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ajit patel Jun 2018
Left for Goa with some trepidation,
Consoled Wifi and Boss
that, will resume service
with renewed vigour after 17.

On to the Re-Union.

It's been some time
since have met those guys,
and there are few girls too..
Some of them I knew
Some were acquaintances..

On to the Re-Union.

Did not know what we would do,
just a few rounds of drinks,
and old memories rekindled ,
was all I expected.

Yeah... On to the Re-Union.

Arrived a day late
and on to the contrary,
the excitement palpitated
through my rather smart phone
of the party already, started.
Instant messages throwing images
of bonhomie and ribaldry..

Ahaa its the Re-Union.

On seeing me the gang was excited
as I was tha long lost shipmate,
arriving from the dead..
The look of them, older and curvier,
with edges given way to gentle roundels.
Ample greys and ample tummies.
Eyes crinkled with Laughing lines,
foreheads furrowed with long worries..

Tis what happens at a Re-Union.

Love just overflowed,
as did the beeya,
we danced away like tiny teens,
each hug an acknowledgement
from another battered old soul,
of recognition,
that I am you and you are me,
not different from each otha.

That I have survived
and will thrive,
and will not let go now......
that I have found you...
For the Reunion of the gang at Goa in Jun, 2017
ajit patel Jun 2018
A shining bright dot of a lamp,
on a frozen dark blizzard of a night,
I trudge with heavy leaden feet,
to a promise of a warm heart!
Thoughts for the other me.
ajit patel Jun 2018
I sleep walked through life.
Bending to the will and needs of the others.
I concealed my sorrows,
and ****** back the tears
I closed my eyes and
Closed my ears.
To the world inside and out.
Floating in slow motion,
Counting each day as passed.

Till I crashed into you.

You made me sing songs,
which I did not know
My closed eyes see beauty,
where none existed.
My ears ****** with gentle music
Waves of joys fill my heart,
My body vibrates in rapture
at your mere touch.

As I tune into the divine.

Through you.
Thoughts by the other me.
ajit patel Mar 2018
very mysterious DP....
you look deep in thoughts,
dreams flowing like wind,
through your mind and hair.
pink, a reflection of the soft warmth
of your *****.
Mood evoked on seeing her DP.
ajit patel May 2017
I stand by a tiny lake,
nights fine just about cool enough.
Mesmerizing ripples play
a fine refrain,
on a Divine instrument,
being strummed by a being unknown.

Senses stand on the edges,
as Bacchus takes effect.
Its a cheap liquor,
but it will do just fine.
The darkness and me.

Stillness of water interrupted,
now a flip of a mermaids fin ,
a rainbow glint on her sinuous ***,
pale gold of her rising ******* illuminate the dark,
water and spreads in tiny threads,

A new moon rises,
its cool rays
outline the nearby glades,
silent observers
to my solitary pleasures,

A splash made by a frog nearby
adds  gentle rhythm,
to the slow music,
ripples caress the wet shore

I can spend a lifetime
watching the waves.

A souls purpose of being here
is to watch the waves.
Copyright : Ajit Patel 13th May, 2017
ajit patel May 2017
I know it's late,
But thoughts can't wait,
It would be futile
to call on you in the night,
to let you know, the churns
on in my mind,
as you would be busy,
with one of your many thingies
But my thoughts of you can't wait,
for the night


for you to to see,
what you  cant see,

No they can't.
Copyright : Ajit Patel, 9th May, 2017
ajit patel Mar 2017
Umpteen years of gentle love,  
touching of souls,  melting hearts.  
Burnt lava nd acid too.

Two of us as one,  in a random epoch of time.
Is God ordained or  a throw of dice?  
A matter of deep speculation is.

Look at this humble Plumeria, Sweet Love,  
a hardy plant it is,  
It's lived through a couple of droughts,
two leaves still shiny,
look forlorn on its gnarled trunk,  
for It's tiny buds long burned by heat,
refuse to sprout any further greens.

A hope in its will to live,
and flower once every year.
What better a symbol of our  connect than
this mute brute of a shrub.

I give this plant to thee my dear,
take good care of it,
water it and watch it live,  
for its life is a symbol of our love..

Do not worry too,  if it dies,  for its only a glyph..

I'll plant another tree for you,
This time a mango,
which will grow big and olive under your tender hands..
to again ikonize a new phase..
One that gives fruit and shade,
to generations of birds and bees,
us in our old age,

and an abode to our Haunted Undead Souls!
(c) Ajit Patel, 9th March, 2017
For  M
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