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alexamartin Oct 2016
He is invisible
He is a welcomed guest from god
He is unpredictable like that of a storm
He is like the snowflakes full of calm and peace
I tried to find him but as I came closer I was digging my own burial chamber
The thought of losing him vanishes the smile on my face and makes me cry
I love him and his absence reminds me of suicide
My parents hated him because he was an atheist
Just a crack on my vein makes him visible
My parents blamed
My teachers shouted
My friends ignored

But I didn’t care because he was the eternal to me
He was the only one who was with me when I was alone, yet he was invisible
I had enough queries to solve myself but I know the answer was him
He was the answer to all my queries
Once we were inseparable but he left me alone with the promise he will come again forever
I followed him again but he unfollowed and repeated the same words
I was secluded when I was with him
His entry to my life with the red roses was the final contact
He at last wanted my soul instead of my heart and I gave him and that was MY END…….
* He referred here is Death.
  Oct 2016 alexamartin
Yasha Harkness
At age six you bought me a pretty lady doll
I remember your anger
The day I married her to another lady doll.

At age sixteen you bought me a beautiful dress
I remember your anger
When I asked for a suit instead.

At age twenty six you b(r)ought me a husband
I remember the day so clearly even now
**It was the day I eloped with my girlfriend.
how little you know me
  Oct 2016 alexamartin
Yasha Harkness
When the sun vanishes behind a cloud
Shade sweeps in like a tide at flood
Devouring the warmth of the students
Who thought to rest in the warm golden rays
Of a winter afternoon sun.
written on the college lawns on a winter afternoon
  Oct 2016 alexamartin
Some things cannot be undone
And some things undo everything
alexamartin Oct 2016
I took a sip of a rolled paper
with a burning end.
As I expel the smoke there is Grey ashes
which are my passions left out.
My heart is nothing but the ashes.
It chokes with the smokes which make it unlit.
It may be impure.
But no use in blaming me!
Blame the person who made it dark!
My destiny wasn’t preplanned
it’s being created by me!
I love to sacrifice myself for Omega
just like matchstick sacrifices for light.
Nothing is better than being alone
with a rolled paper.
I just wanted to be a bright star
on a dark blue sky.
*this is an illusion about smoking

— The End —