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Jack P May 2019
press your forehead on the barrel of hope
put your neck inside the optimist's rope
jump off a bridge, into the warm light below...

...crack your skull on the idea of tomorrow.
our futures are deposits, our pasts are savings, our presents are giving us withdrawals
Jack P May 2019
living in fear of the allostatic load
hopscotching tire marks on a bare and open road
do we drag down this life to where life dare not go?
we are living in fear of the allostatic load.

if 'when' is an if, and 'if' is a when
then what's never happened will happen again
the one-armed men will count upwards to ten
on phantoms taken by the allostatic load.

(of hair: massage scalp, condition, brush regularly, dry gently - keep what is lost in fistfuls, dead hard protein, dead fast head spins)

when limbs give way under the allostatic load
softened up by atrophy
trapped under the debris of a broken home
familiar hands will come for me.
we can hold hands if we promise, to go to the same place, at the same exact time
Jack P Apr 2019

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i am just a little creature. i cannot change this
Jack P Mar 2019
let us try brave resolve
till tongues untwisted
doing the ritual whisp
where found its rhythm in the breeze --
cocked back like a hammer
cutting through the silence
was the creaking of an open palm.

would you like to go for a swim?
it is cold and it is dark
but parts of us dispersed
across the eavesdropping tide
makes for a wonderful place to drown.


a secret is like a burden,
when it is shared, it is halved.
i'd love it if we made it
Jack P Mar 2019
\                                                     /
  \                                                 /
    \                                             /
      \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /
        \the brain would be a  /
          \ glass half full were /
            \it not for this,        /
              \ stupid and        /                  
                \ persistent      /
                  ----------------l /
                     ­                    k
may the formatting gods shine down upon me this day
Jack P Feb 2019
it would be nice, i think, if we managed to prevent growing apart fast,

so if you had any respect for me you'd fly your red flags at half-mast.
how come the short ones get all the attention
Jack P Feb 2019
take me to the vet
now! now! now!
i'm not feeling so good
take me to the vet.            

my throat makes a foreign noise
show me! show me! show me!
two cold hands
a violet command
take me to the vet.

you look like you'd taste nice
the salt! the salt! the salt!
watch my little tongue retract
take me to the vet.

picked me up against my will
put me down! put me down! put me down!
living, breathing trophy mutt
take me to the vet.

time to silence this old bark
put me down! put me down! put me down!
final car ride
head out window
empty food bowl
lead curled up on the piano
gate creaks open
achilles heel (achilles, heel!)
take me to the vet.
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