had not yet won the fight
Hodgkin's lymphoma was back to greet me
This time worse stage 4 B had me captured
A junior in high school i had been
But now once again I could no longer attend
Chemo my friend, we were reunited
I guess it missed me
This time a new component was introduced
Bone-marrow transplant, Auto stem cell
After tackling these feats I met radiation again
September 2009 i was said to be free
it was like history repeating itself
But this time i was wary
now it is July 4 2010
I am heathy, I have graduated
but the damage my six lettered fiend has reaped upon me is still here
An immune system i no longer have
My life still on pause
But i do not care
Because i know what its like to have your life dissipate without warning
Life is like a flame it can be snuffed out in a second
So remember my words
Dont let any regret into your life
Dont pass a single moment by
Live love and try
 Dec 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
 Dec 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
I wonder if my name lights up your eyes when
you hear it; and I wonder if I constantly run
through your mind; Oh how I wonder if
you crave to hold me just as I crave to hold you.
I wonder if you draw hearts near my name,
or if you wish for me when you see a
shooting star. Or if you think of me
as you slowly drift off into sleep.

Or maybe you don't think of me
at all. And maybe my name is of no
significance to you, and you sleep
blissfully, without a thought of me
in your mind. Maybe you don't think
of me, but I can assure you that your
name is on my mind at 3 am, and
thoughts of you circle my mind
throughout the day, only hoping that
my name is on your mind as well.

 Dec 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
 Dec 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
If only you knew
the way I look
at you-

when you have your
back to me.

I smile wider than the

because I think of you
and I

 Jul 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
 Jul 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
One day, whether you
Are 14,
Or 73

You will stumble upon
Someone who will start
A fire in you that cannot die.

However, the saddest,
Most awful truth you will
Ever come to find... they are not always
With whom we spend our lives.
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
"You are not mine
but sometimes
I pretend that
you wish you were.

I create this idea
that you secretly
want me

And I often forget
it's just something
I've made up

and that
you do not want me
and you are not mine."

poem I found online that accurately captures every feeling
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
"Being in love

Without being loved back

Is like laying on a bed of flowers

And feeling a bed of nails."
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
A kiss is just a kiss
Until it is with someone
You know you will truly miss.

More to that kiss than you will ever know..
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
looked at me
like you always look at me
but there was something in the
corner of your eye that brought a sting
to my heart, like it skipped a beat and my breath
lost its balance. I could swear something changed in
the air like I saw you differently now, deeper maybe.
And then you touched my hand and I could swear
I lost my sight because you were all that I
could see, and I smiled because I knew
that I had fallen in love with you
but then my heart skipped
a beat again, because
what if you didn't
feel the same."

original: [bgt]
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
 May 2016 Ana S
Emily Espinosa
I guess what tore me apart was that I'd always wished for epic love stories even though they often ended with sad goodbyes, so when it happened to me I was caught a little off guard. I never expected to fall for you, but I did and then you left and I was heartbroken because it was too late. I could never confess to you what kicked inside my heart. I could never confess to you, that I was falling in love with you.

                                                           ­                         [E]
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