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efni 7d
my insides are hollow
and painful to the touch
like burnt flesh

but when you have
become nothing

any pain that you feel
becomes you

my pain has finally swallowed me whole.

my heart has gone, how am i still breathing?
my pain is overflowing but i am not drowning. i have become the water.
efni Mar 10
i'm so disappointed that
i can't even find the words
but are there any to find
in the first place?

because I have this familiar feeling

a feeling that comes around
when there really isn't
anything left to say but

you really let me down this time, it's time for me to let you go.
thank you for the memories.
efni Mar 6
when you slashed my skin
your sorry excuses held me together
like ***** tangled stitches
killing me slowly with infections
only to continue bleeding

endlessly bleeding

this is a poem about my abusive ex-boyfriend. i left him around 6 months ago now.

i'm healing from the scars.
i'm not bleeding anymore.
efni Mar 6
we're just friends with memories now but

my heart remains stuck to you
even after my mind abandoned you
even after i said goodbye

i'll let you go someday
but I'll let my love stick around
for a little while longer

inspired by my persevering love for you and our song, "Glue Song" by beabadoobee ft. clairo.

im glad you're still in my life.
efni Mar 6
as soon as i climbed onto my roof
the sun hid nervously behind the clouds

its rays of heat were
replaced by the cool breeze,
a musician,
which rustled the trees,
its instruments.

slowly the sun began to shine between
the shadows of the leaves that watched
the wind wrestle with the returning heat

bright and windy days are one of my favourite kinds
efni Feb 22
is there any chance you know of a place that
i could rest my pain, for just a second?

i know i can hold it but it is dreadfully heavy
and i am more exhausted than
words can describe

is there any chance you could show me
somewhere i do not have to be strong?

i have died from exhaustion several times over in my life. have you ever known such a death? i pray you never will.

and i pray, one day, i can start to forget what it feels like.
efni Feb 22
i think if i stopped fighting
my joints would give way
rendering me a small pile
of bones, flesh and blood

i think if i stopped fighting
to keep it all together
i would crumble for good.

as long as i can remember, to live meant to fight. so, unknowingly, I understood that to die meant to rest.

maybe one day i can learn to live without fighting. i am awfully tired.
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