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AJ Farruco Feb 2023
I wanna burn something/
But there's no flag available/
How would I look in a toe tag?/
Paint my soul black for protection/
So the vultures can't see me/
Double edged sword/
I don't feel; cut my fingers off/
The sky is falling/
And I knew it would, eventually/
Must warn others/
But I slept, cryogenically/
I am not woke/
Caveman in an iceberg/
Watcher, but all I see is imperfection/
Observe the timeloop/
Can't stop it from happening again/
I hear the tick tick tick/
And it's nervous/
Not dead or alive/
Hothead in a vicegrip/
I won't apologise for existing/
God wants me here/
So we both have to deal with it/
Endurance test/
Try cheat and I win./
© + ® A.J. Farruco, 18/02/2023.
AJ Farruco Jul 2022
Blood is thicker than water/
Under a burning bridge/
With the petrol and sawdust/
You can't unchop trees/
You can't just laugh it off/
You can't not be yourself/
Alt version/
Out of focus on purpose/
I am just a blur at long distance/
Nowhere man, with short fingers/
A sore back, and forehead marked/
Blood is thicker than water/
In my eyes, and it stings/
I feel annoyed more than upset/
I can't stop bleeding out/
Grief is my default setting/
Don't get over it, just get on with it/
Acting like I'm not dysfunctional/
What a joke; it ain't nothing new/
Another cycle in the mindfog/
And everyday I wake up is groundhog/
Kind of... with slight variations/
A vampire finds God/
Celibate 'til lust takes over again/
Blood is thicker than water/
My heart is broken/
Can't remember when it wasn't/
Pops is not a ghost, I am/
Present like a hologram/
The laziest poltergeist/
Only haunt myself./
© + ® A.J. Farruco, 08/07/2022.
AJ Farruco Feb 2022
Lying in bed/
Devil’s in my peripheral/
Apologies feel like lies/
Gotta deal with it/

Put the real in surrealism/
Don’t want no fake positivity/
Read my grimace/

Reverse Russian roulette/
Sweating bullet-trains of thought/
Nobody listens/
But everybody talks too much/

Bite your two faces/
Ghost dog/
New rabies/
Shattered psyche/
Tastes like porcelain/
Life is a chewtoy/
Full of rat poison & used razors/

We raise zombies/
Only say sorry when they’re hungry/
Wear my grief like a hoodie/
In the summertime/

Smelly cat/
Memory like an elephant man/
Call me what you want/
Don’t know what I deserve/
Dead eyes/
Two piles of ash/

Mental blockhead/
Nail biter/
Don’t want to be nowhere/
Permanent standby/
Autopilot oblivion/

Lost in sin again/
Too busy with their own ****/
But when it goes down/
You all saw it coming.../
AJ Farruco Jan 2022
Life don't fight fair, I know/
But you can't run with broken legs/
Or hide forever from harsh realities/

Scared of the dark, but/
The dark is a part of you now/
The devil you know is better than/
Ghosts with no faces/

Acknowledge your demons/
Don't play the victim/
Learn your lesson/
Use experience to grow/

Accept the pain/
It'll dampen over time/
Deep wounds won't heal/
If you don't work overtime/

When at war/
Make peace with your situation/
Take responsibility for your part/
The past ain't changing.../

All you've got is now./
AJ Farruco Sep 2021
Some form of depression/
Don't perform well under pressure/
Existential dread all my life/
Always thinking of death/
Obsession leads to mania/
Can't force myself to care/
Or do things I don't like/
Difficult to get, or keep jobs/
Anxiety over societal expectations/
Really **** at small talk/
Can't relate to others/
And they can't relate to me/
Stuck in a weird place/
Alone, with trust issues.../

Always knew/
But never wanted to explore/
Don't want drugs/
Just a proper diagnosis./
AJ Farruco Jul 2020
My whole entire life is/
An existential crisis/
I feel like an alter of my wife/
Just left the masjid/
Feeling lifeless/
Staggered back home/
A lone ranger in the white void/
I miss my bro's/
They don't exist anymore/
They've all missed the point.../
No return, except Moses/
Burning bush talker/
And I thank God/
When I felt empty/
Threw the glass at the wall/
You saw the blessing/
In the pieces/
Didn't get divorced/
Still got time with my Dad/
None of my kids hate me yet/
Got somewhere to sleep/
I'm doing "good"/
So, al-Hamdulillaah/
But I still feel cold/
Broken glass/
On the ground/
Getting walked over./
AJ Farruco May 2020
Every night/
You tell yourself "tomorrow"/
But wake up feeling tired/
Missing yesterday/
Can't get out of bed/
Cold is misery/
Freeze all motor functions/
Winter in my bones/
Windburn on my face/
Westworld foxhole/
Questioning the nature of/
My reality TV/
Not putting on a show/
Hate me for who I truly am/
Rather be loved by none/
Than not myselves/
We are not one/
Even I am not one/
Everyone has a choice/
Don't force me to make a bad.../
Wonder Showzen/
Ramadaan broken/
Fallen through the thin ice/
Can't find an opening/
Mind running wildfire/
Body cryogenically frozen/
Out of kitchen sync./
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