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AB Dec 2013
We overpay to over-eat,
then we feverously attempt
to burn this excess.

To hide our gluttony,
we pay for the gym,
burning precious electricity.

To fit the mold,
of celebrities we pay to idolize,
we desperately lust for perfection.

This vicious cycle,
of over-indulgence combined with
expensive repercussions fuels our desire
to appear modest.
AB Feb 2012
I'll drink a tall glass of pride
with a twist of lime.

With a fake smile,
and the guise of fine.
AB Feb 2012
My life's a paradox, in a melting ***
Been struggling to connect the dots.

That's the reason why I dance
when the music stops.

Jamming to the rhymes in my head
when the beat drops.
AB Dec 2011
I work so hard
just to remind you I exist.

Please don't forget
because we could be something.
AB Nov 2011
The wind and cold took a toll on his soul,
now this trash-can fire burns black like coal.

Wrinkles run deep, as if chiseled in stone.
His tattered clothes desperately need sewn.

By now austerity is his only friend,
and has seen too much pain to comprehend.

His sternly watches the passers-by
But they're too scared to look him eye-to-eye

Hes an animal trapped in this concrete zoo,
laughter is foreign and time is askew.

Now it seems so clear they lied

They told him he'd be a hero and a legend.
But his veteran's parade is still just pretend. . .
AB Nov 2011
We just won't let this fire die.

As soon as it starts to smolder,
either you get lonely or I get drunk.

And this whole ******* forest,
is once again engulfed.

I desperately try to put it out
but, my words are water on a grease fire

. . .and we both get burnt.
AB Nov 2011
I remember when life wasn't just a painting.
When love was alive and dreams had dimension.

Now this still-life landscape is an eternal winter.
The snow doesn't sparkle and memories are forgotten.

Maybe one day the brushstrokes will cease,
maybe the artist will break free
from his imprisoned canvas.

'Til that day I'm stuck in his apathetic craft. . .
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