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Yordi Feb 2021
Let’s inhale the air our gods gave us
moist our skin with the rays of the sun
And when we meet death eye to eye let her feed me to the earth for the on going cycle of life to continue while my consciousness takes off to roam the infinite space time continuum....
My brain takes off
Yordi Apr 2020
Writing my story of 2020
Where this virus Covid took the life’s of many
It started as a joke
We would laugh and take a ****
Weeks passed , questions stuck
In our heads
Could this be true or just a lie
Can this be another hoax
Of the criminal with the eye ?
Just faded writing some stuff at home
Yordi Aug 2019
How do I stop seeing your radiant face through my days?
why do I keep hearing the tune of your alluring voice
In my head
I just met you yet there was so much left unsaid
Like a shooting star Illuminating the sky
Not focused on any other
How could I
When my eyes were caught by your smile and hair color
i know its soon
But can we share one more night  
With the moon
Where you are the only one in sight
i promise you ill keep this in and be polite
Since I just met you this probably wont sound right
Yordi Aug 2019
Why must we mope in our thoughts why must we swim among the infinite waves that our mind throws at us
As if were lost at sea
Were you the land that i found that caused me to feel safe?
Did you really take me in your shore
Did you really care about my well being
I seemed to have found land
I now feel safe among this rich warm sand
I am at ease and have found my peace
Yet I seem to miss the feeling of being lost at sea lost in my head
Swimming through the infinite thoughts through the infinite “what ifs”
The only place where there is no time
That place is my mind
Where silence has a sound.
Yordi Feb 2019
Can I please forget
It’s as if you caught me in your net
I wish to leave and also believe
That you’ll notice me
But I’m in the back of the line
There’s still three in front of me
Before you can see
What I actually feel
Isn’t a lie it’s pure and it’s real
No luck
Yordi Feb 2019
Rainy nights
Dark and cold
Alone on the road
Tires swerve
out my lane onto the curve
Goodbye to my only friend
The end
Yordi Feb 2019
My head is full of thoughts
My heart will stay waiting till it rots
It beats for you
Slowly but surely
I wonder how your love would be
Patently I wait holding myself back
I just hope it’s not too late
He broke your heart
Now it’s locked with a gate
How stupid he was
To lose your heart for quick lust
You’re a queen
A beautiful girl that just can’t be unseen
Will I have a chance
Or Shall I forever stay in this love trance
Idk if I should ever show this girl my poems
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