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I fell in love with you
And I grew accustomed to you
Maybe I should never have
Because now that I’ve left you
Every other potential partner I would had have
I automatically start lookin’ for a part of you in them
And when I can’t find any
My heart is devoid of the love it yearns to express.
God sat in the heavens
Every single angel
worshipin' him
He got bored
and so decided to fashion man
for his amusement
I have been to hell
and have seen angels dressed in rags
I have been to paradise
and have seen devils crowned with glory.
This life is both at once a charismatic tragedy and a callous joke.
Welcome to the malevolent
I am the intersection between Bad and Evil
The very genesis of sin
The bitten fruit
Man couldn't refrain from eating
The slick nasty sinister beast
Woman couldn't help but listen to
I am the Night with twinkles of Star lights
I am the intersection between Dawn and Darkness
I am the Temptation
Cajoling voices nagging behind your head
Mix the Filthy, the Slicky, and the Nasty.
You get me.
I am the sin
Christ came to bound
The sin lurkin' in your shadows
I died on the night I was born
-- and I only just knew yesterday, while staring at the ghost
--grinning from the mirror.
When I die,
I’ll get buried.
And like buried seeds,
I’ll sprout back some day.
U've stolen moments of my time
Because minutes won't tick by without thoughts of u

U've stolen parts of me
Because a part of me yearns for u
I hear tiny whispers of ur voice lurkin' within my head
I see images of u everywhere I look
I tell myself it isn't love
I don't know how love feels
but this couldn't be it
Nagging. Lurking. _Whispering. _Calling.
This isn't love

_I hope.
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