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William Eberlein Jun 2019
I'm still worried about my acne at 25.
Maybe it's stress...
Or bad diet...
Or both.

I'm not tall.
And I'm not long.
Short enough to make a difference in either direction.
Knowledgeable enough to learn.
Patient enough for ease.
Willing enough to be me.

I look forward to habit,
Like a habit.

To experiment and in two turn, implement.

We can be.
We are.
And, we have been.

I anticipate this ten fold feeling
Thousands of times.

You were placed on my path for a reason.

If for this emotion and nothing else...
Then I embrace it in full for as long as it takes.
Yet if you want me to pray,
Know that I beg it to take me away.

Thanks to me for bringing myself to a place where I can say...
Thank you.


One of the few lovely souls
That I was ever willing to let be a part of me.

You must come to understand
That my eyes don't work like they used to.

I see not just somebody.
I see you,
Through your beautiful stained glass windows,
To the infinite beyond.

May you relearn to look in the mirror as I see you.

Because I see you.

Only you.
William Eberlein Jun 2019
You're an Endling, darling.

That's what you are.

The last living piece of a far away star.

Your eyes and that mind behind tell of a galaxy yet to be discovered by any terrestrial creature here on Earth.

The dimensions peel away to reveal parts of your soul in the deep forest.

In the sewn seams of mountain and sky.

And in the flower strewn meadows of the valley.

A lost and serendipitous traveler is he, to gaze upon you... The beacon to all beauty and all of its beautiful ideas.

There indeed in truth be a light that never leaves you.

May we look upon your crown and tremble to know that the divine feminine has taken to human flesh at long last.

I dare say that even the stars have seated themselves across this universal amphitheater to witness your life in its entirety.

Your every breath and every heartbeat gives them a reassurance that their ticket was worth the price of admission.

And when you choose to shuffle off this mortal coil, darling... Please know that this world will breathe nothing so lovely again.
William Eberlein Nov 2018
Give it a rest William.
She isn't here.
Let her go.
She deserves a good life,
a fulfilling life.
She deserves a life as beautiful as she is.
Lay the memory of her to rest.
Place the memory of her down at the bedrock of your soul,
but do it gently.
She deserves more than you.
She deserves more than you could ever give.
She deserves more than you could ever be.
Let her go William.
Set her free.
William Eberlein Aug 2018
In a system like this
there are meant to be losers.

Why do you think I exist?
William Eberlein May 2016
Innocent eyes staring back at me and my guilty filthy soul.

So mucked up and even deeper a grit I feel, for tainting such a starfull sky beyond which all trains traverse.

Leave me behind,
In the dirt I prefer.

So that I may sow my seeds for yet another blackened blend of months and grow them into years...

All the same.

All in a row.
William Eberlein May 2016
We are getting older.
And the adventures we didn't partake
Are barren to the memory yet vividly clear.
Dare I say, unbearably so.
I ask not of god, but instead to the phantom me that I will never see...
To be swift with his blade and blessing.
May he cleave me in two,
Spilling my blood upon the dessert sands
And pick from it
The fragments of mine soul.
William Eberlein May 2016
This existence is a drug,
And I intend to overdose.
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