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377 · Mar 2016
Body Language
I love the way
your breath tastes,
and how it
feeds me life.
I love the way
your hands talk,
and the things
they say to me.
I love the way
your eyes smile,
and how they
always match mine.
I love the way
your legs shake,
and how strong
they always are.
I love the way
your chest listens,
and sets the pace
for my own heart.
I love the way
you move your toes,
whenever you feel
you're so close.
I love the way
you hair falls,
and it hides your
face from the world.
I love the way
your back moves,
and how it feels
so warm and strong.
I love the way
your neck beats,
and how it
helps me exist.
I love the way
your mouth stutters,
when air and words
fight to come out.
I love the way
your body combusts,
because mine does
the same for yours.
364 · Mar 2016
The Hardest Part
The hardest part isn’t waking up
The hardest part is getting up
When you barely slept at all and your mind races
The difficult part is opening your eyes
When there are demons eating away your mind
When your heart is racing and your hands are shaking
The painful part is when the ache is too real
When its not just your mind shattering,
But your body breaking too
When you wheeze for air and clutch at your chest
When your hands are shaking and there’s not enough air
When the nightmares close up around you
But the most tiring part, the most exhausting part
Is trying to hide it all cause you’re supposed to be happy
Cause you’re not supposed to fall.
358 · Oct 2015
Question No. 1
What's so wrong
     about needing a little
      to exist?
350 · Oct 2015
002 (15 words)
I say less than half
of everything that I see,

          thus, silence is my hell.
Stop looking at me so sad
I'm okay
I'm breathing fine
Stop looking at me so sad
I'm fine
The sun always did shine
Stop looking at me so sad
My mind's right
No need to be taken aback
Stop looking at me so sad
I am fine
332 · Oct 2015
Waking Up
I had a dream once,
   I dreamt we’d grow old together
      I woke up young and alone.
330 · Sep 2016
001 (10 words)
We are damaged,
     You and I,
But we're not broken
330 · Nov 2015
about my heart
i don't know
maybe my heart
doesn't belong
to me anymore
maybe it just
never did
maybe that's
the reason why
it sometimes
hurts so bad
it is trying
to run away
somewhere quiet
where it's not
all on its own
all the time
323 · Nov 2015
I need someone who loves me tenderly
Someone whose kisses are kind.
Maybe someone who listens carefully
To everything that can't be spoken.
Someone who realizes I break easily
And lets me know that it is fine.
Someone who loves my weakness
And talks me through the night.
Someone to unravel or disappear with
And to forget all about time.
I need someone to catch me when I fall
And knows to wait for me to get up.
Someone who will make feel strong
When I can barely manage to stand up.
But what I need the most is someone
Who does it all without me knowing it.
     So I can feel I am the one they are
           Able to rely on any time.
323 · Mar 2018
For future references
To understand who I am
   You gotta know

That when I'm happy I feel sad
and that I'm always
sad when I'm feeling happy
321 · Oct 2015
At 2 a.m.
I want a love who
loves me dearly,
I want a love who
loves me well.
I want to be taken
by the hand,
I want to be guided
out of hell.
I want a heart that
is beating wildly,
I want a perfect match
for mine.
I want a flame that
lasts forever,
and slowly burns me
from the inside.
I want a dream that
goes on forever,
I want it to always
be the night.
319 · Mar 2016
The Reason
The reason for which I could
never write a book
is that I've read so much
I can't tell if my thoughts
are something I read
or something I wrote.
308 · Oct 2015
001 (5 words)
I forgot myself
               for you.
300 · Feb 15
im sitting here
      daydreaming about


                            your hands

your lips

                     your body

feeling them
     all over me


    all the time

because i remain yours
      but youre no longer
299 · Mar 2016
Dreams, just that.
Dreams, just that.
Dreams, illusions of the mind,
mockeries from my subconscious,
my hopes and fears
introduced as an incoherent mass.
Senseless, without reason,
without purpose.
Dreams, just that.
They aren't true,
they aren't real,

But oh how they help me
breathe throughout the night.
291 · Jan 2016
2,555 Days
And so it was that time passed by,
                               the years came and went,
  and every minute seemed like the first,
every look, renewed.
                Every vow was new.
Even when the only words left to say were
              "I Love You"
       it seemed as if they were always being said
   for the first time.
284 · Sep 2016
002 (10 words)
sad days
makes me happy,
I met
You there.
283 · Mar 2016
007 (15 words)
      I just want to write about
sad things.
                          Even though I´ve never been
279 · Jul 2017
An elegant...
The only way to leave a life filled with sorrow
is with a great, grand,


and no tomorrow.
273 · Oct 2015
001 (15 words)
I am so tired of love,
     I am.

But, I can't get enough

                        of it.
its sad

on the other hand,

257 · Sep 2018
and why they make me happy
i wanna talk
about the things that make me sad

and why
to me
226 · Jun 2016
002 (5wds)
    Love just fades
215 · Dec 2018
001 (3 words)
214 · Aug 2018
we're all made of stardust
thinking back to a time
we were shining bright

wishing it back
waiting till someone sees us
without realizing


we're all made of stardust
with some melancholy
completed with nostalgia

but we still shine so bright
206 · Jul 2017
I want everyone to know.
I want everyone to miss you
Like I do
            Only not quite
202 · Feb 2018
What perfection looks like
Your head resting on my shoulder
Your nails digging into my skin
Your heart beating with mine
Us forever becoming one
198 · Aug 2018
hope comes at last
don't get stuck

        move on

                   the best is yet to come
190 · Mar 26
loved the idea of me
       unloved me
so quickly
     i cant help
       but to wonder
  if i was ever
       or if you just
189 · Feb 2018

How I yearn
105 · Mar 26
you are

and im nowhere

you are

and im nothing

life always finds its
35 · Mar 26
i regret

— The End —