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Zeya Khan Apr 2021
One day you will blink your eyes for one last time
and someone with a heavy heart will close it for one last time only to be never opened again.
Your heart will beat for one last time,
Your neurons will form one last synapse
Your brain will send one last commandŲŒ
Your muscles will contract for one last time!

In that moment it will feel like as if your entire life was a mirage that ended with the blink of an eye!!

And you will be gone and erased from existence as if you never existed in the first place.....
So enjoy every moment of it while you still can!
Zeya Khan May 2020
It's only at the end,
When we revere the beginning!!
Zeya Khan Apr 2020
You take my breath away. When I have the sight of you.
When you're not around
it's then that I have found
that nothing seems to be
good enough for me.
For I'm missing the sweet part
that's deep within my heart
that keeps each breath I take
in a constant search for thee.

You take my breath away.
You make me want to stay
And feeling like I do
just from the sight of you
will always make me feel
TO her!!
Zeya Khan Apr 2020
I still visit the door
That was slammed in my face,

In the hope that maybe
One day the door will open!
That the stone heart of hers will melt
And she will be mine!!

Deep down I know
It's just a delusion!!
But, even if I don't want to
My heart will keep on reiterating
Her name for forever!!
I have faith in myself that
Maybe one day that door will open!!
To the girl who stole my heart
Zeya Khan Feb 2020
It's only in our darkest hours
When we listen to our higher calling!!

When soul is replenished and mind is purged of all negativity and deprivity,

When the clouds of dilemma and delusion sheds away,
When long lost thoughts gets direction
And all of a sudden all the pain and sufferings make sense!!
Zeya Khan Dec 2019
You will always stay with me,
Whether it's in the form of melody playing in my brain,
Or the poison
running through my veins!!
Zeya Khan Nov 2019
All of a sudden
Everything seems to be falling apart when lust strikes,
And i get destroyed,
each and everytime
the vicious cycle repeats itself!
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